Visual Design

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Posts under Visual Design tag

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Is it possible to get a swiftUI timer-text to align .trailing?
Please consider simple example below. I am trying to put a timer in the upper right corner of a live activity. I am done, it works, but I'm trying to get the timer to look better. If I take a regular text, I can get it to align properly by adjusting the .frame(), , but for a text with a timer inside it, alignment is ignored from what I can see. Text("Hello").frame(width: 90, alignment: .trailing).border(.red) /*Text(timerInterval: timeRange, countsDown: false) .monospacedDigit().font(.subheadline).frame(width: 90, alignment: .trailing).border(.red)*/ } Is there any way to fix this? Right now, I have a fixed width so that HH:mm:ss will fit, but that doesn't look super great if it's just minutes and seconds for example, there's an empty block to the right
Jul ’24
How to animate NavigationSplitView's detailView column.
Having a traditional 'NavigationSplitView' setup, I am looking for a way to animate it the same as the sidebarView, where there is a button to toggle and it animates by sliding out from the right side of the view, however the closest I have gotten was manipulating the 'navigationSplitViewColumnWidth' but that always results in the view instantly appearing / disappearing. I am using SwiftUI for a MacOS specific app. Here is just a general idea of what I am currently doing, it is by no means a reflection of my real code but serves the purpose of this example. struct ContentView: View { @State private var columnWidth: CGFloat = 300 var body: some View { NavigationSplitView { List { NavigationLink(destination: DetailView(item: "Item 1")) { Text("Item 1") } NavigationLink(destination: DetailView(item: "Item 2")) { Text("Item 2") } NavigationLink(destination: DetailView(item: "Item 3")) { Text("Item 3") } } .navigationTitle("Items") } detail: { VStack { DetailView(item: "Select an item") Button(action: toggleColumnWidth) { Text(columnWidth == 300 ? "Collapse" : "Expand") } .padding() } } .navigationSplitViewColumnWidth(columnWidth) } private func toggleColumnWidth() { withAnimation { columnWidth = columnWidth == 300 ? 0 : 300 } } } struct DetailView: View { var item: String var body: some View { Text("Detail view for \(item)") .navigationTitle(item) .padding() } } @main struct MyApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() } } }
Jul ’24
Xcode Template icon color matching default ones
I want to create a Project Template with an icon that matches the default Xcode templates. I created a vector example icon and saved it as TemplateIcon.svg and it gets displayed for my .xcodetemplate. I would like it to blend in with Apple's default icons (which I know are assets contained inside Xcode bundles). I have tried with fill="currentColor" in my svg xml but it doesn't work. I couldn't find any technical documentation about this. It would be great to know how to design an icon that gets dynamically tinted by Xcode like the default ones. Thanks πŸ™‚
Jun ’24
Compact screens, keyboard and dynamic type UI issues
When testing my app on an iPhone SE i noticed an issue with the UI when editing some text in a text field. When the keyboard comes up it pushes everything in the view up and part of the text field gets covered by the navigation title and buttons. It gets worse when testing dynamic fonts and changing the text to XXLarge or higher. There are no issues on a larger screen. Is it possible to prevent the keyboard from push up the content of the view when it is displayed? This is with the default font of large. This is with the extra large text var body: some View { NavigationStack { VStack { HStack { Text("Name") Spacer() TextField("Name", text: $name) .multilineTextAlignment(.trailing) .textFieldStyle(.roundedBorder) .frame(width: 240) .onChange(of: name) { if name.count >= 10 { isShowingLongNameWarning = true } else { isShowingLongNameWarning = false } } } VStack(alignment: .trailing){ HStack { Text("Short Name") Spacer() TextField("Short Name", text: $shortName.max(shortNameCharacterLimit)) .multilineTextAlignment(.trailing) .textFieldStyle(.roundedBorder) .frame(width: isShowingLongNameWarning ? 