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Posts under Privacy tag

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ATT Prompt Appears in Simulator but Not on Physical Device - Cordova iOS App
I'm experiencing an inconsistent behavior with the App Tracking Transparency (ATT) prompt in my Cordova iOS app using the admob-plus-cordova and cordova-plugin-consent plugins. Environment: Cordova iOS app Plugins: admob-plus-cordova, cordova-plugin-consent iOS Simulator: 16.0 Physical device: iphone 12 17.5.1 Xcode version: 16.2 Issue: The ATT permission prompt appears correctly in the iOS Simulator but fails to show on physical devices. I've verified that: Info.plist includes NSUserTrackingUsageDescription The ATT request is triggered before initializing AdMob The device is running iOS 14.5 or later Expected behavior: ATT prompt should appear on first launch on physical devices (as it does in the simulator) Actual behavior: ATT prompt appears correctly in simulator [attach your screenshot] ATT prompt never appears on physical device Troubleshooting steps tried: Verified app hasn't previously requested ATT permission Confirmed tracking is enabled in device Settings -> Privacy -> Tracking Verified implementation order (ATT request before AdMob initialization) Any insights on why this might be happening or additional debugging steps would be greatly appreciated.
Jan ’25
Data Protection and SwiftData Containers
SwiftData ModelContainer instances don't seem to have a value for setting the Data Protection class. Is the best way to set that by setting the Data Protection in the app capabilities? Is that the only way? I have a need for log data that would be "Complete unless open" and user data that would be "Complete", but how do I change one of the containers data protection class?
Jan ’25
Anti-**** Apps Need Solutions to iOS Sandbox Restrictions
Hello everyone, I’ve been working on ways to implement stricter accountability systems for personal use, especially to prevent access to NSFW content in apps like Reddit and Twitter. The main challenge is that iOS sandboxing and privacy policies block apps from monitoring or interacting with other apps on the system. While Apple’s focus on privacy is important, there’s a clear need for an opt-in exception for accountability tools. These tools could be allowed enhanced permissions under stricter oversight to help users maintain accountability and integrity without compromising safety. Here are a few ideas I’ve been thinking about: 1. Vetted Apps with Enhanced Permissions: Allow trusted applications to bypass sandbox restrictions with user consent and close monitoring by Apple. 2. Improved Parental Controls: Add options to send notifications to moderators (like accountability partners) when restrictions are bypassed or disabled. 3. Custom Keyboard or API Access: Provide a framework for limited system-wide text monitoring for specific use cases, again with user consent. If anyone has ideas for how to address this within current policies—or suggestions for advocating for more flexibility—I’d appreciate the input. I’m curious how others have handled similar challenges or if there are better approaches I haven’t considered.
Jan ’25
Do not have permission to open the file
In macOS, I am encountering an issue where the system API fails to grant permission to open a file despite enabling the necessary Read/Write permissions within the SandBox. Could you please elucidate the reasons behind this behavior? Thanks! func finderOpenFileSystem(at path: String) { let fileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: path) guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: path) else { print("Error: File does not exist at path: \(path)") return } let success = NSWorkspace.shared.open(fileURL) if success { print("File opened successfully: \(fileURL)") } else { print("Error: Failed to open file: \(fileURL)") } }
Jan ’25
Create an SecIdentityRef from a certificate and private key
Hi, I am working on a react native module used for tis connection and I am trying to implement the possibility to use a custom certificate/Private key. I have already implemented on android but on iOS I am getting hard times, we cannot find lots of resources, api is different on macOS and iOS with subtle differences so after having tested SO, chatgpt, ... I am trying here: I even tried to use an internal api since it seems ffmpeg uses it but with no success. I have attached my current code because it does not fit here. to sump up after having inserted cert and private key I try to get a SecIdentityRef but it fails. I assume that it's not enough to simply add certain and private key... // Query for the identity with correct attributes NSDictionary *identityQuery = @{ (__bridge id)kSecClass: (__bridge id)kSecClassIdentity, (__bridge id)kSecMatchLimit: (__bridge id)kSecMatchLimitOne, (__bridge id)kSecReturnRef: @YES, (__bridge id)kSecReturnData: @YES, (__bridge id)kSecAttrLabel: @"My Certificate", //(__bridge id)kSecUseDataProtectionKeychain: @YES }; SecIdentityRef identity = NULL; status = SecItemCopyMatching((__bridge CFDictionaryRef)identityQuery, (CFTypeRef *)&identity); TcpSocketClient.txt SecItemCopyMatching with kSecClassIdentity fails, SecIdentityCreate return NULL... So please help and indicates what I am doing wrong and how I am supposed getting a SecIdentityRef. Thanks
