hello apple guys, why do live photos lose their live-ness even when going thru proprietary iMessage? what is the best way transfer these live photos between users even for testing? i see the little icon indicating it is a live photo on the "sent" side of the message, but on the rec'vd side it shows as a regular photo.
Is there a simple way in the newer iOS versions to make all black pixels transparent for an image? I see a whole bunch of super complicated stuff online on how to do this for colors other than black involving color cube mapping etc, but it seems like it should be a 1 line filter operation. Any ideas from the Apple experts?
hi all, getting an error reading ProRes vid on a non ProRes phone (12 mini)
video was sync'd via icloud to the 12mini
video plays ok in the apple photos app, but our asset reader is puking on it
the same code works ok on the phone where the pro res video was made
AVAssetReader * asset_reader = [[AVAssetReader alloc] initWithAsset:asset error:&error];
NSMutableDictionary* dictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[dictionary setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:/*kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarFullRange*/
kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA] forKey:(NSString*)kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey];
AVAssetReaderTrackOutput* asset_reader_output = [[AVAssetReaderTrackOutput alloc] initWithTrack:video_track outputSettings:dictionary];
[asset_reader addOutput:asset_reader_output];
[asset_reader startReading];
asset reader error code is:
(NSInteger) $1 = -11833 localized msg = "Cannot Decode"
note that i had tried a different recommended pixel format instead of the older BGRA we wer using (commented out). didn't work either. this is older code.
anyone see this, know of workarounds?
we are doing something like this to get photo data from photo kit (see code)
however, when the media is on iCloud, it seems like it is trying to pull the highest res possible (e.g. for RAW photos or ProRes vid maybe). which can take a lonnnng time if you are on a cellular net. this completely bogs down the app.
is there a recommended way to get a normal res media item from this (e.g. not pull the highest res from icloud?); either a standard jpeg or a lower res movie?
[phasset requestContentEditingInputWithOptions:options
completionHandler:^(PHContentEditingInput *contentEditingInput, NSDictionary *infoin) {
has anyone noticed this query being a lot slower in newer iOS versions?
we try to get counts of all assets in all asset collections (folders) to display in a selector table for the user to select an album to work with, and it seems to be lagging recently when there are a lot of assets involved
maybe some of the assets are on iCloud? not sure. getting user reports of speed issues.
we are trying to set .fetchLimit in fetch options to a number like 1000 or so to keep it from scanning all assets as a test to see if we get fewer complaints, but will have to wait for user feedback and our tracking metrics to see if it speeds up or not on real user devices with lots of photos.
regarding counts, we are seeing users with 100k+ assets on a device (photos & videos).
anybody else noticing : unable to pair iphone ios16.x to mac via bluetooth?
i upload a binary from xcode, it shows as "uploaded," but on appstoreconnect, it does not appear. it doesnt even say "processing" or something like that. why?
hi all, we are using the UITabBarItem (s) with custom images, works great when the tab bar items are actually in the bottom tab bar, using the special mode of
[... imageWithRenderingMode:UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysOriginal];
however, when we have overflow tabs that show in the More... view controller, the tab bar images show as a solid rectangle
any tricks to solve this?
see attached, bottom tab is great, but the top More... controller ... not so great
sometimes i get external modules to integrate using the <path/file.h> form for header file paths (even tho they are not apple framework or system files). sometimes i get them with the "path/file.h" form. sometimes they work. sometimes they don't. there are many header file settings in the xcode build settings. i count at least 11 settings for header search paths in xcode. there may be more. does anyone have a definitive Apple guide to all this complexity with respect to ObjC headers in one place? every time there are header file search problems, it seems to involve a random process of changing various settings until everything builds, but that seems to be the wrong way. it also takes a long time.
hello all,
any idea if you can set the background color of one of these new SFSymbol images?
i tried this paletteColors: method, it seems to take only the first color and use it as the foreground color
UIImageSymbolConfiguration * config =
[UIImageSymbolConfiguration configurationWithPaletteColors:@[[UIColor blueColor], [UIColor redColor]]];
UIImage * confMatImageSel = [UIImage systemImageNamed:@"square.grid.2x2"
i would like to code sign a mac app but leave out the hardened runtime business because some third party libraries (python-related if it is important) are causing troubles with that.
e.g. the benefit of code signing is that it keeps people from modifying the app contents. this is of course a benefit even without the hardened runtime.
is there a way to do this any more? it seems like it used to be an option.
i realize this requires non app store distribution.
i just have a simple mac app, trying to set the font for an NSTextView in interface builder. IB UI says No Font, but when i try to select a font, it keeps saying No Font (e.g. that bit of the UI doesnt seem to work at all). xcode 13.4.1. any ideas?
trying to use AVPlayer on a remote (https:) mp4 file. randomly we get the above error on the exact same url. works fine on other urls. sometimes works on the failing url. no clue what is going on. "cannot open" is not a descriptive error message. the url plays fine in a browser. the random fail happens on some other URLs also. is there some way we can get more detailed error notes on what is causing the failure? using latest ios15.x update on iphone12 mini. does not seem to fail on iphone X (same ios level). which is also strange.
for those of you who have clients who are concerned with privacy, note that you have to go into system prefs in your mac and dig into the "siri suggestions and privacy" and shut off sirl for all the apps listed there, if in fact you don't want siri scanning your data. it is not enough to shut off "enable ask siri" at the top level. i found this out when siri scanned open safari pages and wanted to add things to my calendar. what?
apple must have hired some google employees, heh.
i am getting this error when i added a new app extension (notification content)
error: Embedded binary's bundle identifier is not prefixed with the parent app's bundle identifier.
Embedded Binary Bundle Identifier: (null)
i have set it up the same way as another app extension in the app. i have also tried to set the bundle id manually in the info.plist file as noted by some posts, but xcode keeps changing it back to the default of ${PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER}. e.g. my manual edits to info.plist aren't being accepted for this key.
it seems like maybe PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER variable is getting cleared to null for that extension during the build process?
any workarounds?