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I would like to retrieve the user's current location when they are logging some information with my App Intent. When the app has been just run, this works just fine, but if it has been force quit or not run recently, the Core Location lookup times out. I have tried logging the information and using the Core Location background mode, and I can verify that the background mode is triggering because there is an indicator on the status bar, but the background mode does not seem to fire the delegate. Is there a good way to debug this? When I run the app, everything works just fine, but I can't confirm that delegate calls are going through because I can't debug from an App Intent launch. Here is the perform method from my App Intent func perform() async throws -> some ProvidesDialog { switch PersistenceController.shared.addItem(name: name, inBackground: true) { case .success(_): return .result(dialog: "Created new pin called \(name)") case .failure(let error): return .result(dialog: "There was a problem: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } addItem calls LocationManager.shared.getCurrentCoordinates: func getCurrentCoordinates(inBackground: Bool = false, callback: @escaping (CLLocation?) -> Void) { if lastSeenLocation != nil { callback(lastSeenLocation) return } if inBackground { locationManager.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = true locationManager.showsBackgroundLocationIndicator = false } let status = CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() guard status == .authorizedAlways || status == .authorizedWhenInUse else { DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in self?.callback?(nil) self?.locationManager.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = false } return } self.callback = callback locationManager.startUpdatingLocation() } The CLLocationManager delegate didUpdateLocations then calls the callback with the location and sets allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates to false. And the callback saves the location data to Core Data. What is the best practice for using Core Location in an App Intent?
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I am working on a project where changes in a window are reflected in a volumetric view which includes a RealityView. I have a shared data model between the window and volumetric view, but it unclear to me how I can programmatically refresh the RealityViewContent. Initially I tried holding the RealityViewContent passed from the RealityView closure in the data model, and I also tried embedding a .sink into the closure, but because the RealityViewContent is inout, neither of those work. And changes to the window's contents do not cause the RealityView's update closure fire. Is there a way to notify the RealityViewContent to update?
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I am trying to do a hit test of sorts between a person in my ARFrame and a RealityKit Entity. So far I have been able to use the position value of my entity and project it to a CGPoint which I can match up with the ARFrame's segmentationBuffer to determine whether a person intersects with that entity. Now I want to find out if that person is at the same depth as that entity. How do I relate the SIMD3 position value for the entity, which is in meters I think, to the estimatedDepthData value?
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From my tests, one of the major limitations of body detection is a lack of environmental awareness. For example, body detection has no relationship to the scene detection, like floor plane, so a detected figure can move in unnatural ways like sliding backwards, and even through the ground plane, to solve for the detected position. This is particularly true when a user squats, which causes the root joint to move down in space and child joints to move up relative to the root. During a real squat, the root moves backward and down in space, but the body detection often moves the root backward one or more meters, and rotates the upper leg joints outward to match up what it sees causing the knees and feet to widen even though the feet are not moving in reality. I have tried many techniques to correct for this, from feeding motion data through a SceneKit IK robot to trying to use geometry to correct for the root's backward movement, but have not been able to convincingly correct for ARKit's body detection anomalies. Is there any way to put limits on ARKit's body detection (don't move the feet) or maybe some other technique for correcting it after the fact that anyone has devised?
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I have an existing ARKit motion capture app that I recompiled in the new Xcode beta and ran on an iPad Pro (LiDAR model) running iOS 15 beta. I ran it alongside my iPhone 12 Pro running iOS 14.6 and did a video recording of both to see the improvements to motion capture. The recordings are identical which suggests to me that the ARKit 5 improvements were not enabled somehow. Is there something more I need to do? Does the current iOS 15 beta include the ARKit 5 changes?
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I am using a UIView with a nib as a template for a UIImage that I am generating, and I want to handle the output of the iPad in landscape differently than portrait. The best way I have figured I can do that is by setting up my landscape view for horizontal Regular, vertical Compact traits in the nib and assigning those traits before generating the image. I have tried using the performAsCurrent method which successfully changes the UITraitCollection.current value but does not affect my UIView traitCollection property, and I have tried overriding the traitCollection getter in the UIView class which returns the error: Class overrides the -traitCollection getter, which is not supported. If you're trying to override traits, you must use the appropriate API. Is there a way to do this for a UIView that is never drawn to the screen?
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I am using ARView.raycast to find out information about a given estimatedPlane in front of the camera, and I want to treat horizontal results differently than vertical. It seems that when using .any in the alignment argument, a lot of the results returned are .any (not .horizontal or .vertical), and very few are explicitly horizontal or vertical. Conversely, if I raycast for just one alignment, I get plenty of results in the alignment I request, so I think many of those .any results are being inferred to a .horizontal or .vertical result when you don't use the .any alignment option. So what is the best way for me to do that same kind of inference on .any results so that I can categorize them by horizontal and vertical alignments? I see there is a worldTransform, and I also see that when I print the description of the result I get something like this: <ARRaycastResult: 0x281598370 target=estimatedPlane worldTransform=<translation=(-0.176499 -0.960197 -1.208480) rotation=(90.00° 0.00° -3.60°)>> So under the hood the description is converting the quaternion into Euler degrees. Is there a built-in function to do this? The one I have tried does not return results that line up with the raycast result description values.
