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Simulate and render 3D content for use in your augmented reality apps using RealityKit.

RealityKit Documentation






RealityKit particleEmitter delay starting when toggling isEmitting
I have a scene built up in RealityComposerPro, in which I've added a ParticleEmitter with isEmitting set to False and 'Loop' set to True. In my app, when I toggle isEmitting to True there can be a delay of a few seconds before the ParticleEmitter starts. However, if I programatically add the emitter in code at that point, it starts immediately. To be clear, I'm seeing this on the VisionOS simulator - I don't have access to a device at this time. Am I misunderstanding how to control the ParticleEmitter when I need precise control on when it starts.
EntityAction for MaterialBaseTint - incorrect colours
Hello, I'm writing an EntityAction that animates a material base tint between two different colours. However, the colour that is being actually set differs in RGB values from that requested. For example, trying to set an end target of R0.5, G0.5, B0.5, results in a value of R0.735357, G0.735357, B0.735357. I can also see during the animation cycle that intermediate actual tint values are also incorrect, versus those being set. My understanding is the the values of material base colour are passed as a SIMD4. Therefore I have a couple of helper extensions to convert a UIColor into this format and mix between two colours. Note however, I don't think the issue is with this functions - even if their outputs are wrong, the final value of the base tint doesn't match the value being set. I wondered if this was a colour space issue? import simd import RealityKit import UIKit typealias Float4 = SIMD4<Float> extension Float4 { func mixedWith(_ value: Float4, by mix: Float) -> Float4 { Float4( simd_mix(x, value.x, mix), simd_mix(y, value.y, mix), simd_mix(z, value.z, mix), simd_mix(w, value.w, mix) ) } } extension UIColor { var float4: Float4 { var r: CGFloat = 0.0 var g: CGFloat = 0.0 var b: CGFloat = 0.0 var a: CGFloat = 0.0 getRed(&r, green: &g, blue: &b, alpha: &a) return Float4(Float(r), Float(g), Float(b), Float(a)) } } struct ColourAction: EntityAction { let startColour: SIMD4<Float> let targetColour: SIMD4<Float> var animatedValueType: (any AnimatableData.Type)? { SIMD4<Float>.self } init(startColour: UIColor, targetColour: UIColor) { self.startColour = startColour.float4 self.targetColour = targetColour.float4 } static func registerEntityAction() { ColourAction.subscribe(to: .updated) { event in guard let animationState = event.animationState else { return } let interpolatedColour = event.action.startColour.mixedWith(event.action.targetColour, by: Float(animationState.normalizedTime)) animationState.storeAnimatedValue(interpolatedColour) } } } extension Entity { func updateColour(from currentColour: UIColor, to targetColour: UIColor, duration: Double, endAction: @escaping (Entity) -> Void = { _ in }) { let colourAction = ColourAction(startColour: currentColour, targetColour: targetColour, endedAction: endAction) if let colourAnimation = try? AnimationResource.makeActionAnimation(for: colourAction, duration: duration, bindTarget: .material(0).baseColorTint) { playAnimation(colourAnimation) } } } The EntityAction can only be applied to an entity with a ModelComponent (because of the material), so it can be called like so: guard let modelComponent = entity.components[ModelComponent.self], let material = modelComponent.materials.first as? PhysicallyBasedMaterial else { return } let currentColour = material.baseColor.tint let targetColour = UIColor(_colorLiteralRed: 0.5, green: 0.5, blue: 0.5, alpha: 1.0) entity.updateColour(from:currentColour, to: targetColour, duration: 2)
RealityView IOS Navigation
I have a visionOS app that Iā€™m adding support for IOS and will like to keep using RealityView. I know there are the following modifiers to add some navigation .realityViewCameraControls(.orbit) .realityViewCameraControls(.dolly) .realityViewCameraControls(.pan) But how can I add more than one? For example I would like to orbit with one finger, Pan with 2 fingers and dolly by pinching. Is this possible and if so can someone share some sample code on how to achieve that? Thanks, Guillermo
Subdivision shows in RealityComposerPro but not when loaded in Simulator
Hello, I am trying to use the subdivision mesh rendering option. I can see it working in RealityComposerPro: But not when loading asset and displaying in Simulator: Using this code: import SwiftUI import RealityKit import RealityKitContent struct AirspaceView: View { // MARK: - VIEW BODY var body: some View { RealityView { content in if let a = try? await Entity(named: "Models/Test/Test.usdc", in: realityKitContentBundle) { content.add(a) } } } } Any ideas why?
