




Can I get a point on a texture in realityKit on VisionOS?
Hi, I am currently considering porting my AR game from SceneKit to RealityKit so it appears in 3D on Vision OS, but one crucial question to knonw if it can even be ported is: I need a tap on a 3D Model that is than translated into a tap onto the texture of that model. On visionOS this would be the gaze of the person so the question is if I can get the point of a texture is user is looking at (optimally always to I can have a hover effect, but if not at least when tapping the finger together). If that is not possible, is it possible to touch a reality kit object and get the location of that on the texture? All the best Christoph
storing AVAsset in SwiftData
Hi, I am creating an app that can include videos or images in it's data. While @Attribute(.externalStorage) helps with images, with AVAssets I actually would like access to the URL behind that data. (as it would be stupid to load and then save the data again just to have a URL) One key component is to keep all of this clean enough so that I can use (private) CloudKit syncing with the resulting model. All the best Christoph
Oct ’23
Cannot Debug Photos Extension under Ventura
Hi, since Upgrading to Ventura I cannot Debug my Photos Extension any more. But I urgently need to as we have a new bug that makes our app crash only on Ventura. (it's ONLY extensions that cannot be debugged, anything else works.) Trying to Debug shows: Could not attach to pid : “38699” Details: attach failed (Not allowed to attach to process.  Look in the console messages (, near the debugserver entries, when the attach failed.  The subsystem that denied the attach permission will likely have logged an informative message about why it was denied.) Console: "macOSTaskPolicy: ( may not get the task control port of (friedmann print ) (pid: 35508): (friedmann print ) is hardened, (friedmann print ) doesn't have get-task-allow, ( is a declared debugger( is not a declared read-only debugger" Is there ANYTHING I can do? Or do I have to wait for the next Ventura or XCode update??? All the best Christoph
Nov ’22
Efficiently updating textures
Hi, I noticed that the face painting sample is creating cgImages from the PencilKit and then generating texture from those again. I do something similar In my app that currently uses SceneKit and I would like to port to RealityKit. In my code I draw into a CGImage (draw shape, masked image and shadows) and then convert that CGImage to a texture. I would like to optimize that as there is a very noticable latency with this process. Would it help if made small CGImages (for the local changes) which are then converted to a texture and use DrawQueues to lay those over the existing images? Or what is the most efficient way to get my changes onto a texture in near real time? All the best Christoph
Jun ’22
Does RealityKit make full use of CreasedModels?
Hi, I get nicely creased USD models from my 3D designer which are super small, as higher meshes can be generated from them and even normals can be derived from these models. Question is: Does RealityKit automatically … • … generate the normals from the crease information? • … subdivide for these models (do I have to/can I set a subdivision level)? • … generate subdivision in the GPU as the model get's closer to the camera or should I even force create multiple detail levels? All the best Christoph
Jun ’22
automatic update for @FetchedResults
Hi, I always though @FetchedResults should automatically update, but it seems this is not always true, or do I have to trigger updates myself? I am using Core Data with CloudKit sync. When I start my app, nothing is visually updating while it'S doing the first sync. Only after that view is reloaded it shows the synced data. Any idea what I have to do automatically get updates when the data is syncing the background. All the best Christoph
Mar ’22
transactionUpdate loop is not called on approved pending transaction
Hi, I have a look to wait for all non purchase Transaction             for await result in Transaction.updates { … } But this block works when I trigger a restore purchases, but it is never called when I approve a pending purchase. Is there any reasoning why this could be or a bug. (As an app store user and father I had a similar problem where my daughter had to tap purchase again and then it worked. All the best Christoph
Feb ’22
setting a variable on main thread
Hi, when working with SwiftUI @Published variables need to be set from the main thread, but at the same time, cannot be defined as @MainActor. The easy solution is a simple forced sync or async execution on the main thread, but it seems like this does not exist in the world of async/await and Tasks - at least I did not find it. Instead I found that all demo's from Apple is a quite sad solution. The full method is marked as @MainActor even though this is often only relevant for the last line. The question is either that I can execute a setter on main only OR that I can mark my SwiftUI code as being on main and thus being able to accept @MainActor @Published Is there really no solution? If so where do I have to propose/request a solution for this. I feel like every developer had written his own version of Thread.performOnMain, but here I want something using Task and that the compiler can verify. All the best Christoph
