After Xcode 15 update, to update my older iOS apps, Xcode says I must install the iOS 17.0 something. When I choose to install, the iOS 17.0.1 Simulator (21A342) downloads completely (~7gb) but even after 10-15 minutes the dialog Verifying "iOS 17.0.simruntime"... never progresses even once. I am unable to do anything with Xcode Because of this I am unable to build my updated iOS apps because it keeps cycles in this same loop with the same results, now 2 or 3 times.
Does this verify take hours? How can I get this to verify and get back to updating/building my iOS apps?
Coming from using Xcode 13 to 15, I'm missing the new concepts on how to commit and push code changes to GitHub in 15. I tried using the menu Commit... (like I did before), wrote a message, and pushed the changes to my repository. Now when I try that, a new window appears with things about, staging, append, etc, and I'm not sure what all that means.
Is there (and where is it) documentation on this new source control paradigm? All I find is docs for the "old way".
Updating to MacOS 12, in Objective C, I get the above warning regarding changing kUTTypeJPEG to UTTypeJPEG in two places The old code still works but even after the @import UniformTypeIdentifiers changing kUTTypeJPEG to UTTypeJPEG with various types, e.g. CFString, CFStringRef, and that UTTYPE doesn't bridge???, etc. (I am obviously clueless about this) I get the compiler warnings to go away but then the program crashes.
How do I fix these? Something to do with ARC or bridging???
CGImageDestinationRef destinationRef = CGImageDestinationCreateWithURL((__bridge CFURLRef)theURL, (NSString *)kUTTypeJPEG, 1, NULL);
NSDictionary *imageSourceCreationOptions = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
kUTTypeJPEG,(NSString *)kCGImageSourceTypeIdentifierHint,
(NSNumber *)kCFBooleanTrue, (NSString *)kCGImageSourceShouldCache,
(NSNumber *)kCFBooleanTrue, (NSString *)kCGImageSourceShouldAllowFloat,
I have an app with an action extension that takes a photo (the app only) or grabs a photo from a 3rd-party app or within the app itself, e.g. Photos, adds an imprint, e.g. date, and then adds a new photo to an album, Camera Roll. The app itself has no issue doing that for any photo in any app (lots of memory). But the extension crashes when the original photo is over ~8mb with some hard memory limit (120mb). But when I watch the memory use, it stays around 20mb, and when I initiate the stamped overlay, it briefly goes to 80mb, and then back down to 20mb and then crashes.The error is EXC_RESOURCE RESOURCE_TYPE_MEMORY (limit=120 MB, unused=0x0). Finally, I found that problem resides in a method where I add the imprint by drawing the original image in a graphic context using drawInRect: and then drawing the overlay into the same context and converting it to a UIImage and returning that to the caller. The app crashes at drawInRect: with vImage`_ERROR_Buffer_Write__Too_Small_For_Arguments_To_vImage__CheckBacktrace:With larger megapixel phones, this has caused me to remove my app from the App Store, and It sure doesn't seem like I've broken any programming rules.Does anyone know how to fix this kind of issue/crash?
I get this in the console every time I run/debug (successfully) my app which loads jpg files from a folder into a collection view. On an iMac Retina5K, 27-inch, 2017, Monterey 12.4, Xcode 13.4.1
VPA info: plugin is INTEL, AVD_id = 1080020, AVD_api.Create:0x110adff2c
"1080020" and "...f2c" are always the same.
I suspect this is log "junk", but does anyone know what this actually is, or how to turn it off?
Looking for a Cocoa example/tutorial in Objective C, on how to create a 400x90 pixel panel with outlets for a progress bar, textfield and a button (stop) to display temporarily while images are loading.
I've added a WindowController + xib to the app's main storyboard but don't know how to use it to access the outlets in the progress panel.
I have an older MacOS app where in IB (no storyboards) I created a main window/view and a progress window/view in one xib in response to a menu item. In a new MacOS app (using much of the code from the older menu item code), in IB storyboard I have a window controller/window/view/subviews in the storyboard, but I cannot seem to find a way to also include in the storyboard a progress panel (to hook up to an outlet in the view controller).
I can create the same window/panel/progress bar that I had in the older app in a separate xib. So I suppose (in objective c) I can just load the xib???
So, is there a better way to implement a separate progress window(s) in a storyboard and hook them up to outlets? I think I'm missing something
And what happened to NSPanels?
I've been using VNRecognizeTextRequest, VNImageRequestHandler, VNRecognizedTextObservation, and VNRecognizedText all successfully (in Objective C) to identify about 25% of bright LED/LCD characters depicting a number string (arranged in several date formats) on a scanned photograph.
I first crop to the constant area where the characters are located, and do some Core Image filters to optimize display of the characters in black and white to remove background clutter as much as possible.
Only when the characters are nearly perfect, not over- or under-exposed, do I get a return string with all the characters. As an example, an LED image of 93 5 22 will often return 93 S 22, or a 97 4 14 may return 97 Y 14. I can easily substitute the letters with commonly confused numbers, but I would prefer to raise the text recognition to something more than 25% (it will probably never be greater than 50%-75%.
