As the title says, I logged in to iCloud on my simulator on my mac mini m2 and turned on icloud sync. My health data is in iCloud but it wont load in. When I go to documents for example I can see documents that I have loaded so I know something is working right.
I have tried clicking Feature -> Trigger iCloud sync with no luck.
I have tried logging out and logging back in, no luck.
I have tried Restarting the simulator with no luck.
The app I am building uses health data and there is no other way to get health data (heart rate, workouts, sleep) in the simulator. Please help, Thank you
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I am a developer, please send me the authentication code, I need the code for the test flight application!
To make UI testing easier and faster, I usually create URL bookmarks during normal app usage in the Simulator so that they can be instantly resolved on app launch during UI tests. For example, one of my apps allows browsing selected folders and stores bookmarks so they can be quickly opened again on following app launches, and instead of selecting the test folder each time at the beginning of the UI test, I select it once during normal app usage so that it's available immediately during the UI test.
This usually works fine, but every now and then the UI tests fail because the tested app isn't able to resolve the stored bookmark. I don't know why this happens, but usually opening and closing the app again in the Simulator and re-running the UI tests solves the issue.
The problem now is that I've just tried to setup some new UI tests for Apple Vision Pro Simulator and I'm never able to resolve bookmarks. So I created a sample project that reproduces the issue, and curiously enough the bookmarks don't even resolve when using an iPad Simulator (which usually works fine with my regular UI tests).
What am I doing wrong? This can be reproduced with a default iOS project, embedding the default storyboard view controller in a navigation view controller, and this code:
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController, UIDocumentPickerDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(systemItem: .add, primaryAction: UIAction(handler: { _ in
let picker = UIDocumentPickerViewController(forOpeningContentTypes: [.folder])
picker.delegate = self
self.present(picker, animated: true)
if let bookmark = "bookmark") {
func readBookmark(_ bookmark: Data) {
do {
let label = UILabel(frame: CGRect(x: 100, y: 100, width: 600, height: 100))
label.numberOfLines = 0
var stale = false
let url = try URL(resolvingBookmarkData: bookmark, bookmarkDataIsStale: &stale)
if !url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() {
label.text = url.path
} catch {
func documentPicker(_ controller: UIDocumentPickerViewController, didPickDocumentsAt urls: [URL]) {
do {
let url = urls[0]
if !url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() {
let bookmark = try url.bookmarkData()
UserDefaults.standard.set(bookmark, forKey: "bookmark")
} catch {
And a default UI test, which always crashes because of the fatalError() in the catch clause of readBookmark(_:):
final class problemUITests: XCTestCase {
func testExample() throws {
let app = XCUIApplication()
i know this topic is here since ever, also in other forums, however this topic i face for a month and cant get pass it, I tried all other suggestions which didnt bring me anywhere.
so, project using cmake in order for Qt creator (so c++ base project with enabled swift), however once i run a cmake which generates *.xcodeproj for Xcode, i open it via xcode and can properly build and deploy to device.
however when I try to archive and sent to Testflight/AppStore, I get:
ITMS-90426: Invalid Swift Support
and when I try to followup guides to create it manualy, copying libs from:
plese here note, that ALL guides indicate to use folder "swift", however there are no *.dylib files... they are only in "swift-5.0" folder
then I receive an error type:
ITMS-90429: Invalid Swift Support - The files libswiftMetal.dylib, libswiftHomeKit.dylib, libswiftsimd.dylib, libswiftCallKit.dylib, libswiftos.dylib, libswiftNetwork.dylib, libswiftMapKit.dylib, libswiftCoreLocation.dylib, libswiftAccelerate.dylib, libswiftCoreGraphics.dylib, libswiftSceneKit.dylib, libswiftCoreData.dylib, libswiftGameplayKit.dylib, libswiftUIKit.dylib, libswiftMetalKit.dylib, libswiftCore.dylib, libswiftFoundation.dylib, libswiftPhotos.dylib, libswiftModelIO.dylib, libswiftWatchKit.dylib, libswiftDarwin.dylib, libswiftARKit.dylib, libswiftAssetsLibrary.dylib, libswiftSpriteKit.dylib, libswiftNaturalLanguage.dylib, libswiftCoreAudio.dylib, libswiftIntents.dylib, libswiftQuartzCore.dylib, libswiftObjectiveC.dylib, libswiftDispatch.dylib, libswiftCoreFoundation.dylib, libswiftCoreMedia.dylib, libswiftVision.dylib, libswiftAVFoundation.dylib, libswiftContacts.dylib, libswiftGLKit.dylib, libswiftSwiftOnoneSupport.dylib, libswiftXCTest.dylib, libswiftMediaPlayer.dylib, libswiftCloudKit.dylib, libswiftCoreImage.dylib aren’t at the expected location /Payload/ Move the file to the expected location, rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode, and resubmit it.
