Possible Bug in Install Gestures for RealityKit

I have a navigation controller with screens leading up to a RealityKit scene in an ARView. Once the view loads and my model is in the scene, I call arView.installGestures(_, for:) to add translation and rotation gestures to my model. This works just fine, unless I pop my view controller to a previous screen and return to my ARView. The model loads, the gestures appear to be attached to the ARView identically to the first scenario, but in this case the gestures no longer work, or are possibly shifted out of position from the model. Sometimes I can kind of reactivate the gestures by touching areas around the model and then it works to touch the model too. But it is very inconsistent.

I will also file a bug report, but I'm wondering if there is simply some cleanup I need to do before exiting the view controller to ensure the gestures work every time.

Accepted Reply

This seems to have been resolved by fixing a memory leak which prevented the ARView from properly unloading.


This seems to have been resolved by fixing a memory leak which prevented the ARView from properly unloading.