Unable to Upload App: Privacy Policy URL Processing Error
I am currently trying to upload my app to my Apple Developer account, but I keep encountering an issue. The submission process prompts me to provide a Privacy Policy URL. However, when I attempt to enter the URL, I receive an error message stating, "We can't process your request." Contacted support multiple times but they do not have any solution yet it's been more than a week now
Jan ’25
Need help with run screen record like root user
Hi, On macOS Sonoma and earlier versions, I used my script along with a LaunchDaemon to continuously record my screen. However, after upgrading to macOS Sequoia, the LaunchDaemon no longer works for screen recording. It only works when I use a LaunchAgent. For my workflow, using a LaunchDaemon and running the ffmpeg process as root is much more efficient than running it as a regular user. Does anyone know how to run a script in the background using a LaunchDaemon on macOS Sequoia? Here are my LaunchDaemon plist and script: LaunchDaemon plist: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Label</key> <string>local.ScreenRecord</string> <key>Disabled</key> <false/> <key>RunAtLoad</key> <true/> <key>KeepAlive</key> <true/> <key>Nice</key> <integer>-20</integer> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>/bin/bash</string> <string>/usr/local/distrib/record.bash</string> </array> </dict> </plist> Script ## !!! START CONFIGURATION !!! # FFMPEG_LOC="/usr/local/distrib/ffmpeg" FFMPEG_INPUT="-hide_banner -f avfoundation -capture_cursor 1 -pixel_format uyvy422" FFMPEG_VSET="-codec libx264 -r 22 -crf 26 -preset veryfast -b:v 5M -maxrate 7M -bufsize 14M" TIME_REC="-t 600" FOLDER_REC="/usr/local/distrib/REC/" # ## !!! END CONFIGURATION !!! # # Find number id monitor MON_ID=$($FFMPEG_LOC -hide_banner -f avfoundation -list_devices true -i "" 2>&1 | awk -F'[]|[]' '/Capture\ screen/ {print $4}') # if [ -n "$MON_ID" ] then # Time for name DATE_REC=$(date +"%m-%d-%Y_%H-%M-%S") # Number of output video file OUTPUT_NUM=0 # Full command to record FFMPEG_FULL_COMMAND="" for MON_NUM in $MON_ID do FFMPEG_FULL_COMMAND=""$FFMPEG_FULL_COMMAND" "$FFMPEG_INPUT" -i "$MON_NUM" "$FFMPEG_VSET" "$TIME_REC" -map "$OUTPUT_NUM" "$FOLDER_REC""$DATE_REC"_Mon"$MON_NUM".mkv" let OUTPUT_NUM=$OUTPUT_NUM+1 done $FFMPEG_LOC $FFMPEG_FULL_COMMAND else echo "No monitors" sleep 5 fi
Jan ’25
Inquiry About Compliance with Guidelines for Collecting Country and Phone Number
Our app is an investment platform, and it’s critical for us to know the user’s Country and Phone Number before they enter the app. This information helps us display personalized screens and ensure the user only sees relevant mutual funds and stocks specific to their home country. Currently, we are considering implementing a flow where: Users complete the initial sign-up process without entering their Country or Phone Number. After clicking the “Sign Up” button, but before accessing the app, they would be presented with an additional screen to provide their Country and Phone Number. We would like to confirm if this approach aligns with Apple’s guidelines for collecting user information during onboarding. Your feedback will help us ensure compliance while providing a personalized and relevant experience for our users. Please let us know if further clarification or additional details are needed. Thank you for your time and assistance!
Jan ’25
App asks for local network permission even when the app doesnt support it
None of my app's functionalities make use of local network. However, on launching the app on an iPad running iOS 18.2.1, I see an iOS prompt asking for local network permission by the app with a null usage description. I know since the app does not have Privacy string for local network, I see the null message. But my app does not use of local network so I am confused why I see this alert.
Jan ’25
Garageband displaying error 100001 when loading up some AU plugins
I recently got some plugins from Universal Audio, and have licensed them properly through both UA and iLok manager. Whenever I try to load up the plugins (specifically from UA) in GarageBand, it first says that "NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory-p47UEwps” because the developper can not be verified. After clicking either 'show in finder' or 'okay', it opens the plugin in a form without its GUI and showing that it is not licensed (even though it is). It also displays error code 100001. I have tried only some basic stuff to troubleshoot like restarting the DAW/my computer and reinstalling/relicensing the softwares. I don't know if the macOS version has anything to do with it but for some reason I just can't get it to work.
Jan ’25
Privacy rights issue
I was in the webview long according to the pictures, and then select "save image" will lead to collapse, I have passed on the info plist add NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription solved it. Now I have another question, does the last item "query" in the screenshot have a similar problem? Since I couldn't click the button (I don't know why this happened), I couldn't test it on the real machine.
