




Xcode 15.0.1 (15A507) Archive - Strange Behavior
I have MacCatalyst app that a few weeks ago I successfully submitted and it was approved for both the iOS app version as well as a macOS version (AppStoreConnect) Now when I use Archive in Xcode when the Organizer window opens the widget at top left is set to 'Other Items' additionally no version information is shown and the 'Validate' button is disabled... I know this is probably ridiculous but I don't see (nor do I recall) how I tell Xcode to archive for macCatalyst or archive for iOS.. Can someone help me out here - please?
Nov ’23
Obtaining Attributed String in an Action Extension
Folks; I have successfully implemented an iOS Action Extension which reads plain text from a user's selection. Now I want to augment this to allow the user the call the action on RTF or HTML. I have added NSExtensionActivationSupportsAttachmentsWithMinCount (1) and NSExtensionActivationSupportsAttachmentsWithMaxCount (3) to the ActivationRule. I have updated the ActionViewController to handle the itemProviders... BUT guard let extensionItems = extensionContext?.inputItems as? [NSExtensionItem] else {...} only shows 1 item of plainText... What else do I need to do to allow my action to handle RTF or HTML? Thanks for you time! Steve
Oct ’23
Cannot use verified Sandbox Account
I have setup and verified a sandbox account for testing. I have received both email and text verification and received the email noting that the account has been enabled for two-factor. Yet I receive the error below on both iOS and macOS devices. Can someone shed some light on this matter? Thanks! Steve iTunes Account creation not allowed This Apple ID cannot be used with the iTunes Store at this time. Please try again later
Jul ’23
Mac Catalyst app won't launch in Xcode
I'm building an app for deployment on iPhone, iPad and Mac Catalyst. I am using Automatic Code Signing. Project build without a single warning of any kind... Debugging and running the app on both iPhone and iPad is working fine both in the simulators as well as on various test devices. I have now turned to debugging on my Mac (M1Pro-MBP). I have run Clean many times....When I set the run destination to My Mac Catalyst and run I immediately see a dialog stating: "The LaunchServices launcher has returned an error. Please check the system logs for the underlying cause of the error." There is button to reveal details. Those details are shown below. At the moment I am under the impression that this must be a relatively straightforward configuration issue which I have overlooked.... The app does contain an action and if I build and run only the action with Mac Catalyst as the destination it runs fine.. I only hit the error when I try to run the container app with embedded action with my Mac as the run destination.... Can anyone shed any light on this matter? All thoughts appreciated! Steve Domain: IDELaunchErrorDomain Code: 20 Recovery Suggestion: The LaunchServices launcher has returned an error. Please check the system logs for the underlying cause of the error. User Info: { DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2023-07-19 14:36:14 +0000"; DVTRadarComponentKey = 968756; IDERunOperationFailingWorker = IDELaunchServicesLauncher; } -- The operation couldn’t be completed. Launch failed. Domain: RBSRequestErrorDomain Code: 5 Failure Reason: Launch failed. -- Launchd job spawn failed Domain: NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code: 153 -- Analytics Event: : { "device_model" = "MacBookPro18,3"; "device_osBuild" = "13.4.1 (22F82)"; "device_platform" = ""; "launchSession_schemeCommand" = Run; "launchSession_state" = 1; "launchSession_targetArch" = arm64; "operation_duration_ms" = 172; "operation_errorCode" = 20; "operation_errorDomain" = IDELaunchErrorDomain; "operation_errorWorker" = IDELaunchServicesLauncher; "operation_name" = IDERunOperationWorkerGroup; "param_consoleMode" = 0; "param_debugger_attachToExtensions" = 0; "param_debugger_attachToXPC" = 1; "param_debugger_type" = 3; "param_destination_isProxy" = 0; "param_destination_platform" = ""; "param_diag_MainThreadChecker_stopOnIssue" = 0; "param_diag_MallocStackLogging_enableDuringAttach" = 0; "param_diag_MallocStackLogging_enableForXPC" = 1; "param_diag_allowLocationSimulation" = 1; "param_diag_checker_tpc_enable" = 1; "param_diag_gpu_frameCapture_enable" = 0; "param_diag_gpu_shaderValidation_enable" = 0; "param_diag_gpu_validation_enable" = 0; "param_diag_memoryGraphOnResourceException" = 0; "param_diag_queueDebugging_enable" = 1; "param_diag_runtimeProfile_generate" = 0; "param_diag_sanitizer_asan_enable" = 0; "param_diag_sanitizer_tsan_enable" = 0; "param_diag_sanitizer_tsan_stopOnIssue" = 0; "param_diag_sanitizer_ubsan_stopOnIssue" = 0; "param_diag_showNonLocalizedStrings" = 0; "param_diag_viewDebugging_enabled" = 1; "param_diag_viewDebugging_insertDylibOnLaunch" = 1; "param_install_style" = 0; "param_launcher_UID" = 2; "param_launcher_allowDeviceSensorReplayData" = 0; "param_launcher_kind" = 0; "param_launcher_style" = 99; "param_launcher_substyle" = 8192; "param_runnable_appExtensionHostRunMode" = 0; "param_runnable_productType" = ""; "param_testing_launchedForTesting" = 0; "param_testing_suppressSimulatorApp" = 0; "param_testing_usingCLI" = 0; "sdk_canonicalName" = "macosx13.3"; "sdk_osVersion" = "13.3"; "sdk_variant" = iosmac; } -- System Information macOS Version 13.4.1 (c) (Build 22F770820d) Xcode 14.3.1 (21815) (Build 14E300c) Timestamp: 2023-07-19T08:36:14-06:00