here please also note that actually *.xcarchive does not contain any "Payload" folder, the package contains only two folders "dSYMs" and "Production/Applications/" (inside it I can find "Frameworks" folder...
this link was also very interested:
tho id didnt help a bit :)
so what I would like to know, is what actually forces xcode to generate the SwiftSupport folder to the archive... the must be some direct setting inside *.xcodeproj/pbxproj which forces it... or dirrect setting in xcode/Build Settings which if not work I can submit an ticket to investigate.
I am sure after a month of trying everything, whatever tip you can point out I already tried, however Please lets try everything again to get bottom of this.
Many thanks for any tip
I'm trying to close the UIFontPickerViewController in a UI test by tapping the close button in the navigation bar. In a default iOS app, I embed the default storyboard view controller in a navigation view controller, then in code I open the font picker like this:
class ViewController: UIViewController, UIFontPickerViewControllerDelegate {
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
let picker = UIFontPickerViewController(configuration: .init())
picker.delegate = self
self.present(picker, animated: true)
func fontPickerViewControllerDidPickFont(_ viewController: UIFontPickerViewController) {
And the UI test looks like this:
final class problemUITests: XCTestCase {
func testExample() throws {
let app = XCUIApplication()
let button = app.navigationBars.element(boundBy: 1).buttons.element(boundBy: 0)
XCTAssert(button.waitForExistence(timeout: 2))
When running the UI test, the XCTAssert always fails and the button.tap() also fails with an error message
Failed to tap "chiudi" Button: No matches found for Element at index 1 from input {(
"chiudi" means "close" in Italian, my macOS system language. It sounds to me like I correctly get the close button, but the messages Xcode prints make no sense to me.
It's particularly confusing given that the output of the print statement shows that the button is there, but somehow fails to be tapped:
Attributes: Button, 0x104f44660, {{701.0, 320.0}, {43.0, 44.0}}, label: 'chiudi'
Element subtree:
→Button, 0x104f44660, {{701.0, 320.0}, {43.0, 44.0}}, label: 'chiudi'
Image, 0x104f44780, {{709.0, 327.5}, {30.0, 30.0}}, identifier: 'UICloseButtonBackground'
Path to element:
→Application, 0x104f35940, pid: 29803, label: 'problem'
↳Window (Main), 0x104f376a0, {{0.0, 0.0}, {1032.0, 1376.0}}
↳Other, 0x104f42e10, {{0.0, 0.0}, {1032.0, 1376.0}}
↳Other, 0x104f43100, {{0.0, 0.0}, {1032.0, 1376.0}}
↳Other, 0x104f43220, {{0.0, 0.0}, {1032.0, 1376.0}}
↳Other, 0x104f43340, {{0.0, 0.0}, {1032.0, 1376.0}}
↳Other, 0x104f43460, {{0.0, 0.0}, {1032.0, 1376.0}}
↳Other, 0x104f43580, {{0.0, 0.0}, {1032.0, 1376.0}}
↳Other, 0x104f436a0, {{0.0, 0.0}, {1032.0, 1376.0}}
↳Other, 0x104f437c0, {{0.0, 0.0}, {1032.0, 1376.0}}
↳Other, 0x104f438e0, {{0.0, 0.0}, {1032.0, 1376.0}}
