I found the Table with Toggle will have performance issue when the data is large.
I can reproduce it in Apple demo:
Replace with a large mock data, for example
Try to scroll the table, it's not smooth.
I found if I delete the Toggle, the performance be good.
TableColumn("Favorite", value: \.favorite, comparator: BoolComparator()) { plant in
Toggle("Favorite", isOn: $garden[plant.id].favorite)
Is this bug in SwiftUI? Any workaround?
My Mac is Intel, not sure it can repro on Apple Silicon
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We are experiencing slow launch time indicators in our performance monitoring tools(Crashlytics/DataDog/Xcode), and trying to understand what is the best approach to reduce it.
Currently, cold launch takes ~900ms on iPhone 16 Pro , but
~2s on iPhone 11. Profiling app launch detected that most of the time
is spend on loading the libraries. Our app is massive, we use a
total of ~40 3rd parties libraries + 10 internal libraries. We enabled
the "mergeable libraries" XCode new feature however the app
launch is as written above.
We also postponed some of the work in didFinishLaunch, which help a bit...
But maybe we are trying to achieve the impossible?
Could it be that large apps just can't reach the golden 500ms goal?
Currently we are trying to create an "umbrella" library for
all the third parties in order to force them to become part of the
mergeable libraries. We would like to know if, are we on the right
On my MAC, I have a XPC server running as a daemon. It also checks the clients for codesigning requirements.
I have multiple clients(2 or more).
Each of these clients periodically(say 5 seconds) poll the XPC server to ask for a particular data.
I want to understand how the performance of my MAC will be affected when multiple XPC clients keep polling a XPC server.
Our team is currently handling hang issues and logs received by the Organizer during our project.
Regarding the xCode Organizer, we’d like to ask a few questions:
The hang rate is presented as a bar chart for each app version. Is there any way to get detailed information for each versions? For example, what percentage of the hang rate is attributed to users on different iOS versions?
We've encountered a situation where the hang logs have decreased, but the hang rate has increased. Could you explain why this might occur?
I was wondering how the hang rate is sampled. For instance, does it record all users who experience a hang, or only those under specific conditions? The situation is that we can see only a handful of hang logs (around 13), but we have hundreds of thousands of DAUs. This ratio seems quite off. Could you explain what might cause us to receive such a small number of logs for each version?
I have a scroll view that when it appears I get a constant stream of warnings from the console:
CGBitmapContextInfoCreate: CGColorSpace which uses extended range requires floating point or CIF10 bitmap context
This happens whether or not I'm actively scrolling, so maybe it's not a scroll view issue at all? The reason I initially thought it was a scrollView issue was because when I scrolled the scrolling was no longer smooth, it was pretty choppy.
Also, I only get these warnings when I run my code on a real device - I do not get these on any simulators. Could it be the mesh gradient causing an issue?
I'm not sure what's causing the issue so I apologize in advance for what may be irrelevant code.
struct ModernStoryPicker: View {
@Environment(CategoryPickerViewModel.self) var categoryPickerViewModel
@EnvironmentObject var navigationPath: GrowNavigationState
@State private var hasPreselectedStory: Bool = false
@State private var storyGenerationType: StoryGenerationType = .arabicCompanion
var userInstructions: String {
if categoryPickerViewModel.userInputCategory.isEmpty {
"Select a category"
} else if categoryPickerViewModel.userInputSubCategory.isEmpty {
"Select a subcategory"
} else {
"Select a story"
var body: some View {
ZStack {
MeshGradient(width: 3, height: 3, points: [
[0.0, 0.0], [0.5, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.5], [0.9, 0.3], [1.0, 0.5],
[0.0, 1.0], [0.5, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]
], colors: [
.orange, .indigo, .orange,
.blue, .blue, .cyan,
.green, .indigo, .pink
VStack {
Picker("", selection: $storyGenerationType) {
ForEach(StoryGenerationType.allCases) { type in
.onAppear {...}
@ViewBuilder func automatedOrUserStories() -> some View {
switch storyGenerationType {
case .userGenerated:
VStack {
Text("Coming soon!")
case .arabicCompanion:
VStack {
// TODO: Unnecessary passing of data, only the 2nd view really needs all these props
categories: categoryPickerViewModel.mainCategories(), isSubCategory: false,
selectionColor: .blue
categories: categoryPickerViewModel.subCategories(), isSubCategory: true,
selectionColor: .purple
ScrollView(.horizontal) {
HStack {
if categoryPickerViewModel.booksForCategories.isEmpty {
Text("More books coming soon!")