Jul ’23
Strange behavior and log entries for Mac Catalyst Action
I have a text based action for iPhone and Mac Catalyst I am developing in Xcode 14.3.1 on macOS 13.4.1. I have the container app, an action and an AppGroup defined. I have confirmed that I can read the necessary shared defaults when the action launches. At this point the UI for the action is a simple textview in which I hope to display a modified version of the text passed to the action in the NSExtensionItems. I am not using a simulator. I am running the action directly using Xcode. What is happening is that the ActionViewController viewDidLoad runs but no visible window opens. In the console I see this as the action launches: 2023-07-05 18:27:23.692277-0700 XYZ[4634:279295] [ViewBridge] ViewBridge attempted to look up a hosted window with identifier 8E816BD5-67D3-402D-ADEB-AC59EDFA1F3B, but it was never registered. 2023-07-05 18:27:23.692408-0700 XYZ[4634:279295] [WindowHosting] UIScene property of UINSSceneViewController was accessed before it was set. .... The last line above is repeated 12 times.... Any helpful ideas would be deeply appreciated! Steve
Jul ’23
NaturalLanguage Example Code not working
I am examining the ability of NaturalLanguage to identify placeNames. I ran across the example code in the developer documentation here: When I execute this example exactly as stated it does not function as expected. Running Xcode 14.3.1 on macOS Ventura 13.4. The code does not find a single tag of any kind in the sample text. Can someone offer an explanation?
Jun ’23
a problem when subclassing CNContact using swift
Hello There; Using macOS 12.5 & Xcode 13.4 I am trying to subclass CNContact and bumping into an issue that I do not understand! class MyContact: CNContact { var newVariable :String = "" ... } I have loaded contactArray:[CNContact] now as I iterate over this array I would like to typecast the instance of CNContact to an instance of MyContact. for thisContact in contactArray { if let myK:MyContact = thisContact as? MyContact { //do something } } program flow simply never proceeds into the if let statement... if I try to force this issue: let myK:MyContact = thisContact as! MyContact I get the error: Could not cast value of type 'CNContact' (0x2057a35b8) to 'XYZ.MyContact' (0x102484490). Please help me accomplish my goal - what am I not understanding here? All help appreciated! Steve
Aug ’22
windowContent not displayed
M1Pro running macOS 12.5 & Xcode 13.4.1 developing a macOS application using storyboards simple beginning to an app: appDelegate, a custom windowController, and a custom viewController windowContent set in IB using drag no error reported during build when run: windowWillLoad is called viewController viewDidLoad is called window didLoad is called appDelegate applicationDidFinishLaunching is called window is drawn on screen but nothing appears in the window view has 2 verticalStackViews, a tableView, and a horizontalStackView I'm stumped.... Any thoughts appreciated on how to track this down!
Jul ’22
Using a macOS text processing service with Preview
I have an Objective-C macOS app which provides a service that provides unique services on selected text. This app has been for sale in the Mac App Store for several years. The app registers as service provider during 'appDidFinishLaunching' with: [[NSApplication sharedApplication] setServicesProvider:self]; When my service is invoked it uses the standard service method: (void)serviceName:(NSPasteboard *)pboard userData:(NSString *)userData error:(NSString **)error In the body of this standard service method the contents of the NSPasteboard (pboard) are examined and consumed by my app. - (void) kudosService:(NSPasteboard *)pboard userData:(NSString *)userData error:(NSString **)error; { if ([pboard pasteboardItems].count==0) { return; } NSPasteboardItem *pI = [pboard pasteboardItems][0]; NSLog(@"pI:%@",pI.types ); for (NSString *uti in pI.types) { NSLog(@"uti:%@ string:%@",uti, [pI stringForType:uti] ); } ... } Something has changed with Preview app; at this point I'm inclined to think the change occurred with version 11. Console output for Preview pI:( "public.utf8-plain-text", "public.rtf", "public.utf16-external-plain-text" ) uti:public.utf8-plain-text string:(null) uti:public.rtf string:(null) uti:public.utf16-external-plain-text string:(null) This is the output regardless of whether or not the user has a mere text selection OR has formally 'Cop(ied)' [Cmd-C] the text in the Preview window! Please NOTE if I open the exact same .pdf document in Safari and invoke the service from Safari I see the expected Console output: pI:( "public.utf8-plain-text" ) uti:public.utf8-plain-text string:The Best Gluten-Free Chocolate Cake When did this change in Preview behavior occur? Can anyone point me to some documentation, which I have obviously overlooked, that would shed some light on this matter!