Issue with FBX import -- models are ultra small
When importing FBX animations (generated by Cinema 4d or Blender) the models come in very far way and cannot resize or zoomed in. I have tried every setting from both programs to no avail. Is there a secret to providing the right export options? When importing without animations/and rigging the model imports fine and correct size. But once motion is included, something is awry. I also tried changing base units in Converter, but did not work. I have attache my model heirarchy in C4D as well as the imported result. It appears the animation is imported, as I can see it move, but can barely see it :)
alternative for CustomShader in visionOS
Following the post on it's simple to use shader for materials and get uniforms and params from each vertex. However it's not available for visionOS. Any alternative to use in this case? I want to write shader to fill material by myself. (I have shader experience from web, familiar with fragment shader)
Place a box on a wall or on the floor
Hi, I wanted to do something quite simple: Put a box on a wall or on the floor. My box: let myBox = ModelEntity( mesh: .generateBox(size: SIMD3<Float>(0.1, 0.1, 0.01)), materials: [SimpleMaterial(color: .systemRed, isMetallic: false)], collisionShape: .generateBox(size: SIMD3<Float>(0.1, 0.1, 0.01)), mass: 0.0) For that I used Plane Detection to identify the walls and floor in the room. Then with SpatialTapGesture I was able to retrieve the position where the user is looking and tap. let position = value.convert(value.location3D, from: .local, to: .scene) And then positioned my box myBox.setPosition(position, relativeTo: nil) When I then tested it I realized that the box was not parallel to the wall but had a slightly inclined angle. I also realized if I tried to put my box on the wall to my left the box was placed perpendicular to this wall and not placed on it. After various searches and several attempts I ended up playing with transform.matrix to identify if the plane is wall or a floor, if it was in front of me or on the side and set up a rotation on the box to "place" it on the wall or a floor. let surfaceTransform = surface.transform.matrix let surfaceNormal = normalize( let baseRotation = simd_quatf(angle: .pi, axis: SIMD3<Float>(0, 1, 0)) var finalRotation: simd_quatf if acos(abs(dot(surfaceNormal, SIMD3<Float>(0, 1, 0)))) < 0.3 {"Surface: ceiling/floor") finalRotation = simd_quatf(angle: surfaceNormal.y > 0 ? 0 : .pi, axis: SIMD3<Float>(1, 0, 0)) } else if abs(surfaceNormal.x) > abs(surfaceNormal.z) {"Surface: left/right") finalRotation = simd_quatf(angle: surfaceNormal.x > 0 ? .pi/2 : -.pi/2, axis: SIMD3<Float>(0, 1, 0)) } else {"Surface: front/back") finalRotation = baseRotation } Playing with matrices is not really my thing so I don't know if I'm doing it right. Could you tell me if my tests for the orientation of the walls are correct? During my tests I don't always correctly identify whether the wall is in front or on the side. Is this generally the right way to do it? Is there an easier way to do this? Regards Tof
ARMeshAnchor Data with RealityView
I want to use SwiftUI and RealityView to get AR scene understanding data (ARMeshAnchor) on iOS devices with LiDAR. The only way we can do that is by using ARSession (unless there is another way). However in previous iOS 18 builds there was this function: , which worked with SpatialTrackingSession and a custom ARSession together. This function in the the latest iOS and Xcode has since been removed in the RealityKit framework but still there on documentation. I also wanted to get ARFaceAnchor data which I still cannot get without ARSession, the closest I can get is by using: let target = AnchoringComponent.Target.face let anchoringComponent = AnchoringComponent(target, trackingMode: .predicted) entity = Entity() entity!.components.set(anchoringComponent) But I still can't find a way to get the current frame (ARFrame) or the anchors ([ARAnchor]) in the view. Alternatively if I use if I use this function: and start the ARSession separately. The session (didUpdate and didAdd) only runs for a few frames before getting interrupted. And if I completely remove SpatialTrackingConfiguration and just run the ARSession. There still is a valid tracked entity for the AnchoringComponent.Target.face component. IF in the configuration for the ARSession I use the ARWorldTrackingConfiguration with face tracking. And I still get updated facial data each frame. But the ARSession didUpdate or didAdd functions don't get called passed the first few frames. Interestingly if I switch the RealityViewCameraContent.RealityViewCamera to .virtual. I get ARMeshAnchor and ARFaceAnchor data, but no camera feed (as expected). This with or without SpatialTrackingConfiguration. My overarching question is what is the proper way to access ARMeshAnchors and other ARAnchors created by the system and track them live while also using SwiftUI. GitHub Repo with sample project can be found here:
Animating a RealityComposerPro shader's uniform input value