ForEach(categoryPickerViewModel.booksForCategories) { bookCover in
Button(action: {
// navigates to BookDetailView.swift
}) {
loadedImage: categoryPickerViewModel.imageForBook(bookCover),
bookCover: bookCover
.scrollTransition(axis: .horizontal) { content, phase in
.scaleEffect(phase.isIdentity ? 1 : 0.5)
.opacity(phase.isIdentity ? 1 : 0.8)
.contentMargins(80, for: .scrollContent)
struct CategoryPickerView: View {
@Environment(CategoryPickerViewModel.self) var viewModel
let categories: [String]
let isSubCategory: Bool
let selectionColor: Color
var body: some View {
ScrollView(.horizontal) {
HStack {
ForEach(categories, id: \.self) { category in
Button(action: {
withAnimation {
}) {
TextRoundedRectangleView(text: category, color: effectiveColor(for: category))
private func selectCategory(_ string: String) {
if !isSubCategory {
viewModel.userInputCategory = string
} else {
viewModel.userInputSubCategory = string
private func effectiveColor(for category: String) -> Color {
let chosenCategory = isSubCategory ? viewModel.userInputSubCategory : viewModel.userInputCategory
if category == chosenCategory {
return selectionColor
return .white
Our company has an application uses the WKWebview to host a lot of content.
The content is web based and hosts a lot of charts and metrics.
Because of the high content, we've seen the memory of the WebContent hit above 1.25 GB.
When that happens, it'll eventually terminate and we have our recovery code to reload the same page
Seems like the limit is hidden / internal. Some Apple devs also noted something might be hard coded to be limited as well.
Yes, we have our optimizations but we still need to keep our queries, use react, cache, etc... It's just a heavy web application.
Can you help us raise that limit?
Are there some limitations in Webkit for such a need to terminate?
As some devices have much higher RAM than before, we were hoping to be able to dynamically adjust the limit for the wkwebview before it resets.
We contacted our internal contacts but they said to post here.
I'm building a camera app that does some post processing after the photo has been taken. With 12MP the processing is pretty good, but larger images 24MP is very slow.
I created a very simple example to demonstrate the issue, which is loading an image and the rendering it to data.
let context = CIContext()
let imageUrl = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "12mp", withExtension: "jpg")!
let data = try! Data(contentsOf: imageUrl)
let ciImage = CIImage(data: data)!
let start = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
let data = context.jpegRepresentation(of: ciImage, colorSpace: context.workingColorSpace!)
print("Resize Completed: " + String(CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - start))
Running this code on an iPhone 16 Pro with different images produces these benchmarks:
12MP => 0.03s
24MP => 1.22s
48MP => 2.98s
I understand that processing time will increase with resolution but it doesn't seem linear. I have tried setting different CiContext options such as .useSoftwareRenderer: false but it has made no difference.
From profiling the process it looks like the JPEG decoding is the bottle neck. This is for a 48MP Image:
Is there any way this can be improved?
Hello, I am currently optimizing the performance of my application. I would like to obtain information about users being killed after leaving the application in the background, in order to evaluate whether the application is running normally in the background. I noticed that there is a Background Termination information in Xcode ->Organizer that records background exits. I would like to know the rules for obtaining this information and what is the health standard for this indicator on the Apple side?
There is a Android Dynamic Performance Framework,
https://developer.android.com/games/optimize/adpf which allows you to monitor device's thermal state and send performance hints to the OS, describing current workload.
This helps to consume resources effectively, while having target performance. As I can see from tracing and profiling, hints help OS scheduler to switch tasks between cores more effectively - this helps to reach performance stability between multiple runs.
I wonder, is there anything similar for iOS platform?
I am experiencing a crash on iOS 18 for some devices when the app becomes active again after being inactive for one or two days, with the following details:
Crash Information:
Thread: com.apple.main-thread
The crash occurs intermittently on certain devices, but I haven’t been able to reproduce it consistently. Based on the crash logs, it seems to be related to accessing an invalid or corrupted memory address. But if user try to uninstall the app or restart the device, the issue is gone .
Is this a known issue in iOS 18? Are there any official workarounds or fixes?
Could this be related to specific device configurations, such as limited memory on older models?
Are there any known APIs or frameworks in iOS 18 that could trigger such an issue?
What additional debugging steps would you recommend to narrow down the root cause?