Jun ’22
Entitlement Question for a macOS Text Processing Service
Folks; I have a sandboxed macOS app that provides text handling via a service. This app has been for sale in the Mac App Store for several years. The basic mechanics of the service work just fine… To set the scene: user opens a file in some fashion user makes a text selection within this open file user invokes my app’s service In the course of development of this service, I now have established an NSURL (file) for the user’s document. However, when I later attempt to open this url I get a sandbox error: client lacks entitlements? for path: …. NOTE: It does not matter where the file is located! My app already has this entitlement: My question: Is there an entitlement that will permit me to programmatically open this fileURL?
Jun ’22
Using an App Review .crash file
Hello Folks; I'm trying to utilize a crash log from App Review. I've uploaded the app with DWARF with dSYM File. When I open the App Review .crash file in Xcode I see this: #0 in __pthread_kill () #1 in pthread_kill () #2 in abort () #3 in abort_message () #4 in demangling_terminate_handler() () #5 in _objc_terminate() () #6 in std::__terminate(void (*)()) () #7 in std::terminate() () #8 in _dispatch_client_callout () #9 in _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF () #10 in __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ () #11 in __CFRunLoopRun () #12 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific () #13 in RunCurrentEventLoopInMode () #14 in ReceiveNextEventCommon () #15 in _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter () #16 in _DPSNextEvent () #17 in -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] () #18 in -[NSApplication run] () #19 in NSApplicationMain () #20 in 0x10a062000 () #21 in 0x10a062000 () #22 in start () Whereas in Console it looks like this: 0 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff2053783b __exceptionPreprocess + 242 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff2026fd92 objc_exception_throw + 48 2 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff205609a2 +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] + 88 3 Foundation 0x00007fff2131e4d2 -[NSAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description:] + 191 4 AppKit 0x00007fff22d02679 -[NSCell _objectValue:forString:errorDescription:] + 260 5 AppKit 0x00007fff22d024d3 -[NSCell setStringValue:] + 44 6 AppKit 0x00007fff22d7af3e -[NSControl setStringValue:] + 121 7 AppXYZ 0x000000010a069107 AppXYZ + 28935 8 AppXYZ 0x000000010a07eed1 AppXYZ + 118481 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff20219623 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff2021a806 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 11 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff20226b4f _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 940 12 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff204fa5a8 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 9 13 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff204bc7a2 __CFRunLoopRun + 2755 14 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff204bb61c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 563 15 HIToolbox 0x00007fff28701a83 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292 16 HIToolbox 0x00007fff287017e5 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 587 17 HIToolbox 0x00007fff28701583 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 70 18 AppKit 0x00007fff22cc3172 _DPSNextEvent + 864 19 AppKit 0x00007fff22cc1945 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1364 20 AppKit 0x00007fff22cb3c69 -[NSApplication run] + 586 21 AppKit 0x00007fff22c87e6c NSApplicationMain + 816 22 AppXYZ 0x000000010a155a62 AppXYZ + 997986 23 AppXYZ 0x000000010a155afb AppXYZ + 998139 24 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff203dff3d start + 1 25 ??? 0x0000000000000001 0x0 + 1 So what am trying to understand is how to utilize lines 7 & 8 in the Console. Reading through the Docs ( it seems like I should use 'atos' but its not working out.... For starters there is no 'Binary Architecture' information in the 'Binary Images' section of the .crash file. Can someone point out what I need to do here or clarify my misunderstanding? Thank for any help! Steve
Sep ’21
Please Help - Brain Block
Using Xcode 12.5.1 I have 2 properties on an object @property NSMutableArray *mutA1; @property NSMutableArray *mutA2; During initialization I do this: self.mutA1 = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:10]; self.mutA2 = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:10]; The first assignment works fine but I get an error on the second assignment! Exception NSException * "[<__NSArrayM 0x6000037f1ec0> addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:] is not supported. Key path: count" 0x00006000037d74e0 What can explain this? I am just stumped!! Thank you for any help! Steve
Aug ’21