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Xcode 15 beta does not show iOS 17 beta device
I installed Xcode 15 beta 3 (Xcode_15_beta_3) and the iOS 17 runtime (iOS_17_beta_3_Simulator_Runtime). I am able to build and run in the Simulator (iOS 17) and on my physical iPhone 14 Pro running iOS 16.5.1 (20F75). But when I connect my physical iPhone 12 Pro running iOS 17.0 (21A5277h) it doesn't show in Xcode Devices and Simulator. What could be the problem? I already tried restarting Xcode, the Mac and the iPhone. Plugging to a different usb-c port.
Oct ’23
Opaque error when trying to test app on physical iPhone
I am trying to run a test app on my physical iPhone. XCode is giving me the following error when I try to do so: The run destination Mike's iPhone is not valid for Running the scheme 'TestApp'. Failed to prepare the device for development. This operation can fail if the version of the OS on the device is incompatible with the installed version of Xcode. You may also need to restart your Mac and device in order to correctly detect compatibility. Is there any way I can get more information on what specific compatibility issue is happening here? I checked the version info as the error outlines: I am using XCode 14.1 and an iPhone XR on iOS 16.5.1. According to Apple's docs[1] XCode 14.3.1 supports iOS 16.4. My project's minimum deployment is set to 16.0 so my phone's OS should be sufficient. I've tried restarting both my mac and iPhone and have cleaned the build directory before during and after restarting each device. I was previously able to run apps on this same iPhone several months ago though I believe it was on a different laptop (that I no longer have access to). I have confirmed that developer mode is on on the iPhone both before and after my restarts. This error is still occurring and unfortunately the error has not changes so I am still working with the one completely opaque error. Is there a way I can check the underlying error or get more info on what I may need to do to resolve this error?
Jul ’23
photoOutput() called with its error parameter set
I followed the directions to capture, and store uncompressed (raw), image files at: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/photo_capture/capturing_photos_in_raw_and_apple_proraw_formats I excluded the thumbnails because they are not needed. When picture taking is attempted the completion handling callback method: RAWCaptureDelegate.photoOutput( _ output: AVCapturePhotoOutput, didFinishProcessingPhoto photo: AVCapturePhoto, error: Error?) is called as expected, but called with its "error" parameter set to the value: Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11803 "Cannot Record" UserInfo={AVErrorRecordingFailureDomainKey=3, NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot Record, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Try recording again.} I do not know what to do about this error. The error message recommends trying again, but the error repeats every time. Any suggestions on possible causes, or how to proceed to find out what is going wrong, would be much appreciated. The device this is run on is an iPhone 14 pro.
Jul ’23
Issue with React Native Fetch API: Handling Arrays of Objects on iOS 15.7.7 and Simulated iPhone 7 (iOS 14.5)
Hey fellow developers! I'm encountering a perplexing issue with my React Native app, specifically related to handling arrays of objects when using the Fetch API on iOS 15.7.7 and even on a simulated iPhone 7 running iOS 14.5. I'm reaching out for some collective wisdom to help shed some light on this situation. Here's a brief overview of the problem: Affected Platforms: The issue is observed on physical devices running iOS 15.7.7, as well as simulated iPhone 7 with iOS 14.5. However, it's important to note that the app works flawlessly on iPad devices with iOS 15.7.7 and various other simulators. The Fetch Request: In my React Native app, I'm making a simple fetch request to retrieve an array of objects from my backend API. The server returns a valid JSON response with the expected data. async function fetchSomething(id: string): Promise<SomeResponse> { const response = await fetch(`https://www.website.com/api/${id}`); return await response.json(); } Inconsistent Behavior: The strange part is that while the fetch request works perfectly fine on iPad devices and other simulators, it fails to handle the array of objects correctly on the affected platforms. Direct JSON File Fetch: To eliminate any issues with the backend API, I experimented by fetching a JSON file directly from the server with the same data that the API should provide. Surprisingly, the direct JSON file fetch works perfectly on all platforms, including the affected iOS devices. Accessing the Desired Array of Objects: Upon further investigation, I noticed that when attempting to access the desired array of objects in the response data: Working Example (iPad and Simulators): someArrayWithObjects [{"bodytext": "...", "ctype": "...", "header": "...", "headerLayout": "...", "pid": 0, "uid": 0}] Non-Working Example (iOS 15.7.7 and Simulated iPhone 7): someArrayWithObjects [{"ctype": null, "headerLayout": null}] The someArrayWithObjects in the non-working example lacks essential data compared to the working example, which might be causing the issue. By the way, the error occurs with any other array of objects of the same data response. Differences in Request Header Content-Length: Additionally, as mentioned in the original post, the "content-length" in the request header for the non-working example (iOS 15.7.7 and simulated iPhone 7) differs from the working example (iPad and other simulators). I'm puzzled as to why the "content-length" differs and how it might be impacting the processing of the response data on these specific iOS platforms. Perhaps the length differs because of the missing data in the response. Has anyone encountered a similar issue with React Native fetch requests on iOS 15.7.7 or older versions? Any ideas or insights into why this discrepancy in "content-length" might be causing the problem? Or any thoughts on why the "contentArray" is lacking data in the non-working example? I appreciate any help or suggestions to resolve this issue, as it's been quite challenging to pinpoint the root cause. Thank you in advance for your support and expertise. 🙏 Happy coding! 5steve
Jul ’23
ios 17 public beta
Hey, after update to ios 17 ***** beta after i had 17 developer beta 2 my iphone 13 pro max stuck at - white screen with updating apple id settings but when i restart the iphone i got popup with - verification failed! there was a error connecting to the apple id server. any help? im stuck almost 3 days without iphone :(
Jul ’23
When I start my car, my Apple Watch tells me how far I'm from home. It's the wrong address now.
