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General Documentation






getTransactionHistory missing transactionId with productype Consumable
Hello everyone. I'm try to get out of verifyReceipt for my app. I'm try to following this link Then I'm testing by using old receipt from my app. Using receiptUtility.extractTransactionIdFromAppReceipt(appReceipt); I got this transaction Id 160000542059454. Then follow the step in the video to get all transaction history I realize that it missing transaction which have productype as consumable. If I'm using getTransactionInfo an pass that Id I can fetch the info of that transaction. So my question is how to get all transaction Id history.
Apr ’24
Our account is suspended and there is no explanation
We recently received an email about our account suspension but the reason is not clear in the email. We don't know what is the reason behind this and we can't get any response from the Contact page. Email: "This letter serves as notice of termination of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement (the “ADP Agreement”) and the Apple Developer Agreement (the “Developer Agreement”) between you and Apple effective immediately. Pursuant to Section 3.2(f) of the ADP Agreement, you agreed that you would not “commit any act intended to interfere with any of the Apple Software or Services, the intent of this Agreement, or Apple’s business practices including, but not limited to, taking actions that may hinder the performance or intended use of the App Store, Custom App Distribution, TestFlight, Xcode Cloud, Ad Hoc distribution, or the Program…” Apple has good reason to believe that you violated this Section due to documented indications of fraudulent conduct associated with your account."
Can't see Apps After New License Agreement
When I tried to submit one of my apps for review this morning, I received an alert that I needed to accept the new Developer License Agreement first, which I did. After accepting the agreement however, it still doesn't let me submit or even see my apps in App Store Connect - instead indicating that I need to accept the license agreement (which I already have). Anyone else experiencing anything like this or know how I can address?
Un-Publish an app
Hello, We have an application within our tenant. It is still visible in the iOS and iPadOS App Store as a downloadable and usable application. However, we want to unpublish it because it is no longer managed. To do this, I have specifically subscribed to a Developer account with my account so that I can connect to App Store Connect and perform this task. Unfortunately, I have not had the opportunity to do so because the application does not appear in my "apps." The Apps tab displays "you haven't added any apps yet. To get started, click add apps." I thought that by connecting my email enterprise address, I would be able to find the application and unpublish it, but it seems that since I was not the one who originally published it, I cannot see it. Could you help me so that I can perform this task? The person who published the app is no longer part of our company, so we cannot ask them to "transfer the rights" of the application. Thank you in advance.
Limited Access for Contacts like for Photos to prevent certain apps to collect our data.
Hi Everybody, I would like to see the feature, that allows us to limit the access for selected apps to get access to our Contacts. Especially apps like WhatsApp cannot be trusted, in my opinion, so I would love to see the possibility to prevent, that they just analyse our full Contact book and sell the data. With a limited access feature, we can at least decide, which information we wanna share with suspicious companys. What do you think and how could we reach the developers attention to get this with the next major update. Greetings from Europe
Apr ’24
Invalid '' entitlement value.
I already have an iOS app accepted on the App Store, and now I want to add a macOS platform version. I created a new Xcode project and used the same bundle ID as my iOS app. When I tried to upload the macOS bundle, I encountered the following error: Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle ABC.123456 [ABC.123456.pkg/Payload/] is invalid. [Invalid '' entitlement value.] For more information, visit the macOS Developer Portal. (ID: xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) I found that this problem occurs when the "Team ID" and "App ID Prefix" are different. How can I make them match?
Exceptions to the App Store Subscription Fee for Non-Profits?
I am working with a non-profit organization on creating an app for the App store. They have a membership service that provides access to certain parts of their website after paying a yearly membership fee. I am aware of the fact that apple takes 30% from subscriptions in the first year and then 15% in following years. I am also aware of the fact that Apple makes exceptions for fundraising/donations. I am wondering if there is precedent for Apple making exceptions to this 30%/15% fee for subscriptions (not fundraising/donations) for non-profits. In other words, these subscriptions don't count as donations, but the revenue is going directly to a non-profit. Does anyone have information about this?