I'm trying to build a Shader in "Reality Composer Pro" that updates from a start time. Initially I tried the following: The idea was that when the startTime was 0, the output would be 0, but then I would set startTime from within code and this would be compared with the current GPU time, and difference used to drive another part of the shader graph: if let testEntity = root.findEntity(named: "Test"), var shaderGraphMaterial = testEntity.components[ModelComponent.self]?.materials.first as? ShaderGraphMaterial { let time = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() try! shaderGraphMaterial.setParameter(name: "StartTime", value: .float(Float(time))) testEntity.components[ModelComponent.self]?.materials[0] = shaderGraphMaterial } However, I haven't found a reference to the time the shader would be using. So now I am trying to write an EntityAction to achieve the same effect. Instead of comparing a start time to the GPU's time I'm trying to animate one of the shader's uniform input. However, I'm not sure how to specify the bind target. Here's my attempt so far: import RealityKit struct ShaderAction: EntityAction { let startValue: Float let targetValue: Float var animatedValueType: (any AnimatableData.Type)? { Float.self } static func registerEntityAction() { ShaderAction.subscribe(to: .updated) { event in guard let animationState = event.animationState else { return } let value = simd_mix(event.action.startValue, event.action.targetValue, Float(animationState.normalizedTime)) animationState.storeAnimatedValue(value) } } } extension Entity { func updateShader(from startValue: Float, to targetValue: Float, duration: Double) { let fadeAction = ShaderAction(startValue: startValue, targetValue: targetValue) if let shaderAnimation = try? AnimationResource.makeActionAnimation(for: fadeAction, duration: duration, bindTarget: .material(0).customValue) { playAnimation(shaderAnimation) } } } ''' Currently when I run this I get an assertion failure: 'Index out of range (operator[]:line 797) index = 260, max = 8' Furthermore, even if it didn't crash I don't understand how to pass a binding to the custom shader value "startValue". Any clues of how to achieve this effect - even if it's a completely different way.
USDZ File Crashes in QuickLook on iPad 9th Gen (iPadOS 18.3) ā€“ Urgent Help Needed
Hi everyone, Iā€™m experiencing a critical issue with USDZ files created in Reality Composer on an iPad 9th Generation (iPadOS 18.3). The files work perfectly on iPads from the 10th Generation onwards and on iPad Pros. However, on older devices like the iPad 9th Generation and older iPhones, QuickLook (file preview) crashes when opening them. This is a major issue because these USDZ files are part of an exhibition where artworks are extended with AR elements via a web page. If some visitors cannot view the 3D content, it significantly impacts the experience. Whatā€™s puzzling is that two years ago, we exported USDZ files from Reality Composer, made them available via a website, and they worked flawlessly on all devices, including older iPads and iPhones. Now, with the latest iPadOS, they consistently crash on older devices. Has anyone encountered a similar issue? Are there known limitations with QuickLook on older devices, or is there a way to optimize the USDZ files to prevent crashes? Could this be related to changes in iPadOS or RealityKit? Any advice or workaround would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
RealityKit Character Skeleton animation weapons are not animating
Hello, I am experiencing an issue with a character animation using RealityKit. I have a file created in Blender that contains the rigged Character, a sword, and a shield. The sword and the shield have bones connected to the character's hands so they can follow the character's animation. When I run the animation in Blender and preview the exported USDZ file on Mac, I can see the sword and shield attached to the hands and the animation is fine. But when I add the USDZ model in RealityKit and play the animation, only the character is animating, the sword and the shield are not moving at all. This is the code I use to animate the character: private func loadAnimations() { let unifiedAnimations = children[0].availableAnimations.first!.definition let animationResource = try! AnimationResource.generate(with: unifiedAnimations) self.children[0].playAnimation( animationResource.repeat() ) } Here is a link with a Demo Xcode project, the Blender file, and a video: STEPS TO REPRODUCE I have created a demo project that displays the character on a horizontal surface, and the animation starts playing. Run the App. The ARView will be set up, and a yellow square will appear in the middle of the screen. When a horizontal surface is detected the yellow Square will change indicating that the surface is found. Tap on the screen to load the USDZ model and position it in the yellow square's position. The Animation will start playing and you can see that the character is animating, but the sword and shield remain still. Thanks
Jan ā€™25
Comparing colors of two ModelEntities
I want to compare the colors of two model entities (spheres). How can i do it? The method i'm currently trying to apply is as follows case let .color(controlColor) = controlMaterial.baseColor, controlColor == .green { // Flip target sphere colour if let targetMaterial = targetsphere.model?.materials.first as? SimpleMaterial, case let .color(targetColor) = targetMaterial.baseColor, targetColor == .blue { targetsphere.model?.materials = [SimpleMaterial(color: .green, isMetallic: false)] // Change to |1āŸ© } else { targetsphere.model?.materials = [SimpleMaterial(color: .blue, isMetallic: false)] // Change to |0āŸ© } } This method (baseColor) was deprecated in swift 15.0 changes to 'color' but i cannot compare the value color to each other.šŸ‘¾
Jan ā€™25
Entity cross multiple portals at once?
