




Comment on Can I get a point on a texture in realityKit on VisionOS?
It's a coloring book where you colorize whole areas at once. It's relying on getting the exact location on the texture to colorize the vectorial associated with it. So pinch+gaze needs to be on the texture of a complex model (a collision shape around it is not enough). Maybe touching with a finger could be an alternative. But in either case I need to get the texture point closest to either the gaze point (at pinch time) or finger tip location.
Comment on CloudKit how do I check for access level (public read, public write, private)
Hi, thank you for your response, but that kind of describes my problem, right? The account status tells me if I can store something in the private database of a CKContainer, but if I remember correctly from a WWDC video many years ago, the public database can written to if the user has a unique iCloud token which is given if the user is logged in, so even if the user disallows storing data in a private DB, right? All the best Christoph
Jan ’23