215 : 240) if isShowingLongNameWarning { VStack { Image(systemName: "") } .popoverTip(shortNameTip) } } Text("Short Name Length: \(shortName.count) characters") .font(.caption) .foregroundStyle(shortName.count >= shortNameCharacterLimit ? .red : .primary) } HStack { Text("Fluid Amount") Spacer() TextField("Fluid Amount", value: $amount, format: .number) .multilineTextAlignment(.trailing) .textFieldStyle(.roundedBorder) .keyboardType(.decimalPad) .focused($numberPadIsFocused) .frame(width: 140) .toolbar { if numberPadIsFocused { ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .keyboard) { Spacer() Button("Done") { numberPadIsFocused = false } } } } } HStack { Text("Unit of Measure") Spacer() Picker("Unit of measure", selection: $unitOfMeasure) { ForEach(FluidUnit.allCases) { Text($0.title) } } .tint(colorScheme == .dark ? .yellow : .pink) } .accessibilityElement() Toggle("Favorite Drink", isOn: $isFavorite) Text("Drink Image") ScrollView(.horizontal) { HStack{ ForEach(DataStore.drinkImages, id: \.self) { image in Button { selectDrinkImage(imageName: image) } label: { ZStack { Image(image) .resizable() .scaledToFit() .frame(height: 100) if imageName == image { SelectedDrinkImageView() } } } .padding(.trailing, 30) } } .scrollTargetLayout() } .scrollIndicators(.hidden) .scrollTargetBehavior(.viewAligned) Spacer() .navigationTitle("Add a Drink") .navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.inline) .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .topBarTrailing) { Button("Save") { addDrink() } .tint(colorScheme == .dark ? .yellow : .pink) .disabled(disableSaveButton()) } ToolbarItem(placement: .topBarLeading) { Button("Cancel") { dismiss() } .tint(colorScheme == .dark ? .yellow : .pink) } } } .padding() } }
Jun ’24
Force accessible Color
Looking at Apple's Color Guidelines and taking into account that building my app to work for both light/dark modes I run into an issue where I want to use colors for statuses: red and green. I want to avoid declaring custom colors and I try to use the default ones that adjust for the selected appearance. Unfortunately I noticed that the does not work well on the default light background of my view (.background(Color (.windowBackgroundColor))) because there is not enough contrast. I noticed that Apple also lists "Accessible" versions of those colors but these are probably managed dynamically. My question: Is there a way to programatically force my app to use the accessible version of a Color (e.g. green)? Thanks
Jun ’24
How to interact during the Transition process?(wwdc24 UIKit consultation)
Recently I tried to apply a custom transition to a custom contextMenu. However, I want to make sure that during the transition process (which is not over yet), my contextMenu elements such as buttons can be tapped. But I tried a lot of things without success. I know you have a lot of experience, so I would like to ask you about how to implement the transition and be able to interact before it is over. I know that a UIView can be tapped during animation, but I haven't tried the button in a UIView. I've been trying to transition ViewControllers. For example, in a transition from fromViewController to toViewController, I wanted to be able to tap on a tableView in toViewController during the transition, but I was frustrated and found it very difficult to implement. I would like to ask you about the possibilities of interaction during the Viewcontrollers transition. (PS: In Github Issues, I uploaded a GIF example of the plus button on the left of the input box in iMessage. After tapping the plus button, you can tap the "Apple Cash" button before the transition is finished.) Your advice would be incredibly valuable to me. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. [GithubLink]
Jun ’24
Swift Charts animation woes using centered AxisValueLabel
Hi, I'm having some trouble when animating my chart with a custom AxisValueLabel. Specifically, as soon as I set its init parameter centered to true, the x axis' leftmost value of the previous dataset sticks around during the animation to the next dataset. Here's a GIF of a screen recording from a minimum reproducible example I built. Keep a close eye on the x axis of the third BarMark, and notice how the 0 from the first BarMark sticks around longer than necessary / intended. While it isn't visible in the GIF, the extra 0 eventually does disappear, but only after the transition if fully complete, making the animation feel distracting and amateur-ish, rather than smooth. This is my code for the x axis. If I turn centered to false, this problem immediately goes away. .chartXAxis { AxisMarks( preset: .aligned, values: .stride( by: .day, count: 1, calendar: .current ) ) { value in AxisValueLabel(centered: true) { Text("\(value.index)") } } } As you might be able to tell, my x axis is date based, and I'm working on showing one BarMark per day of the week. I have a ZIP of my minimum reproducible example that I can provide for anyone interested, although I don't know how to share it here. Any advice on what I can do to fix this?
Jun ’24
How to replicate UIImageView's `scaleAspectFill` for Images inside a custom Layout?