If I have one portal on the ceiling and one on the floor, can a tall Entity cross multiple portals at once? Will the opposing portal directions cause it to fail? No matter what I try for the crossingMode and clippingMode of the PortalComponent I can only get it to fully work for one portal at a time. I have tried flipping the normals for the crossingMode and clippingMode planes. I have also tried creating a ceiling portal plane with inverted normals. It seems like whatever Entity is passing through a portal has one portal it wants to deal with at a time and that's it. My other option is to create portals using occlusion but I prefer the simplest way.
Jan ā€™25
RealityView session not terminating when leaving view on iOS
Everything works fine, except when tapping the navigation Back link and returning to the previous view, the AR session inside RealityView does not terminate. The green dot camera indicator stays on, it is still scanning the environment, and if the package has audio in it, the audio will still play, albeit extremely panned on the right channel. I have no issues terminating QuickLook or ARSCNView. I have a simple NavigationLink opening the RealityView... NavigationLink(destination: MyRealityView()) { Text("Open AR") } struct MyRealityView : View { var body: some View { RealityView { content in // Create horizontal plane anchor for the content let anchor = AnchorEntity(.plane(.horizontal, classification: .floor, minimumBounds: [0.5,0.5])) let scene = await loadEntity(named: "Scene") // Add model to anchor anchor.addChild(scene!) content.add(anchor) // View Settings = .spatialTracking } placeholder: { ProgressView() } .onDisappear { //print("RealityView is disappearing. Cleanup actions here.") } .edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all) // Activate onTap from Reality Composer Pro .gesture(TapGesture().targetedToAnyEntity().onEnded { value in _ = value.entity.applyTapForBehaviors() }) }} I have experimented with several ways of trying to close it, and I can't figure it out. I have tried State variables and custom Back buttons. I was also trying to working with pause(), but I can't seem to get that to function either. Anyone else have this issue or know of a solution? What am I missing?
Jan ā€™25
How to clip ModelEntity
I am trying to model something similar to an odometer in RealityKit, where 3D numbers scroll up or down, as they increase or decrease, within a container entity. Is there a way for an Entity to clip its children so that anything that extends beyond its dimensions is not rendered?
Dec ā€™24
RealityKit fails with EXC_BAD_ACCESS at CMClockGetAnchorTime in the simulator
Starting with iOS 18.0 beta 1, I've noticed that RealityKit frequently crashes in the simulator when an app launches and presents an ARView. I was able to create a small sample app with repro steps that demonstrates the issue, and I've submitted feedback: FB16144085 I've included a crash log with the feedback. If possible, I'd appreciate it if an Apple engineer could investigate and suggest a workaround. It's awkward to be restricted to the iOS 17 simulator, which does not exhibit this behavior. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help. Thank you.
Dec ā€™24
BillboardComponent causing Model Entity tap recognition issues on iOS 18
Hi, When I attach BillboardComponent to anchor entities, I am no longer able to retrieve the tapped entity anymore because the collision shapes of the entity are messed up due to always orienting it towards the camera. And it does not updated the collision shapes because if I try pressing everywhere that is not my model entity, I get a hit out of nowhere. I tried updating the collision shapes of the entity every frame: for child in existingPassport.mainEntity!.children { child.generateCollisionShapes(recursive: true) } However, nothing comes of it, and it is not a smart solution in the first places because it is too heavy to recreate the shapes every frame. I am using the usual AR View Controller that works when I comment out the BillboardComponent line just fine: private func setupTapRecognizer() { let tapRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleTap)) arView.addGestureRecognizer(tapRecognizer) } @objc func handleTap(_ recognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer) { print("handle tap URL 1") let location = recognizer.location(in: arView) if let entity = arView.entity(at: location) { print("handle tap URL 2") // Assuming each entity has a URL stored in a component if let urlComponent = entity.components[URLComponent.self] { webViewPresenter?.presentFullScreenWebView(url: urlComponent.url) print("handle tap URL: \(urlComponent.url)") } } } How should we tackle this issue on iOS 18? Thanks!
Dec ā€™24