Is it possible to open an App Clip card by linking a user to a URL or by sharing a QR-Code as of beta 8?

I'm trying to send users directly to my App Clip by either having a button on my site that would open the App Clip, or by showing a QR code that users can scan. It seems as of beta 8 that a QR does not trigger (for the domain in the associated domains).

Also, and maybe this is connected, I'm not able to get the new iOS 14 smart banners to show. I only get the original iOS 13 type that links to the App Store.

Any help would be greatly appreciated 🙂



The Smart App Banner in Safari will change to the app clip variant when your app clip is available in the App Store. Similarly, URLs registered as part of the advanced experience will work via QR code/NFC when your app clip is available in the App Store.
Dear Apple Staff.

I’ve done that and so far using NFC with a url i
only get the card saying App not available in this region or country.

When will you Guys bring back access to let us test fully app Clips with NFC like you did a few betas ago?

Thank you truly!!!!!!
Thanks , Apple Staff!

However, it would be great to be able to see App Clip cards appear with apps installed via Test Flight at some point in the future.

The Smart App Banner in Safari will change to the app clip variant when your app clip is available in the App Store. Similarly, URLs registered as part of the advanced experience will work via QR code/NFC when your app clip is available in the App Store.

it means if i want to test it how it looks via Testflight, i can not do it?