↳Other, 0x104f43a00, {{0.0, 0.0}, {1032.0, 1376.0}}
↳Other, 0x104f43b20, {{0.0, 0.0}, {1032.0, 1376.0}}
↳Other, 0x104f43c40, {{276.0, 314.0}, {480.0, 748.0}}
↳Other, 0x104f43e80, {{276.0, 314.0}, {480.0, 748.0}}
↳Other, 0x104f43fa0, {{276.0, 314.0}, {480.0, 748.0}}
↳Other, 0x104f440c0, {{276.0, 314.0}, {480.0, 748.0}}
↳Other, 0x104f441e0, {{276.0, 314.0}, {480.0, 748.0}}
↳Other, 0x104f44300, {{276.0, 314.0}, {480.0, 748.0}}
↳NavigationBar, 0x104f44420, {{276.0, 314.0}, {480.0, 108.0}}, identifier: 'Scegli font'
↳Button, 0x104f44660, {{701.0, 320.0}, {43.0, 44.0}}, label: 'chiudi'
Query chain:
→Find: Target Application 'org.desairem.problem'
Output: {
Application, 0x104f781b0, pid: 29803, label: 'problem'
↪︎Find: Descendants matching type NavigationBar
Output: {
NavigationBar, 0x10607c0d0, {{0.0, 24.0}, {1032.0, 50.0}}, identifier: 'UIFontPickerView'
NavigationBar, 0x10607dab0, {{276.0, 314.0}, {480.0, 108.0}}, identifier: 'Scegli font'
↪︎Find: Element at index 1
Output: {
NavigationBar, 0x1064693a0, {{276.0, 314.0}, {480.0, 108.0}}, identifier: 'Scegli font'
↪︎Find: Descendants matching type Button
Output: {
Button, 0x104f714a0, {{701.0, 320.0}, {43.0, 44.0}}, label: 'chiudi'
Button, 0x104f71800, {{711.0, 378.0}, {17.0, 22.0}}, identifier: 'Dictate', label: 'Avvia dettatura'
↪︎Find: Element at index 0
Output: {
Button, 0x104f5d5e0, {{701.0, 320.0}, {43.0, 44.0}}, label: 'chiudi'
I want to release a Framework F, containing several other frameworks (such as Realm, Appetitive, Cocoalumberjack, PhoneNumberKit) for use by app A.
According to this article:
They write, without referencing a source: "Although Apple discourage creating umbrella framework".
Is that true, do Apple discourage umbrella frameworks, if so why and is it a very strong discourage or a mild one?
If not discouraged, then how can this be achieved with Xcode 16?
I've been attempting to follow a few tutorial to achieve this, such as
however so far without any success. This last article mentions the Link Binary With Libraries section, which doesn't exist in Xcode 16.
There's the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section where I have been attempting to add the frameworks into my Framework F (choosing Embed without Signing).
I'm able to successfully build Framework F, but when app A attempts to use it (adding F to the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section with option embed and sign, or embed and don't sign, makes no difference) then I get run time errors about the umbrellaed frameworks not being able to be found.
I'm using Xcode 16 and SwiftUI targeting iOS 18. I'm new to Core Data, and when I create a new project and select to use Core Data as storage, I get boilerplate code for it.
The problem is that when I try to see the preview without any change to the code, I get a Fatal Error:
CrashReportError: Fatal Error in Persistence.swift
Test crashed due to fatalError in Persistence.swift at line 52.