Have other developers encountered similar crashes in iOS 18?
Thank you for your help! I appreciate any insights or suggestions.
I am using DuckDB as an external dependency in my project. The package is basically a Swift wrapper around C++ code.
If I run my app in Debug mode, then the performance of the library is an order of magnitude slower than when I run it in Release mode. In Release mode it is really fast, but compilation times are too slow.
I am a complete beginner to Xcode's build system and was wondering if there was any way to have the best of both worlds? For example, by compiling my SwiftUI code without optimizations but having it linked to a static and optimized version of the library.
I am a new SwiftUI app developer and developing my first application. In the process of designing not very GUI rich app, I noticed my app crashed whenever I switched orientation (testing on multiple iPhone devices).
After going through all kind of logs and errors, performance enhancements nothing worked.
Then I started rolling back all GUI related features 1 by 1 and tested (I am sure there are better approaches, but excuse me I am novice in app development :) ).
Even though it's time consuming, I could pin point the cause of the fatal error and app crash, it's due to multiple .shadow modifiers I used on NavigationLink inside a ForEach look (to be precise I used it like following,
.shadow(radius: 15)
.shadow(radius: 20)
.shadow(radius: 20)
.shadow(radius: 20)
.shadow(radius: 20)
Note, there are only 7 items in List and it uses the Hero View (like app store's Today section) for child views.
Once I got rid of shadow modifies or used only 1 app works fine and doesn't crash.
Lesson learnt...
It's so ironic that so performance tuned devices couldn't handle this basic GUI stuff.
I am exploring real-time object detection, and its replacement/overlay with another shape, on live video streams for an iOS app using Core ML and Vision frameworks. My target is to achieve high-speed, real-time detection without noticeable latency, similar to what’s possible with PageFault handling and Associative Caching in OS, but applied to video processing.
Given that this requires consistent, real-time model inference, I’m curious about how well the Neural Engine or GPU can handle such tasks on A-series chips in iPhones versus M-series chips (specifically M1 Pro and possibly M4) in MacBooks. Here are a few specific points I’d like insight on:
Hardware Suitability: How feasible is it to perform real-time object detection with Core ML on the Neural Engine (i.e., can it maintain low latency)? Would the M-series chips (e.g., M1 Pro or newer) offer a tangible benefit for this type of task compared to the A-series in mobile devices? Which A- and M- chips would be minimum feasible recommendation for such task.
Performance Expectations: For continuous, live video object detection, what would be the expected frame rate or latency using an optimized Core ML model? Has anyone benchmarked such applications, and is the M-series required to achieve smooth, real-time processing?
Differences Across Apple Hardware: How does performance scale between the A-series Neural Engine and M-series GPU and Neural Engine? Is the M-series vastly superior for real-time Core ML tasks like object detection on live video feeds?
If anyone has attempted live object detection on these chips, any insights on real-time performance, limitations, or optimizations would be highly appreciated.
Please refer: Apple APIs
Thank you in advance for your help!
I'm currently pulling device-specific data for my app, and I'm manually listing 150 models like this:
device_models = [ "iPhone1_1", "iPhone1_2", "iPhone2_1", ... "iPad16_6"]
Is there an API endpoint or an automated method to dynamically retrieve a complete list of device models?
I'm specifically looking to connect this with the performance metrics API to monitor launch times per device type. Any suggestions on how to streamline or automate this list would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I created a simple animation of a circle that changes sizes. The circle pulses like a heartbeat in the center of the screen. My expectation was for the CPU use to be very low, but that is not the case. In addition, even if the CPU use isn't as low as I would expect, I did not expect the CPU use to increase over time because nothing else is happening in the app. Here is the code:
import SwiftUI
struct TestApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
import SwiftUI
struct SplashScreenView: View {
var body: some View {
ZStack {
SplashNucleusView(minSize: 50, maxSize: 100)
import SwiftUI
struct SplashNucleusView: View {
let minSize: Double
let maxSize: Double
@State private var nucleusColor: Color = .primary
@State private var nucleusRadius: Double = 10
@State private var nucleusOpacity: Double = 1.0
private var nucleusAnimation: Animation {
.easeInOut(duration: 0.25)
.repeatForever(autoreverses: true)
let timer = Timer.publish(every: 0.5, on: .main, in: .common).autoconnect()
var body: some View {
.frame(width: nucleusRadius)
.onReceive(timer) { _ in
withAnimation(nucleusAnimation) {
nucleusRadius = Double.random(in: minSize...maxSize)
This is how the animation looks:
The animation is snappy until the CPU use reaches 95%, at which point there is visible stuttering. Here is how the CPU looks when the animation duration value is 0.5 seconds and the timer publishing interval is 3 seconds:
Changing the animation duration value to 0.25 seconds and the timer publishing interval to 0.5 seconds changes the CPU use as follows:
The complete view has many other moving parts, which make the issue much worse. The issue is evident with only the circle view. I spent hours working with the debugger, reading about animations, and testing new approaches, but the result is always the same.