Parent Gfit In-App Subscription to their Child
Our app has a parent account that can view their child's account activity for the free version but we have in-app subscriptions and trying to figure out how the parent can choose to purchase or pay for their child's in-app subscription from their apple Id account. Gifting? Family Sharing? Redeem Code? All keep showing up in my research but I am struggling with how to best execute this? Any advie or insight is helpful!!
Can an offshore stakeholder register and distribute applications via the iOS App Store to its country of origin?
Hi, We are a bank which is planning to deploy its digital app on apple store. As understood, apple currently does not have store for Sudan. Can i register and upload the app using our stakeholder as located in UAE instead of the bank since its registered in Sudan. This would allow our customers to download the app in Sudan. Regards Anand
Distribution the macOS app include dext. No profiles for ---- were found
I developed an app including driver extension. So I tried to distribute it to users. Of course, it works fine in my Mac. I pressed "direct distribution" through the distribution menu in xcode, but the error occurred as below. I also checked that distribution are fine with TestFlight(internally), checked unregistered mac device. I can't figure out what's wrong, so I'm asking for help. Thank you.
Transition MacCatalyst App to "Designed for iPad"
I currently have a universal app that uses MacCatalyst. I want to update the Mac app to use "Designed for iPad". I know Intel Macs won't be able to download the updated version, but will current Intel app users be able to restore the download version they had, (ie. a clean os install)? Will new intel users be able to download the previous catalyst version, or is it removed from the store completely?
In-app event
Hello! I have a question about in-app event. I have an event that is running for a couple of days and I would like to update the images used. How can I do so seamlessly? I understand that I am able to adjust the end time of my event. I was planning to change the end time to the next day and create an event with the same metadata except the images and set the start time to be exactly when the old event ends. Could anyone advise if will apple rejects my new event in this case or if there a better way to do it?
"App not Available" for over 18 days
Hello, my app has changed to Ready for Distribution on 29 May 2024, but until now I am getting "This app is currently not available in your country or region". Can anyone help me resolve this issue? App Name: Sivib Remote Business / App Version Number: 1.0 / App SKU: com.sivib.remotebusiness / App Apple ID: 6503112308
Converting from paid to freemium
I'm looking for the latest advice on detecting customers who have bought my app prior to its conversion to freemium, so I can offer them a free period. This seems like a pretty common thing to want to do. I'm adding a range of subscriptions to a previously "paid" app, and don't want to annoy customers who have recently bought it outright. Over the last decade there has been a great deal of confusing advice posted on this subject, so does anyone know the best way to tackle this when supporting Sonoma and later? I'm currently implementing the new subscription solution based around SubscriptionStoreView. I don't have a server to support my app as it isn't cost-effective for my situation, and much of the Apple video content seems centred around having one. Is it possible to do the receipt checking and detection of original paid purchase date in-app? Maybe using StoreKit2? Can I do this with introductory offers? Any help greatly appreciated. UPDATE: I've just started re-watching the WWDC 2022 Video "What's new with in-app purchase" and it seems that AppTransaction is the way to go. Any thoughts on this?
Does StoreKit filter product types for old app version?
Hi, I am new to StoreKit and IAP. I am developing the 1.0 version of my app, and I plan to offer non-consumable items in version 1.0, with plans to offer auto-renewable subscriptions in the future 2.0 version. According to the App Store's review requirements, when I add a new type of item in the app, I need to submit the app version for review as well. What I want to know is, after I add auto-renewable subscription items in App Store Connect for use in version 2.0, will these new items be returned when my 1.0 version queries product information through the StoreKit interface? If they are returned, since version 1.0 does not support auto-renewable subscriptions, do I need to add compatibility code to ignore the unsupported items? Ideally, according to the App Store's requirement to submit a new app version along with the type of products, StoreKit would help filter out product types that are not supported by older app versions, but I wonder if this is the case?