I've defined a custom layout container by having a struct conform to Layout and implementing the appropriate methods, and it works as expected. The problem comes when trying to display Image, as they are shown squished when just using the .resizable() view modifier, not filling the container when using .scaledToFit() or extending outside of the expected bounds when using .scaledToFill(). I understand that this is the intended behaviour of these modifiers, but I would like to replicate UIImageView's scaledAspectFill. I know that this can usually be achieved by doing: Image("adriana-wide") .resizable() .scaledToFill() .frame(width: 200, height: 200) .clipped() But hardcoding the frame like that defeats the purpose of using the Layout, plus I wouldn't have direct access to the correct sizes, either. The only way I've managed to make it work is by having a GeometryReader per image, so that the expected frame size is known and can bet set, but this is cumbersome and not really reusable. GalleryGridLayout() { GeometryReader { geometry in Image("adriana-wide") .resizable() .scaledToFill() .frame(width: geometry.size.width, height: geometry.size.height) .clipped() } [...] } Is there a more elegant, and presumably efficient as well as reusable, way of achieving the desired behaviour? Here's the code of the Layout.
Jul ’24
Best Way to Support Different Devices in SwiftUI?
Hi, I have pretty much finished my app's layout but realized I needed to scale it for different devices. I have read online that hardcoding values (esp in frames) is a big no-no, and GeometryReader should be heavily utilized. Also was recommended ViewThatFits. The problem is, I want the app to look the exact same across all devices. What is the best way to get started? Also, when testing, do I only have to test on an iPad and iPhone or are the dimensions significantly different amongst each class of devices?
Dec ’24
Animates wrongly at every switch of direction, animates right in same direction
I need to create an animation for previous and next questions. The current question should move out and next/prev question should come in. If you run the app and keep pressing next, it works well. Current question moves out towards left Next question appears from right to left. But if I switch the direction to previous, Current question moves out towards left( should move out towards right) next question comes in from left to right( which is correct). Similar discrepancy happens when I switch direction from prev to next. Why is this so? import SwiftUI struct Question { let id: Int let text: String } extension AnyTransition { static var slideRight: AnyTransition { let insertion = AnyTransition.move(edge: .trailing) let removal = AnyTransition.move(edge: .leading) return .asymmetric(insertion: insertion, removal: removal) } static var slideLeft: AnyTransition { let insertion = AnyTransition.move(edge: .leading) let removal = AnyTransition.move(edge: .trailing) return .asymmetric(insertion: insertion, removal: removal) } } struct QuizView: View { let questions = [ Question(id: 1, text: "11111111111"), Question(id: 2, text: "222222222222222222222222"), Question(id: 3, text: "3333333333333333333"), Question(id: 4, text: "444444444444444444444444"), Question(id: 5, text: "55555555555555555555"), Question(id: 6, text: "6666666666666666666666666") ] @State private var currentQuestionIndex = 0 @State private var navigationDirection: NavigationDirection = .forward var body: some View { VStack(spacing: 20) { Text(questions[currentQuestionIndex].text) .id(questions[currentQuestionIndex].id) // Important for transition .transition(navigationDirection == .forward ? .slideRight : .slideLeft) .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity) HStack { Button("Previous") { moveToPreviousQuestion() } .disabled(currentQuestionIndex == 0) Spacer() Button("Next") { moveToNextQuestion() } .disabled(currentQuestionIndex == questions.count - 1) } } .padding() .animation(.easeInOut(duration: 1.0), value: currentQuestionIndex) } private func moveToNextQuestion() { if currentQuestionIndex < questions.count - 1 { navigationDirection = .forward currentQuestionIndex += 1 } } private func moveToPreviousQuestion() { if currentQuestionIndex > 0 { navigationDirection = .backward currentQuestionIndex -= 1 } } } enum NavigationDirection { case forward, backward }
Apr ’24
Animates wrongly at every switch of direction, animates right in same direction
If you run the app and keep pressing next, it works well. current question moves out towards left, next question appears from right to left. But if I switch the direction to previous, current question moves out towards left( should move out towards right) next question comes in from left to right( which is correct). Similar discrepancy happens when I switch direction from prev to next. Why is this so? import SwiftUI struct Question { let id: Int let text: String } extension AnyTransition { static var slideRight: AnyTransition { let insertion = AnyTransition.move(edge: .trailing) let removal = AnyTransition.move(edge: .leading) return .asymmetric(insertion: insertion, removal: removal) } static var slideLeft: AnyTransition { let insertion = AnyTransition.move(edge: .leading) let removal = AnyTransition.move(edge: .trailing) return .asymmetric(insertion: insertion, removal: removal) } } struct QuizView: View { let questions = [ Question(id: 1, text: "11111111111"), Question(id: 2, text: "222222222222222222222222"), Question(id: 3, text: "3333333333333333333"), Question(id: 4, text: "444444444444444444444444"), Question(id: 5, text: "55555555555555555555"), Question(id: 6, text: "6666666666666666666666666") ] @State private var currentQuestionIndex = 0 @State private var navigationDirection: NavigationDirection = .forward var body: some View { VStack(spacing: 20) { Text(questions[currentQuestionIndex].text) .id(questions[currentQuestionIndex].id) // Important for transition .transition(navigationDirection == .forward ? .slideRight : .slideLeft) .