




How to fetch all albums after performing a library request
Hi, In my app I am using MusicLibraryRequest<Artist> to fetch all of the artists in someone's Library collection. With this response I then fetch each artists albums: artist.with([.album]). The response from this only gives albums in the users Library collection. I would like to augment it with all of the albums for an artist from the full catalogue. I'm using MusicKit and targeting iOS18 and visionOS 2. Could someone please point me towards the best way to approach this?
Sep ’24
How to add gestures to objects inside other objects
I have a scene with multiple RealityKit entities. There is a blue cube which I want to rotate along with all of its children (it's partly transparent). Inside the cube are a number of child entities (red) that I want to tap. The cube and red objects all have collision components as is required for gestures to work. If I want to rotate the blue cube, and also tap the red objects I can't do this as the blue cube's collision component intercepts the taps. Is there a way of accomplishing what I want? I'm targeting visionOS 2, and my scene is in a volume.
Jul ’24
How to optimise RealityKit performance with many similar objects
I have code such as the following. The performance on the Vision Pro seems to get quite bad once I hit a few thousand of these models. It feels like I should be able to optimise this somehow, perhaps using instancing. Is that possible with RealityKit in visionOS 2? let material = UnlitMaterial(color: .white) let sphereModel = ModelEntity( mesh: .generateSphere(radius: 0.001), materials: [material]) for index in 0..<5000 { let point = generatedPoints[index] let model = sphereModel.clone(recursive: false) model.position = [point.x, point.y, point.z] parent.addChild(starModel) }
Jul ’24
RealityKit Target Framerate
I'm porting a scenekit app to RealityKit, eventually offering an AR experience there. I noticed that when I run it on my iPhone 15 Pro and iPad Pro with the 120Hz screen, the framerate seems to be limited to 60fps. Is there a way to increase the target framerate to 120 like I can with sceneKit? I'm setting up my arView like so: @IBOutlet private var arView: ARView! { didSet { arView.cameraMode = .nonAR arView.debugOptions = [.showStatistics] } }
Feb ’24
Access to NSUserDefaults via App Group after an Account Transfer
My app was recently transferred from account X to Y. We went through all of the documentation and it's gone ok bar one big issue. The app update that we last sent to Test Flight no longer has access to our apps App Group shared user defaults. It's been suggested to me to delete the app group id from the old account, and recreate it in our new account. I'd like to confirm a couple of points before I proceed. Will the production version of the app be affected if I delete the app group from the old account. After recreating the app group in the new account, will the data in shared user defaults become available again?
Apr ’23
Mixing projection types in a scene
I have a 3D scene with a perspective camera and I'd like some of the elements to be projected using an orthographic projection instead. My use case is that I have some 3D elements with attached text nodes. I'd like the text on these nodes to always be the same size no matter how far away the camera is. Is there a way I can use SceneKit to mix and match? Or is there another technique I can use?
Sep ’21