Apple Music Feed

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Apple Music Feed is a feed that contains the catalog metadata of Apple Music products for consumption by developers.

Posts under Apple Music Feed tag

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Apple music feed Parquet download urls This is the api used to get parquet file urls. I need all the urls in one api hit, right now if I don't provide the limit then default it is taking 100 and max is 200. How to get all the records in one hit? Or the count of parquet records in one hit?
Nov ’24
Apple music feed parquet files
Hi, I am in need to get the total number of parquet files that are present in the apple music feed api for songs, artists. As there is option for limit and offset. But limit is limited to 200 records and offset is uncertain. How to get total number of parquet files number without quering apple music feed api mulitple times? Need help regarding this. Thanks!
Nov ’24
Upstream Service Error on Apple Music Feed API
Hi, I'm working on an integration with the Apple Music Feed, but over the last day, I've been getting a 500 Upstream Service Error on 99% of the API calls I make. Remarkably, retrying the same endpoint 20-30 times sometimes gives the correct response, but mostly it's a 500 error. Just to give an example, this: GET Returns this generic error: { "errors": [ { "id": "U4ARRA2QDCGYKYRI2IPEJVBTHY", "title": "Upstream Service Error", "detail": "Call to get metadata for album feed failed", "status": "500", "code": "50001" } ] } The same goes for other feeds like song, artist, and so on. Before today, I did get the same error message sometimes, but a few retries would solve the issue. Any insight on what's happening and/or an ETA on fixing it? Thank you
Oct ’24
How to fetch all albums after performing a library request
Hi, In my app I am using MusicLibraryRequest<Artist> to fetch all of the artists in someone's Library collection. With this response I then fetch each artists albums: artist.with([.album]). The response from this only gives albums in the users Library collection. I would like to augment it with all of the albums for an artist from the full catalogue. I'm using MusicKit and targeting iOS18 and visionOS 2. Could someone please point me towards the best way to approach this?
Oct ’24