Unresolved error Error Domain=NSSQLiteErrorDomain Code=8 "(null)" UserInfo={NSFilePath=/Users/monni/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/Previews/Simulator Devices/D0D98B5B-7E6F-4DC3-B16A-34D6D2958558/data/Containers/Data/Application/A98879A6-46F5-4E29-B2D7-AD294F1EFFD0/Library/Application Support/Test.sqlite, NSSQLiteErrorDomain=8}, ["NSSQLiteErrorDomain": 8, "NSFilePath": /Users/monni/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/Previews/Simulator Devices/D0D98B5B-7E6F-4DC3-B16A-34D6D2958558/data/Containers/Data/Application/A98879A6-46F5-4E29-B2D7-AD294F1EFFD0/Library/Application Support/Test.sqlite]
When I try to open the SQLite database there are no entities in it.
I have also tried xcrun simctl --set previews delete all, but with no luck.
Process: Xcode [46981]
Path: /Applications/
Version: 16.1 (23503)
Build Info: IDEApplication-23503000000000000~2 (16B40)
App Item ID: 497799835
App External ID: 869932297
Code Type: ARM-64 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [1]
User ID: 501
Date/Time: 2024-10-29 22:18:00.8018 -0400
OS Version: macOS 15.0.1 (24A348)
Report Version: 12
Anonymous UUID: F4176F67-35F3-B671-D872-71337475C3C0
Sleep/Wake UUID: 99252DE9-57D7-4F75-8279-42DA5C7689AD
Time Awake Since Boot: 170000 seconds
System Integrity Protection: enabled
Crashed Thread: 1
Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 6 Abort trap: 6
Terminating Process: Xcode [46981]
Application Specific Information:
abort() called
when I try to run my project on an iOS Simulator, I get the following message:
JournalingSuggestions is not available when building for iOS Simulator.
Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Steps to reproduce this behavior:
Create a new Xcode project
Add the Journaling Suggestions Capability
Add the Journaling Suggestions Framework
Under "Target > Build Phases > Link Binary with Libraries", select “optional“ for JournalingSuggestions.framework
Under "Target > Build Settings > Other Linker Flags > Debug" select „Plus“ and add „iOS or iOS Simulator“ and paste this -Xlinker -weak_framework -Xlinker JournalingSuggestions into the editable field.
Do the same for "Target > Build Settings > Other Linker Flags > Release"
This tread is about the same problem, but is already checked as answered.
That's why I'm creating this new tread.
The last two bullet points are results from advice from the other thread.
MacBook Air, M1, 2020, macOS: 14.6.1, Xcode: 16.0
Thanks for your help!
I have been building a MacCatalyst versions of an iOS app for years using a separate build that included a specific .entitlements file that excludes the Yet when I now build with Xcode 16.1 that entitlement is included.
I have double checked my signing entitlement for my MacCatalyst build it is configured properly. I have check my .entitlement file to ensusre is not there. All is as it should be.
I have changed nothing, my build flow is the same.
App Store Review has prevented the Mac build to be release becuse the is set.
What can I do to correct this?
Hi, while trying to diagnose why some of my Core ML models are running slower when their configuration is set with compute units .CPU_AND_GPU compared to running with .CPU_ONLY I've been attempting to create Core ML model performance reports in Xcode to identify the operations that are not compatible with the GPU. However, when selecting an iPhone as the connected device and compute unit of 'All', 'CPU and GPU' or 'CPU and Neural Engine' Xcode displays one of the following two error messages:
“There was an error creating the performance report. The performance report has crashed on device”
"There was an error creating the performance report. Unable to compute the prediction using ML Program. It can be an invalid input data or broken/unsupported model."
The performance reports are successfully generated when selecting the connected device as iPhone with compute unit 'CPU only' or Mac with any combination of compute units.
Some of the models I have found the issue to occur with are stateful, some are not. I have tried to replicate the issue with some example models from the CoreML tools stateful model guide/video Bring your machine learning and AI models to Apple silicon. Running the performance report on a model generated from the Simple Accumulator example code the performance report is created successfully when trying all compute unit options, but using models from the toy attention and toy attention with kvcache examples it is only successful with compute units as 'CPU only' when choosing iPhone as the device.
Versions I'm currently working with:
Xcode Version 16.0
MacOS Sequoia 15.0.1
Core ML Tools 8.0
iPhone 16 Pro iOS 18.0.1
Is there a way to avoid these errors? Or is there another way to identify which operations within a CoreML model are supported to run on iPhone GPU/Neural engine?