I have an iPhone 14 Pro and Apple Watch SE. My phone is connected via Bluetooth to my car (it is NOT CarPlay). This feature has been working for at least a couple of iOS versions, however, I'm currently running iOS 17 Public Beta and WatchOS 10 Public Beta. When I start my car, my watch tells me how far I'm from home and if it's light/heavy traffic. As far as I can tell, Apple Maps is telling me this info. I do have Google Maps installed as well, but don't think it's that. This is NOT the "Find my car" feature. I recently moved (in the last few days) and updated my "Home" on both Apple Maps and Google Maps, however, when I start my car from my new address, it tells me how far I am from my old address. When I'm away from both addresses it still tells me the old address as well. I need to figure out how to update the new address so it'll tell me that distance when I start my car.
Jul ’23
Can UWB replace GPS indoor?
Hi I'm working for KT mobile telecom company in South Korea I am planning a proposal for  'Wireless Quality Measurement Using UWB Technology'. Currently, KT is automating measurement using GPS in the case of road quality measurement in wireless quality. However, in the case of indoor quality, due to the limitations of GPS, we are measuring  wireless quality  by walikg around with measuring device As far as I know, UWB technology is capable of accurate positioning by calculating the arrival time of radio wave. Can UWB technology act as an indoor GPS? If possible, how many antennas should be installed every few meters to receive signals from smartphones? (In the case of KT, I am thinking of using Wi-Fi or radio unit  installed in the facility.) 3.What are the restrictions? Thank you.
Mar ’24
Specification for LiDAR sensor on iPhone Pro and negative impact to electrical devices
Hi, I'd like to inquire about the LiDAR sensor specifications for the iPhone Pro and iPad Pro. We are currently developing a 3D scanner app for construction sites and need to ensure that LiDAR does not cause any damage to electrical or telecommunication devices. I understand that LiDAR is a class 1 laser and considered safe for eye exposure. However, I'm concerned about its potential impact on electronics, such as noise or interference. For instance, could the LiDAR interfere with a fire alarm that uses a photon diode sensor, potentially leading to false alarms? I assume that fire alarms should have some form of shielding, but I am uncertain about this. In my research, I came across some information about LiDAR specifications in this discussion thread: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/131013. Additionally, there were some relevant blogs discussing the type of sensor it uses: https://www.techinsights.com/ja/node/33570. I also reached out to other manufacturers, as I believe ToF sensors might have similarities, but unfortunately, I haven't received a definitive answer yet. Any assistance on this matter would be highly appreciated. Thank you.
Jul ’23
SwiftUI App shrunk on device build but not on xcode previews
I am using Xcode 15 beta 2 to work on an application and suddenly my on-device builds became vertically shrunk, with 0 changes to the UI or code or configuration. The application looks perfectly normal in Xcode preivews, but when I load the app on my device it looks like it's for the iPhone SE, when I'm running an iPhone 13 Pro Max. Already tried: Cleaning build folder Deleting Derived Data Restarting iPhone Restarting Mac Printing UIScreen.main.bounds.width and size to console Display zoom on iphone is set to default How it looks on my phone How it looks in XCode Both built from the exact same source code
Jul ’23
App not displaying launch screen. Long booting process with grayed AppIcon
Hello, one of my users is experiencing this kind of issue: He taps on my app attached to the Dock. App icons turns gray, indicating the process is started. This state with him looking at his iOS homepage with icon grayed out stays for a second or two. App launches immediately, without displaying the Launch Screen. iPhone 14 Pro Max iOS 16.3.1 (video is from this system, but on 16.6 it happened for the same user too) He claims that the issue happens only when the app was turned off for a longer time (for example a day of inactivity). After this first longer broken launch, next launches works much faster and display launch screen properly.
Jul ’23
Usage of IOS Private APIs such as IOKit Framework
Hi, I am developping an app for IOS using React Native. I want to write a native modules in Swift and use Objective C to bridge the React Native JS functions with native component. In particular, i want to use IOKit framework to access such information as Battery Temperature and Battery Level. I read in many stackoverflow articles and in ChatGPT that the usage of IOS Private APIs are forbidden andd Apple will reject the app from AppStore and block the account. Is it true? Is there any legal way to use low level APIs and avoid to be rejected or blocked by Apple? The official Apple Technical Support is not responding me. I would really appreciate your help and support. Best Regards, Kamran
Aug ’23
Mic not working when using phone connected to Carplay.
This issue only happens on my phone, 12 Pro. My wife has a 12 Pro Max and carplay don't have any issues. Using phone app in carplay was working several days ago. I'm on IOS beta program and I have 17.0. The person on the other end of the call said that he thinks he hear a sound when I'm talking but it's not my voice. When I switch to use speaker on my phone then the other party can hear me clearly. But the sound now is on my phone not on the car's speaker. I know it's not my phone's mic coz I can use Siri on carplay. Also, it's not my car's mic coz my wife's 12 Pro max works fine. My wife's phone is NOT on the IOS beta program. I already did RESET ALL SETTINGS and still the same. I am hesitant to factory reset it, I have a lot on my phone. Is there a setting I'm missing?
Aug ’23
[iOS 16.5] Deeplink does not redirect into app from universal URL
i implemented universal url support in iOS app where when we click on universal url, app was getting open in iOS 16.1 and below this OS version Problem is: when same link we open from iOS 16.5 and iOS17 beta version, it is not opening app. it is opening browser instead. my question is what happened with iOS 16.5 and above are they not supporting universal url?
Aug ’23