




Allow access to the user microphone in an active phone call (not the other person on the line, only local)
For my app I want to build a SharePlay experience that uses the Speech framework. During a FaceTime call I want to perform Speech to text on the users device. I tried to get this to work, but as soon as I’m on an active phonecall and I try to set the AudioSession, it doesn’t work. try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(.playAndRecord, options: . try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(true, options: []) I get the error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error 561017449.) Which basically means: "The app was not allowed to set the audio category because another app (Phone, etc.) is controlling it." It would be great if there was a way to get access to only the users microphone, not even the other person on the line so that it could be implemented in a privacy first way. If there is a way to achieve this please let me know, Thanks Jordi
Jun ’21
Not able to start a Group Activity as there is not active conversation
Hi, I'm trying to add the new GroupActivities API to one of my apps but I'm not able to get it to work. When I'm in a FaceTime Audio call between two iOS 15 devices, I get this error when I call .activate(). I did not book a Lab but if there's still a spot available later today I would love to join one Thanks, Jordi Dropping activity as there is no active conversation: GroupActivities.AnyGroupActivity(activityIdentifier: "com.goodsnooze.unmute.SpeakTogether", metadataProvider: GroupActivities.AnyGroupActivity.MetadataProvider.future(Combine.Future<GroupActivities.GroupActivityMetadata, Swift.Never>), content: 42 bytes)
Jun ’21
Is it possible to open an App Clip card by linking a user to a URL or by sharing a QR-Code as of beta 8?
I'm trying to send users directly to my App Clip by either having a button on my site that would open the App Clip, or by showing a QR code that users can scan. It seems as of beta 8 that a QR does not trigger (for the domain in the associated domains). Also, and maybe this is connected, I'm not able to get the new iOS 14 smart banners to show. I only get the original iOS 13 type that links to the App Store. Any help would be greatly appreciated 🙂 Jordi
Sep ’20
Users that unsubscribe are not removed from the list
Hi, I've been testing my new app with about 2500 people. Every now and then I receive an email from someone asking to unsubscribe. I expect that they will then automatically be removed from the testers list, but apparently they are not. Is this expected behavior? If so, I think it would be better to automatically remove these users instead of having to manually remove them myself as the developer! Jordi
Jul ’20
How to convert local video into CMSampleBuffer for unit tests
Hi, I'm working on an app that uses the live camera output to perform text recognition. In order to improve the performance , I want to write some unit tests to check how well the text recognition works over time. I want to load a video from my app bundle, and use that as the 'camera output' so that I can write tests around what should and what should not get recognized. I'm trying to find out how to generate a CMSampleBuffer from a video so I can feed that into my Vision request. Any ideas? Thanks!
Jun ’20
Can't enable prefersLargeTitles for UIViewController
So maybe I'm overlooking something, but for two ViewControllers that subclass UIViewController, the prefersLargeTitles behaviour does not work as expected.When the VC is loaded, the navigation bar is the regular small size, and only after I manually scroll up it will become larger.For another VC I'm using a UITableViewController and there, everything works fine.This is my code:if #available(iOS 11.0, *) { self.navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true self.navigationItem.largeTitleDisplayMode = .always self.navigationController?.navigationBar.isTranslucent = false } else { / }Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Jul ’17