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App Update
I have recently launched a new app that replaces an older app and I want to grandfather all old app users to the new app for free. I no longer have access to the source code of the old app and it is not authenticating users so there is no way to turn off access to users to get them to switch to the new app. Would I be able to publish a new version of the "old" app with just a static screen that would say something along the lines of "this app is no longer available, download app xyz for free access to the new material" or would Apple not allow that as technically this static screen doesn't do anything?
Store Rejection with NEVPNManager APIs non-approved uses
Hello, Apple community and support team. We would like to get your input on a recent rejection we got in our latest app submission. The app uses public APIs in an unapproved manner, which does not comply with guideline 2.5.1. Specifically, your app utilizes the NEVPNManager APIs for non-approved uses. Since there is no accurate way of predicting how an API may be modified and what effects those modifications may have, unapproved uses of public APIs in apps is not allowed. We are currently uncertain about the specific ways in which the NEVPNManager APIs are being misused in our app, as we have diligently followed the instructions documented on Apple’s website. Our app uses a Packet Tunnel Provider and configures it to use a local proxy server for reducing network traffic, especially for video streaming services. We initially don't send any of the received traffic to a VPN server and instead, traffic is only handled by the Proxy Server. We are committed to ensuring our app complies with all guidelines and appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter. Your guidance will be invaluable in helping us make the necessary adjustments. Thank you for your support.
Adalo App Submission Issue on IOS
Greetings to all! I recently developed an called DANZUB, the hub for dancers using the Adalo no-code tool. The App from adalo was directly imported into TestFlight on App Store Connect. When I released it for review, I got a rejection that app was not supported (display scale issue) on Ipad. I have primarily designed for IPhones and I do not know how I can adjust to IPads as well. I don't have this option on Adalo. Some said I could change the settings in XCode. But I don;t have the file, because the file was directly exported from Adalo to App Store Connect. I am unable to download the file. Please help, I am new to developing. So close yet so far. Thanks all!!
App Store Connect not displaying recent OS version (17.5, 18)
We are trying to analyze how many of our users have upgraded from 17.4 (which has a major issue in compatibility with our app) to 17.5 (in which the issue does not happen). When we use the metrics in App Store Connect, the version 17.5 does not appear in the Platform version list at all. When we look at overall sessions, we see there are about 80 today. But when we display By Platform Version, we only see 4. I surmise that we should be seeing many sessions on 17.5 but those are being hidden because of this issue.
App store connect API returns 401 Sandbox and 404 Production
I also still getting the same error from sandbox "x": "Invalid response: Client error: GET resulted in a 401 Unauthorized response", while for production url "x": "Invalid response: Client error: GET resulted in a 404 Not Found response:\n{"errorCode":4040010,"errorMessage":"Transaction id not found."}\n",
App store connect API returns 404 with production url, but it returns 401 with sandbox url
My app is currently in review (review completed). I'm using the Get Transaction info API with a sandbox purchase transaction ID. "x": "Invalid response: Client error: GET resulted in a 401 Unauthorized response", However, when using the production url "Invalid response: Client error: GET resulted in a 404 Not Found response:\n{"errorCode":4040010,"errorMessage":"Transaction id not found."}\n", Should I generate my JWT differently for sandbox vs production? If not, what else could cause this issue? Is there any missing congigration?
Rejected with Guideline 2.5.1 & NEVPNManager APIs
Recently, our app was rejected by App Store, reason is : "The app still uses public APIs in an unapproved manner, which does not comply with guideline 2.5.1. Specifically, your app is using NEVPNManager APIs without using VPN APIs. Since there is no accurate way of predicting how an API may be modified and what effects those modifications may have, unapproved uses of public APIs in apps is not allowed." Our app uses VPN to connect our company-internal network only. so what should we do next? i need update some options with Xcode or apply for some kinds of permission
Apple Appstore Summary Sales Report API updates historical reports without notification
I've had several internal users note that the Summary Sales report API has started to have updates to historical reports. As an example - a subscription quantity might be 1 when the API is queried for 1/15/24, but then if the API is queried and reconciled against itself it might be quantity of 3 when pulled 3/15/24. This only started after 1/1/24, so I am wondering if there was a change to the report logic, or a new policy that Apple has started to allow that is making backdated changes to the summary sales report. This is causing a lot of potential missed revenue and manual effort for our accounting teams. Is there any guidance that Apple team or others can provide on this topic?