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It seems that apps using background processing are required to implement BackgroundTasks, but I am struggling to figure out how to do that when continuing an URLSession upload task when a device enters the background. Currently, I use BGTaskScheduler to register a new task, and schedule that task when I enter the background: BGTaskScheduler.shared.register(forTaskWithIdentifier: backgroundTaskIdentifier, using: nil) { task in    &amp;#9; self.handleUploadTask(task) } The actual content of the task uses a stored uploadIdentifier to recreate the session configuration and get the relevant upload tasks. Then I add a cancel call for each to when the BGTask expires, and (unnecessarily?) resume each of those ongoing upload tasks: func handleUploadTask(_ task: BGTask) {      let uploader = UploadService()      if let identifier = uploader.uploadIdentifier {          let sessionConfig = URLSessionConfiguration.background(withIdentifier: identifier)          let session = URLSession(configuration: sessionConfig, delegate: firebase, delegateQueue: OperationQueue.main)          task.expirationHandler = {              session.getTasksWithCompletionHandler { (_, uploadTasks, _) in                  for uploadTask in uploadTasks {                         uploadTask.cancel()                  }              }          }          session.getTasksWithCompletionHandler { (_, uploadTasks, _) in              for uploadTask in uploadTasks {                     uploadTask.resume()              }          }      }  } How do I complete the BGTask when I get a callback from my URLSession delegate in my UploadService? Are there other pieces of the puzzle I am missing?
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Code that has been working for many months including on iOS 14 beta builds became unusable with the release of iOS 14. In the past the performance cost of creating a SCNNode was small enough that I could use its many transform properties as a convenience tool for converting between quaternions and Euler angles, among other things, at runtime. After the release of iOS 14, the cost grew dramatically, slowing my app frame rate to <20 fps down from 60-120 fps. I have found mathematical solutions to replace my usage of SCNNodes but it seems like there are plenty of circumstances that could not be solved so readily.
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I have been able to take a static audio file and implement it as an AudioFileResource attached to an entity in my RealityKit scene. But I currently am using AVAudioEngine to change pitch based on relative position, and ideally I would be able to spatialize the sounds I'm generating relative to 3D points. I have experimented with AVAudioPlayerNode sourceMode, but as far as I can tell there is no way to tie an AVAudioPlayerNode to a 3D point in my AR scene unless I can attach my audio to a RealityKit AudioResource. Is that possible? Is there some other way to do it?
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I have a navigation controller with screens leading up to a RealityKit scene in an ARView. Once the view loads and my model is in the scene, I call arView.installGestures(_, for:) to add translation and rotation gestures to my model. This works just fine, unless I pop my view controller to a previous screen and return to my ARView. The model loads, the gestures appear to be attached to the ARView identically to the first scenario, but in this case the gestures no longer work, or are possibly shifted out of position from the model. Sometimes I can kind of reactivate the gestures by touching areas around the model and then it works to touch the model too. But it is very inconsistent. I will also file a bug report, but I'm wondering if there is simply some cleanup I need to do before exiting the view controller to ensure the gestures work every time.
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In my application, we want to add an optional RealityKit experience for our customers who have upgraded their OS without forcing them to do so. I was going through my code adding @available attributes to all of my classes that accessed iOS 13-specific features, but I discovered in the process that a bunch of my errors were in the generated RealityKit class files which I cannot modify. Is there any way to produce a build which includes RealityKit when the target version is below iOS 13?
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It looks like for nonAR configurations, it is possible to add a PerspectiveCamera to a RealityKit scene; is there is a way to do kind of a picture-in-picture layout with a live camera feed showing one perspective and using a PerspectiveCamera to somehow simultaneously show a second angle on the same virtual content? Short of that, is it feasible to record my AR data and play it back in a nonAR configuration using the PerspectiveCamera?
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I am making use of personSegmentationWithDepth in my app, and the actual occlusion in my RealityKit implementation works very well. But when I retrieve values from the estimatedDepthData for a particular point, it has trouble beyond a depth of about 1.5-1.75 meters. Once I get past that depth, it returns a depth value of 0 meters most of the time. With that said when it does return a value the value appears to be accurate. I am working with a LiDAR-equipped iPad on a tripod running iOS 14 beta 2. Does the stillness of the tripod affect my limited data returned? And since estimatedDepthData predates iOS 13.5, I'm also wondering if it is taking advantage of the newer hardware.
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