Feb ’22
Deleting a Share without deleting Objects
Hi, I wanted to offer the UI for editing and deleting a share. So for using UICloudSharingController(share: , container: ) I implemented the delegate to call "persistUpdatedShare" in "cloudSharingControllerDidSaveShare" func cloudSharingControllerDidSaveShare(_ csc: UICloudSharingController) { if let share = csc.share,   let privatePersistentStore = PersistenceController.shared.privatePersistentStore { PersistenceController.shared.container.persistUpdatedShare(share, in: privatePersistentStore) { (share, error) in Thread.performOnMain { if let error = error { PersistenceController.shared.storeWarning = error } } } } } and to call "purgeObjectsAndRecordsInZone" in "cloudSharingControllerDidStopSharing" func cloudSharingControllerDidStopSharing(_ csc: UICloudSharingController) { let puzzleToShare = puzzleToShare if let share = csc.share,   let privatePersistentStore = PersistenceController.shared.privatePersistentStore { PersistenceController.shared.container.purgeObjectsAndRecordsInZone(with: share.recordID.zoneID, in: privatePersistentStore) { (zoneID, error) in Thread.performOnMain { if let error = error { PersistenceController.shared.storeWarning = error } else { puzzleToShare.makePrivateDuplicate() try? puzzleToShare.puzzle.managedObjectContext?.save() } } } } } I got this implementation from a TSI, but it makes no sense to me to delete and duplicate my objects rather than just keeping them and only deleting the share. Question: How can I cleanly discontinue a share, but keep my data. Duplicating my objects seems such a weird approach. But without this implementation it does not really work. (I get strange behaviors and crashes) All the best Christoph
Feb ’22
How to reset SCNConstraints
Hi, I am using SCNConstraints to zoom in on a geometry the user clicked, but would like to reset to my original position when the user clicks outside. How do I reset my Camera to its original position? I read constraints are changing the transform, but the position, transform and everything is unchanged. Yet when I set constraints = nil nothing happens the camera stays where it last was and does not move and everything it contains claims a different position. even the world transform shows it's unchanged. How do I reset a camera node to it's origin after I removed all constraints???
Apr ’21
ScrollView shrink to fit
Hi, I have embedded a view into a scroll view in case the content is too large, but mostly it is not. Is there a way to have the ScrollView shrink to fit its content? To my surprise it looks like this is a simple task not possible in SwiftUI? Am I missing something? All the best Christoph
Jan ’21
How do I create GeoTracking AR apps if I am not in the US
Hi, I have multiple idea for a GeoTracking AR apps using ARGeoTrackingConfiguration, but noticed the list of cities are all in the US. My personal hope was that all cities with 3D data would support this sooner or later, but this has not happened for me yet. Is there any way for testing/faking this to know what the user will experience? How fast is it expanding, so would it be worth waiting till it's available in my areas (Düsseldorf, Germany), too? All the best Christoph
Dec ’20
How to stop XCode from autolinking Libraries
Hi, I have been rejected because my App links against MapKit, but does not use it. I verified and otool -L finds this @rpath/libswiftMapKit.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 2.0.0, weak) But I have no idea where this comes from • it is not in my list of linked Libraries • MapKit is not appearing anywhere in my Code (no "import MapKit" or anything) • I don't use any thing that starts with an MK • I do not include or link against non Apple Libraries What I do have is • a 5.3 Swift code except for • Zip Library and for it linker flags -lz and -liconv What could trigger the linking against MapKit? How can I isolate this problem? I am truly stuck and could use some pointers. All the best Christoph
Dec ’20
Getting region of interest for PHAsset
Hi, I am already confused about getting the regions of interest on Mac (I am getting them through the project info sections which makes no sense to my, why is a region of interest dependent on the project and it seems bug prone as the section are slowly updated after assets are added). How do I get the region of interest of a PHAsset on iOS? And is that approach portable to macOS? All the best Christoph
Aug ’20