So, I thought I could use Create ML to create a model (based on the text recognition model Apple has already created), with training folders labeled with each numeric LED/LCD characters 1, 2, 3..., blurred, with noise, over/under exposed, etc. and improve the recognition.
Can I use Create ML to do this? Do I use Image Object Detection, or is it Text Classification to return a text string with something like "93 5 22" that I can manipulate later with Regular Expressions?
Just revisiting Xcode 13.4 in some time for a MacOS Automator Action and literally cannot find, Google or Developer support, how parameters (a tab in Automator Info for the target) can be linked to UI objects in a xib (not SwiftUI) or how to access those parameters in Objective C code.
I cannot even find Xcode documentation on this topic in Developer at and my search for "Xcode parameters" does not help.
So, could someone please direct me to where this is covered in documentation?
Several days ago my app - 2021 CDC STI (STD) Guidelines - was released for sale. The first day I searched for it, I couldn't find it but the 2nd day, I found it easily using any number or combination of search words, using words from the app name and the exact same words from the name that I submitted as keywords.
The 2nd day the app was 18th in its category (people found it) and today it's 90th (because it doesn't seem to exist by search, not even by entering the exact app name). The only way I could find that the app still exists is by searching for my name as developer.
Is there someone, somewhere to contact to troubleshoot why the indexing of app names and keywords does not seem to work?
Trying to migrate a 2015 app to SVC (iOS 12) but had to stick with Classic SVC style because my app uses a TabBarController for the Master (not allowed with 1- and 2-column styles). The tab bar gives the user access everywhere to the 5 top levels without navigating back up a hierarchal tree up to three more layers deep. Actually, got it working and works as designed with no issues on iPhones and iPads, simulators and actual devices.
However, when testing with iPhone Plus-sizes (I do not own any of these devices) in the simulator, when I change the orientation repeatedly, e.g. portrait to landscape, visa versa, the app seems to crash the simulator as the app contents only fill half the device screen, and does not crash in the debug area. Get messages like "myapp has closed, do you want to reopen?", and when I "ignore" I have to stop the simulator in Xcode and then it opens a report to send to Apple (and AFAIK everything in the report points to the simulator and not my app).
So, is there a bug in the simulator with Plus-sized apps with Classic SVC, or some incompatibility with Plus-sized apps and Classic SVC in devices?
My Classic splitviewcontroller app works as designed with regular iPhones and iPads. But because I add buttons (e.g. back buttons) that are often missing, when I test on the Plus size iPhones in the simulator (I don't have any of the mega phones), these buttons remain in iPhone plusses in landscape mode (like mini-iPads with the master and detail both showing). But I need to hide/remove those buttons in the detail view for the plus models.
So, how do I identify in code the mega iPhones that act like mini-iPads in landscape mode with splitviewcontrollers?
My app has HTML pages for content, and I have a button-triggered action to change the size of the text by using a set of functions that stepwise increases the WebKit webview text by changing the class of the document body (i.e."smallestText" = CSS webkit-text-size-adjust:80%) using the code below as the last step.
On the iPhone simulator, this works perfectly but on the iPad simulator the text size does not change even though the functions are called, the javascriptString is correct, and the _webview contains the web content.
I thought this might be a doctype version issue (most of the pages are HTML 4.01 strict) but changed it to HTML5 (!DOCTYPE html) with no change.
Any ideas?
(void)refreshWebview {
NSString *javaScriptString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"document.body.className = '%@'", self.fontSizeName];
[_webview evaluateJavaScript:javaScriptString completionHandler:nil];
Creating an Automator Action in ObjC with Xcode 13.2.1 after following the method in Technical Q&A QA1885. The project builds without errors but testing stops with an error "Could not attach to PID XXXX" (see details below). It says to look in the Console for help "near the debugserver entries" and I don't know what that means or where that might exist.
So, is there an update since 2015 on testing Automator actions? Or is there some other Xcode setting or privacy setting I need to set?
Could not attach to pid : “15665”
Domain: IDEDebugSessionErrorDomain
Code: 3
Failure Reason: attach failed (Not allowed to attach to process. Look in the console messages (, near the debugserver entries, when the attach failed. The subsystem that denied the attach permission will likely have logged an informative message about why it was denied.)
In a MacOS Objective C project with Xcode 12.5.1, I tried to use max(). Received an error, and pressed "Fix" and I put #include math.h in a header. Subsequently, when I ran the project, I got two errors in a row saying "The document math.h cannot be saved...You don't have permission, etc." and when I press OK, I get the same message again. The instructions are open the file in the finder to change permissions. I don't have that file anywhere on my computer. So I deleted the include, removed the max() function and I still get the errors, although the project builds without other errors and the test app works.
I've searched the project for any reference to math.h and found none.
Now when I try to quit Xcode, I get an error that I don't have permission to write to the folder with math.h and choice is to Duplicate (what???) or OK. I choose OK and I cannot quit Xcode.
So, how do I remove whatever this is with math.h to get back before I ever tried using max()???