Request containing an attribute already in use
I'm trying to archive VisionOS App, and push it to store. I've tried to look for AppStore for the name. And I made sure name isn't taken. I've tried so far 5 names that doesn't appear in the Appstore. Everytime I change name, I also like to keep the bundle name same. So it is taking time. Is there any way quick way to find out what's the non-taken name? Again, going to AppStore and make sure App name isn't taken doesn't solve my problem. Error that I'm getting is below. Error that I'm getting is App Record Creation Error" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=App Record Creation Error, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=App Record Creation failed due to request containing an attribute already in use. The App Name you entered is already being used. If you have trademark rights to this name and would like it released for your use, submit a claim.
Membership expired, no where to renew it?
I see the following notification in my apple developer account dashboard: Your Apple Developer Program membership wasn’t renewed successfully. You can still renew your membership within the next 27 days and your apps will remain available on the App Store during this time. Open the Apple Developer app on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac. Sign in to your account, tap/click Renew, and follow the prompts when I open the developer app, sign in, there is nowhere to renew it. I have an app on the appstore with quite a few users wich is depending on my app and I worry they will not get access to it if am not able to renew my membership I appreciate any help I can get
Exceptions to the App Store Subscription Fee for Non-Profits?
I am working with a non-profit organization on creating an app for the App store. They have a membership service that provides access to certain parts of their website after paying a yearly membership fee. I am aware of the fact that apple takes 30% from subscriptions in the first year and then 15% in following years. I am also aware of the fact that Apple makes exceptions for fundraising/donations. I am wondering if there is precedent for Apple making exceptions to this 30%/15% fee for subscriptions (not fundraising/donations) for non-profits. In other words, these subscriptions don't count as donations, but the revenue is going directly to a non-profit. Does anyone have information about this?
App Crash on Testflight
Good day. My app crashed as i launched to testflight. when it is launched on a real devices it crashes here is my crash report. Incident Identifier: 6B2FE0C7-91F8-46D3-90B5-EB96A6809C5C Hardware Model: iPhone12,5 Process: Runner [39554] Path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/D413442F-1978-4F6F-909C-A09EAE720D44/ Identifier: com.gtirides.appRide Version: 1.0.0 (1) AppStoreTools: 15F31e AppVariant: 1:iPhone12,5:16 Beta: YES Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Role: Foreground Parent Process: launchd [1] Coalition: com.gtirides.appRide [4745] Date/Time: 2024-06-20 13:07:17.1843 +0100 Launch Time: 2024-06-20 13:07:16.9994 +0100 OS Version: iPhone OS 16.5.1 (20F770750d) Release Type: User Baseband Version: 4.02.01 Report Version: 104 Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) Exception Subtype: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000 Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000 VM Region Info: 0 is not in any region. Bytes before following region: 4301684736 REGION TYPE START - END [ VSIZE] PRT/MAX SHRMOD REGION DETAIL UNUSED SPACE AT START ---> __TEXT 100668000-100670000 [ 32K] r-x/r-x SM=COW Termination Reason: SIGNAL 11 Segmentation fault: 11 Terminating Process: exc handler [39554] Triggered by Thread: 0 Thread 0 Crashed: 0 Intercom 0x0000000100e94610 +[ICMIdentityStore hexTokenFromDeviceToken:] + 32 1 Intercom 0x0000000100e946bc -[ICMIdentityStore setDeviceTokenData:environment:failure:] + 80 2 Intercom 0x0000000100ebb320 +[ICMHTTPBridge registerDeviceToken:failure:] + 116 3 Intercom 0x0000000100ea7bdc +[ICMBridge registerDeviceToken:failure:] + 112
Parent Gfit In-App Subscription to their Child
Our app has a parent account that can view their child's account activity for the free version but we have in-app subscriptions and trying to figure out how the parent can choose to purchase or pay for their child's in-app subscription from their apple Id account. Gifting? Family Sharing? Redeem Code? All keep showing up in my research but I am struggling with how to best execute this? Any advie or insight is helpful!!
Sale Report Data Inconsistent
We are pulling data from the salesReports endpoint, specifically focusing on the Subscriber, Subscription_Event, and Subscription report types. Our goal is to perform internal analysis on our subscriptions, such as comparing renewals to new subscriptions. However, we have observed that the data quality is not as high as we would expect from Apple. While some insights can be gleaned with a degree of uncertainty, our biggest concern is the discrepancy between the data obtained from the API or manually downloaded from the portal ( and the data displayed in the Portal visualizations ( This discrepancy makes cross-checking difficult and lowers our confidence in the data’s accuracy. Is anyone else experiencing similar issues, or has anyone managed to obtain reliable data for their app(s)?
Can an offshore stakeholder register and distribute applications via the iOS App Store to its country of origin?
Hi, We are a bank which is planning to deploy its digital app on apple store. As understood, apple currently does not have store for Sudan. Can i register and upload the app using our stakeholder as located in UAE instead of the bank since its registered in Sudan. This would allow our customers to download the app in Sudan. Regards Anand