Small Business Program

I'm searching to find associates to develop a App in a team and asking if some of you are interested in a Small Business ?

I'm interested only in enrolled developers in the Apple Developer Program.

Answered by Apple Developer Support in 688259022


If you are not interested in the Small Business Program, you do not need to submit an application for Small Business Program.

If you want to submit the enrollment for Apple Developer Program, please visit the following link for more information on different programs.

Accepted Answer


If you are not interested in the Small Business Program, you do not need to submit an application for Small Business Program.

If you want to submit the enrollment for Apple Developer Program, please visit the following link for more information on different programs.

I am already enrolled in the Apple Developer Program and also in the Apple Small Business Program and I wanted to ask if you are interested in understanding how a team is formed for XCode Cloud collaboration.

Kind Regards, Beșleagă Alexandru Marian

Small Business Program