Im making project with Xcode and Reality Composer Pro. I'm trying to play timeline in Reality Composer Pro using codes without setting Behaviors on entities. And I also tried to send notification from Xcode to entities in Reality Composer Pro to play timeline(I already set "OnNotification" with Behaviors component). But it's not working well, and I couldn't figure out any problems. Are there solutions about it?
Xcode: 16.1
Swift 6 and SwiftUI for macOS development
macOS Sequoia
I have an app for macOS, and that uses an interactive widget feature.
On macOS Sequoia, the widget does not display anything and widget intent doesn't work either. I tested it on macOS Sonoma and it totally works. I assume it's a macOS bug. The app has been working fine before Sequoia.
Even on Xcode, when I tried to run the widget preview, Failed to load widget. The operation couldn't be completed. (WidgetKit_Simulator.WidgetDocument.Error error 4.).
I could avoid the error by changing version and build numbers, but I still got The operation couldn't be completed. (CHSErrorDomain error 1103.)
How am I able to fix the issue? I wanna at least know if its a bug from the app or macOS Sequoia.
Problem: One of my QA Device crash while launch the iOS 15.5.
Background: Previously, I update my os to macOS Sequoia & update my Xcode to 16 Release Candidate. Previously when the app was build in Xcode 15.4, it run/launch perfectly, but it seems the app is crash below iOS 15.5
---- HERE THE CRASH LOG ------
Incident Identifier: 6E80706A-C8FA-4E6F-8F14-5746E6CA5129
Hardware Model: iPhone13,3
Process: Runner [79635]
Path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/ED368AA9-3A69-45CE-89CA-438440BB8781/
Identifier: -
Version: 1.0.7 (3273)
AppStoreTools: 16B39
AppVariant: 1:iPhone13,3:15
Beta: YES
Code Type: ARM-64 (Native)
Role: Foreground
Parent Process: launchd [1]
Coalition: - [872]
Date/Time: 2024-10-29 08:56:13.5458 +0700
Launch Time: 2024-10-29 08:56:13.4479 +0700
OS Version: iPhone OS 15.5 (19F77)
Release Type: User
Baseband Version: 2.54.02
Report Version: 104
Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Termination Reason: DYLD 4 Symbol missing
Symbol not found: _objc_claimAutoreleasedReturnValue
Referenced from: /Volumes/VOLUME/*/
Expected in: /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
(terminated at launch; ignore backtrace)
Triggered by Thread: 0
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 dyld 0x00000001025007a0 __abort_with_payload + 8 (:-1)
1 dyld 0x0000000102506388 abort_with_payload_wrapper_internal + 104 (terminate_with_reason.c:102)
2 dyld 0x00000001025063bc abort_with_payload + 16 (terminate_with_reason.c:124)
3 dyld 0x00000001024d6828 dyld4::halt(char const*) + 328 (DyldProcessConfig.cpp:2067)
4 dyld 0x00000001024d3960 dyld4::prepare(dyld4::APIs&, dyld3::MachOAnalyzer const*) + 3560 (dyldMain.cpp:0)
5 dyld 0x00000001024d1cc4 start + 488 (dyldMain.cpp:864)
Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State (64-bit):
x0: 0x0000000000000006 x1: 0x0000000000000004 x2: 0x000000016eee1690 x3: 0x00000000000000d8
x4: 0x000000016eee1290 x5: 0x0000000000000000 x6: 0x0000000000000000 x7: 0x000000016eee0cd0
x8: 0x0000000000000020 x9: 0x0000000000000009 x10: 0x0000000000000001 x11: 0x000000000000000a
x12: 0x0000000000000000 x13: 0x0000000000000037 x14: 0x00000002301c9625 x15: 0x0000000000000002
x16: 0x0000000000000209 x17: 0x00000001024fae54 x18: 0x0000000000000000 x19: 0x0000000000000000
x20: 0x000000016eee1290 x21: 0x00000000000000d8 x22: 0x000000016eee1690 x23: 0x0000000000000004
x24: 0x0000000000000006 x25: 0x000000016eee3728 x26: 0x0000000000000001 x27: 0x000000016eee3590
x28: 0x0000000000000000 fp: 0x000000016eee1260 lr: 0x0000000102506388
sp: 0x000000016eee1220 pc: 0x00000001025007a0 cpsr: 0x1000
esr: 0x56000080 Address size fault
Binary Images:
0x1024b8000 - 0x10250ffff dyld arm64e <7c9c7851823738a7b1eb9cd2deb4b746> /usr/lib/dyld
I'm working on a school project to build a webpage for Vision Pro users. I'm using Xcode to build this webpage because it has .reality files. This webpage only works on Safari because I took a spatial image with my Vision Pro, and it's .heic file type.