Jan ’25
Local Network Permissions - launchd service running as non-root user
Hello, Title states it basically. I have a java program (launched via shell script) running as a service using launchd which is running as a user (not root) and it does not request Local Network permissions ever. I feel like i'm missing something here. I combed through all of the Local Network FAQs and don't really see this use case addressed. I do see that there is an open ticket for an API to trigger the request, but no update on that and the ticket is not visible publicly. Is there is a way to accomplish this for java or other programs running via launchd with a user other than root? something like an entitlement or an API to seed the permission of Local Network when installing the service via launchctl etc?
Jan ’25
Privacy manifest related deadlines - inconsistent communication by Apple
Please help me clarify the current situation regarding the necessity of a privacy manifest file in 3rd party SDKs. It would be nice to have a reply from someone working at Apple, to have a reliable answer. A quick summery of the events from last year https://developer.apple.com/support/third-party-SDK-requirements/ : "Starting in spring 2024, you must include the privacy manifest for any SDK listed below when you submit new apps in App Store Connect that include those SDKs, or when you submit an app update that adds one of the listed SDKs as part of the update." Last autumn, we started receiving warning emails from Apple after initiating app reviews, even when our apps did not have a newly added SDK: ITMS-91061: Missing privacy manifest - Starting November 12, 2024, if a new app includes a privacy-impacting SDK, or an app update adds a new privacy-impacting SDK, the SDK must include a privacy manifest file. Please contact the provider of the SDK that includes this file to get an updated SDK version with a privacy manifest. According to this warning message, app updates which do not contain any new SDKs are still not affected. Since then, at one point in time the deadline changed, as now we have February 12, 2025 in the privacy manifest documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/adding-a-privacy-manifest-to-your-app-or-third-party-sdk However, this page does not contain any mention of the circumstances, it only states in general that apps you submit for review in App Store Connect must contain a valid privacy manifest file for a certain number of commonly used third-party SDKs. My questions Does the February deadline apply to every app update, even if they do not contain any newly added SDKs? Or does it still affect only the app updates "that adds one of the listed SDKs as part of the update." ? If the former, the 3rd party requirements page should be updated in my opinion. And if the latter, why does the documentation not contain this important piece of information? We have a basic product which then gets customised for the clients so we upload several different apps based on the same code with the same dependencies. How is it possible that during autumn, Apple sent ITMS-91061: Missing privacy manifest warnings for some of our apps, but did not send it for others? Does Apple not validate all the apps but only some of them randomly? Also, the warning still states that it should be relevant if "an app update adds a new privacy-impacting SDK", but that was not the case for us, we did not add anything newly to our apps - why did we even get these warnings then? Just in general: when the deadlines change, is there any channel where Apple communicates these, besides the warning emails? I did not see any posts on the Apple Developer site's News page about this February date, I just found it by accident. I don't even remember seeing a notice about the original November deadline, we just started receiving the email warnings without expecting them. Thank you in advance for anyone sharing an answer.
Jan ’25
Local Network privacy blocking my app when it shouldn't
I have read the other most relevant posts on this topic here and here. However, the situations described in these posts are different. My app is just a regular Mach-O bundle with a single executable that is launched by the user from the Finder. I've read the Local Network Privacy FAQ and TN3179 carefully and these also doesn't cover the problem described below, which is being reported to me by several of my users. The problem is that some days after giving Local Network permission to my app, without having changed anything, local network connections will spontaneously start failing with EHOSTUNREACH, indicating that it is being blocked by macOS. This typically happens after a Mac reboot. Toggling off/on the Local Network permission for my app will get it working again, until the next time it fails. My users who are reporting this have stated that they are running macOS Sonoma 15.2, with only a single version/copy of my app installed. I've tried, and failed, to reproduce this in a VM with a clean 15.2 system, but maybe this is due to the relatively short duration of my testing (days rather than weeks). I know there isn't much to go on here, and it may be tempting to put this down to misreporting. After all, the vast majority of my users aren't reporting this, and I can't reproduce it. But, I have received enough similar reports at this point that it's starting to feel like a macOS bug. Is anyone else seeing this? If there is anything that anyone can suggest - either modifications in my app, or anything that my users can do on their side - this would be very much appreciated! Many thanks, Ben
Jan ’25
Apple Healthkit data usage
I want to use the Apple Healthkit data to recommend personalised insurance. Is this allowed? As I have read in the documentation that the Apple Healthkit data can only be used for fitness and health purposes. Anyone knows what is meant / scope of "fitness and health purposes"? Will personalised insurance as per health data be allowed under this category?
Jan ’25