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity) HStack { Button("Previous") { moveToPreviousQuestion() } .disabled(currentQuestionIndex == 0) Spacer() Button("Next") { moveToNextQuestion() } .disabled(currentQuestionIndex == questions.count - 1) } } .padding() .animation(.easeInOut(duration: 1.0), value: currentQuestionIndex) } private func moveToNextQuestion() { if currentQuestionIndex < questions.count - 1 { navigationDirection = .forward currentQuestionIndex += 1 } } private func moveToPreviousQuestion() { if currentQuestionIndex > 0 { navigationDirection = .backward currentQuestionIndex -= 1 } } } enum NavigationDirection { case forward, backward }
Apr ’24
WithAnimation not working in certain orders of operations
Hi, I am currently working through a SwiftUI tutorial where I am adding words entered into a text field to be displayed in a list beneath it. While doing so, I noticed that when trying to animate the insertion of the word into the text field, it wasn't working. private func addNewWord(){ let answer = newWord.lowercased().trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) guard answer.count > 0, !usedWords.contains(answer) else {return} newWord = "" withAnimation { usedWords.insert(answer, at: 0) } } But, when I switched around those last 2 statements, the following code works properly: private func addNewWord(){ let answer = newWord.lowercased().trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) guard answer.count > 0, !usedWords.contains(answer) else {return} withAnimation { usedWords.insert(answer, at: 0) } newWord = "" } Does anyone know why this is ? Is there something that has to do with the withAnimation call not being the final part in the function call ? Does it have to do with altering different State variables before or after the withAnimation call ? Is this expected behavior or some type of bug? Please let me know, here is the entire SwiftUI Struct in case you want to run this and see for yourselves. Thank you (Currently using xcode 15.0 on OS Sonoma 14.3.1) struct ContentView: View { @State private var newWord : String = "" @State private var usedWords : [String] = [String]() @State private var rootWord : String = "" var body: some View { NavigationStack { List { Section { TextField("Enter your word", text: $newWord).textInputAutocapitalization(.never) } Section{ ForEach(usedWords, id: \.self){ word in HStack { Image(systemName: "\(word.count).circle") Text(word) } } } } .navigationTitle(rootWord) } .padding() .onSubmit() { addNewWord() } } private func addNewWord(){ let answer = newWord.lowercased().trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) guard answer.count > 0, !usedWords.contains(answer) else {return} // newWord = "" withAnimation { usedWords.insert(answer, at: 0) } newWord = "" } }
Mar ’24
Maximise Image above Form
Dear All, I want to maximise an Image above a Form. That should be easy enough but with the naive code, the Form is pushed out of the screen. I don't want to allow scrolling. This is my code: Image(systemName: "gear") .resizable() .scaledToFit() Form { Section("section 1") { Text("text 1") Text("text 2") Text("text 3") } Section("section 2") { Text("text 1") Text("text 2") Text("text 3") } } .scrollDisabled(true) Any hint on how to achieve that the Form is fully displayed and the Image dynamically maximised in the space that is left? Thanks in advance! Cheers F
Mar ’24
Xcode should include simple themes. Agree??
The themes that bundle with Xcode are all very complex, in the sense that they highlight every token-type a different color, and often use colors that are only slightly different (as there aren't nearly enough distinct colors). Given that these themes are intended to be used, they should be optimized for practicality (not just flexing the power of Xcode). Syntax highlighting is most useful when it distinguishes between things that the programmer distinguishes between conceptually (if I don't know why one variable is blue, while another, apparently similar, variable is red, the highlighting actually makes the code harder to parse correctly). I've also observed a trend towards more minimal highlighting schemes, just generally. I don't have any evidence for this, but assume other people have noticed it too. To offer a concrete example, the following scheme does the usual kinda thing with keywords, comments and literals, but sets everything else to look like plain text, except types, which are gold when they're being declared, and copper otherwise: In my experience, it's notably easier to parse like this, which helps when learning Swift & Co. This is the same theme, applied to a C-family language (Metal): I'm not asking for feedback on the theme specifically. I'm just asking whether you agree that Xcode should bundle a couple of these simpler themes.
Jul ’24