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We don't have a suitable design for our widget for WidgetRenderingMode.vibrant as used on the iPad Lock Screen. Is there a way to opt out of having our widget available there? The iOS 17 photos widget seems to behave like this. It is available for iPhone StandBy, but not for iPad Lock Screen. This is the behaviour we want to have.
by _tom_.
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Running an app that uses AppleArchive with Xcode 14.0/14.1 on simulators with iOS/tvOS 14.x/15.x fails with a dyld linker error: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/swift/libswiftAppleArchive.dylib Referenced from: /Users/tom/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/A35CB8BA-9ABF-4E4D-B985-FEF35091FB88/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/5A504371-0F53-4E06-9F46-81D73835E906/ Reason: tried: '/Users/tom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-ffndhzhjdbfrvuhkxftdfqudypxx/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/libswiftAppleArchive.dylib' (no such file), '/Applications/' (no such file), '/Applications/' (no such file), '/usr/lib/swift/libswiftAppleArchive.dylib' (no such file), '/Applications/' (no such file) Running the app on iOS/tvOS 14.x/15.x devices works. Also release builds run fine on those devices. I'm unable to test if this issues was already present in Xcode 13, because running apps with AppleArchive on simulators fails because of another bug: Feedback: FB11703995
by _tom_.
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When archiving and uploading a build of our tvOS app to App Store Connect with Xcode 13.3RC, it gets rejected with TMS-90562: Invalid Bundle - One or more dynamic libraries that are referenced by your app are not present in the dylib search path. When archiving and uploading with Xcode 13.2.1 the build is accepted and processed. I could not find any rpath issues when inspecting the binary with otool -L and otool -l. Has anyone else experienced the this issue with Xcode 13.3RC? I've filed feedback FB9952607
by _tom_.
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Does AppleTV 4K support HLG in any configuration? When I connect my AppleTV 4K to a Samsung TV with HLG support via HDMI AVPlayer.availableHDRModes.contains(.hlg) returns false However AVPlayer.availableHDRModes.contains(.hdr10) returns true only mentions HDR10 and Dolby Vision support. Is there any way to play HLG video on AppleTV 4K similar to how it works on newer iPhones and iPads?
by _tom_.
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When I archive my iOS app with Xcode 13.3 RC and run it on macOS Big Sur, the app crashes on launch with a DYDL error: Termination Reason: DYLD, [0x1] Library missing Dyld Error Message: dyld: Using shared cache: 331F452F-2BAE-3A64-AD52-0029F44B1379 dependent dylib '@rpath/SomeFramework.framework/SomeFramework' not found for '/private/var/folders/*/'. chained fixups, seg_count exceeds number of segments The app runs fine on macOS Monterey and on iOS 13, 14, 15. The LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATH in the build settings is correct and when inspecting the binary with otool -l the LC_RPATH entries are also correct. When archiving the app with Xcode 13.2.1, it runs fine on macOS Big Sur. Has anybody experienced the same and knows a workaround? I've filed a feedback: FB9951126
by _tom_.
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In our app we are playing HLS videos with Flac audio with AVPlayer. In iOS 15.2 beta 3 and 4 those can no longer be played. In the console we see these log entries: AudioCodecInitialize failed [aqsrv] AQServer.cpp:72 Exception caught in - error 561214580 Has somebody experienced the same? FB9793768
by _tom_.
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Is there a way to use different application extensions on different OS versions on iOS/tvOS?My use case is that I want to use the new tvOS 13 top shelf extension but keep using the legacy top shelf extensions for devices running tvOS 12.If I add a tvOS 13 top shelf extension target, I can set its deployment target to tvOS 13.0 and keep the deployment target of my app at tvOS 12.0.But if I also keep my existing legacy top shelf extension embedded. The legacy extension will be used on all devices running tvOS 12 or 13. The tvOS 13 top shelf extension is never used.
by _tom_.
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In earlier versions of tvOS 13 I could use ASAuthorizationPasswordProvider to allow users to login with their existing keychain credentials like this:let request = ASAuthorizationPasswordProvider().createRequest() let authorizationController = ASAuthorizationController(authorizationRequests: [request])I was using ASAuthorizationPasswordProvider without ASAuthorizationAppleIDProvider.But since a couple of tvOS 13.x updates, this stopped working.The ASAuthorizationControllerDelegate is always called with `authorizationController(controller: ASAuthorizationController, didCompleteWithError error: Error)` and `ASAuthorizationError.Code.unknown`.On the device an alert is shown with the message "account not supported" "your apple id cannot be used to create accounts for other apps."I tried it with different Apple IDs.The same code is working fine on iOS.
by _tom_.
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With the release of tvOS 13 the AppStore on tvOS had design changes.Since then all product pages are either messed up or just show the app icon instead of the promotional artwork.Our product page is affected badly and now shows elements of old promotional artwork.Unfortunately our developer relations contacts don't respond to emails regarding this issue.Does somebody know more about this? How and when this will be resolved?
by _tom_.
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