Why is this happening?
In my React Native mobile application, we are experiencing app termination issues on a few devices (iPhone 13 & 14). We are not getting any logs on Xcode organizer after app termination due to memory leak or terminates by OS.
Could you please suggest a way to log app terminations or recommend any other platform where we can log such events? Alternatively, do you have any suggestions on how to resolve app termination issues?
In my React Native mobile application, we are experiencing app termination issues on a few devices (iPhone 13 & 14). We have implemented Firebase Crashlytics, we are getting crashes logs but we are not receiving any logs for app terminations when app terminates due to memory leak or terminates by OS.
Could you please suggest a way to log app terminations or recommend any other platform where we can log such events? Alternatively, do you have any suggestions on how to resolve app termination issues?
I generate images with command line apps in Swift on MacOS. Under the prior Xcode/MacOS my code had been running at the same performance for years. Converting to Swift 6 (no code changes) and running on Sequoia, I noticed a massive slowdown. Running Profile, I tracked it down to allow single line:
var values = ContiguousArray<Double>(repeating: 0.0, count: localData.options.count)
count for my current test case is 4, so its allocating 4 doubles at a time, around 40,000 times in this test. This one line takes 42 seconds out of a run time of 52 seconds. With the profile shown as:
26 41.62 s 4.8% 26.00 ms specialized ContiguousArray.init(_uninitializedCount:)
42 41.57 s 4.8% 42.00 ms _ContiguousArrayBuffer.init(_uninitializedCount:minimumCapacity:)
40730 40.93 s 4.7% 40.73 s _swift_allocObject_
68 68.00 ms 0.0% 68.00 ms std::__1::pair<MallocTypeCacheEntry*, unsigned int> swift::ConcurrentReadableHashMap<MallocTypeCacheEntry, swift::LazyMutex>::find<unsigned int>(unsigned int const&, swift::ConcurrentReadableHashMap<MallocTypeCacheEntry, swift::LazyMutex>::IndexStorage, unsigned long, MallocTypeCacheEntry*)
7 130.00 ms 0.0% 7.00 ms swift::swift_slowAllocTyped(unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long long)
which is clearly inside the OS allocator somewhere. What happened? Previously this would have taken closer to 8 seconds or so for the entire run.
Recently, we reworked a crucial part of our app and managed to half the amount of CPU cycles our app requires (according to Xcode Instruments).
Nonetheless, when using the Time Profiler component in instruments, it shows that the CPU time spent was either higher or the same (depending on execution).
The main time-consuming factor here: libsystem_pthread.dylib - the amount of CPU time spent by this library has doubled from original implementation to reworked implementation.
Therefore, I'm having a few questions:
How should I interpret this result?
How is this even possible if the CPU clock cycles halved?
What is the better metric here, the CPU cycles or the time profiler?
How can I reduce the impact of that said library? What does that library do and how can I influence its performance?
Thanks in advance.
On and off I've been trying to figure out how to do hang detection in-application (at least from the user's point of view). Qualitatively what I'd like to do is have a process which runs sample(1) on the application after it's been unresponsive for more than a second or so. Basically, an in-app replacement for Spin Control. The problem I've been stuck on is: how do I tell?
There used to be Core Graphics SPI (CGSRegisterNotifyProc with a value of kCGSEventNotificationAppIsUnresponsive) for doing this, but it doesn't work anymore (either due to sandboxing or system-wide security changes, I can't tell which but it doesn't matter).
One thought I had was to have an XPC service which would expect to receive a checkin once per second from the host (via a timer set up by the host). If it didn't, it would start sample(1). This seems pretty heavyweight to me, since it means that once per second, I'm going to be consuming cycles to check in with the service. But I haven't been able to come up with a scheme that doesn't include some kind of check-in by the target process.
Are there any APIs or strategies that I could use to accomplish this? Or is there some entitlement which would allow the application to request "application became unresponsive"/"application became responsive" notifications from the window server?