What app type should I select from the Xcode platform ?

I want to study how to create my first URL and I would like like to know what app type to select for the run compile command to function correctly after I type my code for the URL Session to result correct and how to test the result or how to verify the session before starting to code ?

Kind Regards, Besleaga Alexandru Marian

I want to study how to create my first URL

Could you explain ?

What did you try so far ?

Every Apple's platform have URLSession available.

If you just want to explore how to use URLSession, create an iOS App project/Storyboard and add a new method into ViewController.

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
        //Call `testURLSession()` here.
        print("testURLSession() called")

    func testURLSession() {
        //Write code using `URLSession` here...

What app type should I select from the Xcode platform ?