I put the .png version below the .heic file that is supposed to have the spatial effect. I deployed this project on Vercel, please use Safari to check out the link:
There's another issue in this project, I downloaded the Cosmonaut .reality file on Apple Quick Look Gallery to test on my webpage. However, when I open it on Vision Pro, the file won't load, it says "Failed to load layers". Does it have something to do with the server for serving this file type? Should I use an actual web hosting company for this website?
Here is my GitHub repo
<div class="hero">
<div class="hero-text">
<h1>La Sal Peak</h1>
<p>The Do-It-All Enduro Bike</p>
<div class="hero2">
<div class="hero-text">
<h1>La Sal Peak</h1>
<p>The Do-It-All Enduro Bike</p>
.hero {
position: relative;
display: flex;
align-items: flex-end;
justify-content: flex-start;
height: 100vh;
background: url("assets/heroImage.heic") no-repeat center center/cover;
color: white;
.hero2 {
position: relative;
display: flex;
align-items: flex-end;
justify-content: flex-start;
height: 100vh;
background: url("assets/hero.png") no-repeat center center/cover;
color: white;
I got sent a crash log from a user of my app. I followed the procedure that Apple specifies to symbolicate the crashlog, but that does not succeed (see
XCode complains that
"error: unable to locate main executable (arm64)"
The location of the main executable is given in the crashlog at a path that starts with /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/ But the /private/var/containers directory on my system is empty.
I have tried to search my filesystem for the specific image that is mentioned in the crashlog, but it is nowhere to be found.
Because the image is not available, I cannot symbolicate the crashlog from the commandline using atos either.
The crashlog is from an iPhone running iOS 18.0.1, if that makes a difference.
Anybody knows how to resolve this?
I'm building a VPN app with Flutter, and I'm coming across this issue(only on iOS) - "${appName} must be updated by the developer before ${appName} can be connected."
I have checked and tried almost all the solutions on the internet, but none work. Can anyone who has encountered this before assist or point me toward resources that can help?
Xcode 16.0 is crashing whenever I try to delete a dependency from my project. Is anyone facing the same issue or anyone who has figured out the root cause of it?
I am building an MPI C project in Xcode. In order to do run it, I had to:
Specify /path/to/mpiexec in Edit Scheme -> Run -> Info -> Executable, instead of the "default" one, say myprogram if my target is called myprogram.
Specify the following arguments in Edit Scheme -> Run -> Arguments -> Arguments Passed On Launch: -np 4, ${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${EXECUTABLE_NAME}
This is clearly analogous to a mpiexec -np 4 a.out command launched on terminal.
The problem is, when I want to debug my application, the execution doesn't "stop" on the breakpoints.
I instantly thought that it is because of the check box Debug Executable in Edit Scheme -> Run -> Info -> Executable. Indeed (as I have just said), the Executable specified in there is mpiexec and not myprogram.
Thus, is there an option or some command I could set in Xcode to attach the lldb to myprogram?
Hello. Was wondering if anybody has come across code or tutorial on creating a dynamic wind compass. Already tied into weather api, struggling with UI