Dose Apple have any official documentation to study HTML/CSS/JavaScript ?
Kind Regards
I just managed to enroll as a Apple Developer and proposing a small business for you to form a team ? Is anyone here interested in commenting on these topic ?
Kind Regards
How to delete SDK from XCode ? I want to program from 0 with no SDK and still receiving a Duplicate Error when starting to program that specifies "Previous definition is here". Do you know how to remove the SDK from XCode ?
Kind Regards
I'm searching to find associates to develop a App in a team and asking if some of you are interested in a Small Business ?
I'm interested only in enrolled developers in the Apple Developer Program.
I started developing a payment App with Apple Pay that I will manage to mobilize before the end of 2022. Do you know how to display the NSObject from View Controller header to the screen ?
Kind Regards
How to display the first geographic shape on the XIB from the main source file ?
Kind Regards,
Beșleagă Alexandru Marian
I want to study how to create my first URL and I would like like to know what app type to select for the run compile command to function correctly after I type my code for the URL Session to result correct and how to test the result or how to verify the session before starting to code ?
Kind Regards,
Besleaga Alexandru Marian
I added // for the #include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> to start programming the interface of NSApplication and receive the error specified in the code I just typed here :
// main.m
// Hostile
// Created by Besleaga Alexandru Marian on 10/20/21.
// #include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
@autoreleasepool {
// Setup code that might create autoreleased objects goes here.
return NSApplicationMain(argc, argv);
There error message is the following :
Implicit declaration of function 'NSApplicationMain' is invalid in C99
I'm interested in learning how to promote a App and curious to find out what App do you plan to develop in present time. I'm learning App advertisement and would like to read some comments about your "App/App's" and or if you know somebody that owns a App and if they would have interest in app promotion on the AppStore ?
Beșleagă Alexandru Marian
I'm interested in learning how to add .sks filename extension in my app's main bundle.
I want to learn how to load a URL from foundation, resource with the network loading system.
I have a container in CloudKit and learning how to type commands, it asks for the container id. Where can I find the CloudKit container id ?
I'm trying to create a project to obtain the URL for my domain to start developing my first website. I started searching to learn how to find what I'm looking for in the documentation and found the URL in the Foundation at Fundamentals and want to know what project to create for the Run command to open the URL in Safari.
Kind Regards
I want to install on my Mac all the operating systems available for the combination that it offers. When I try to install older versions the propter says the version of the Mac is old. How can I get the new versions of the operating system ? For example now I have macOS Big Sur, macOS Monterey and macOS Monterey Beta and I want to also install macOS Sierra.
I'm a Objective-C programmer and want to find out how to resolve my issues. When I start to type Objective-C I receive somatic issue and errors. My question is, where can I read about solving these issues ?