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Posts under Simulator tag

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Simulator device returned an error for the requested operation. The parent bundle has the same identifier as sub-bundle
Two days ago everything was working fine. Then I decided to step on with the OneSignal Sdk and the problems starts to come. Now I have two big problem but I want to go with order and begin from the first and maybe the second will follow. When I try the app on emulator, it builds fine but stopped immediately with The parent bundle has the same identifier (com.domain.bundlename) as sub-bundle at /Users/myname/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/F2D73A5F-1B86-4D2D-9989-518387D0FB24/data/Library/Caches/ (com.domain.bundlename is for obscuring the real ones) Then I tried creating a new emulator device, but I got the same error. No clues on my internet search.
Jan ’24
Strange visionOS Simulator
I found that my visionOS Simulator is very strange. Many functions and features are missing. For example, I learned from the Internet that the immersive scenes of Environments in their visionOS Simulator can be opened, but I click There was no response after the attack. There are not only these, but also many system features. I saw on the Internet that other developers have them, and I am missing. I'm worried that this will have an impact on me when testing my app. May I ask why? Some information: My updated Xcode version is the latest Xcode15.1Beta. Device: iMac (2021) Simulator system number: 21N305
Jan ’24
Should Photo Extensions work in iOS simulators?
When I: open an existing project create a new PhotoExtensions target run the new target in an iOS simulator (eg iPhone 15, iOS 17.0) Select photos as the app to run Open a photo Tap the ... button at the top right I see: Copy, Duplicate, Hide, etc. But I do not see my new Extension. Is there something else I need to be doing in order to see my new Extension in 'action'?
Jan ’24
Problems in the iOS Simulator's Photos app?
When I: open a simulator (eg iPhone 15, iOS 17.0) open the Photos app tap on an image (either one that comes included, or something I've saved to PhotoRoll) tap Edit I see the typical Photos Edit view with two key differences. the image is not visible, the middle of the view is all black there are now Cancel/Done/Dismiss buttons. I need to force quit to get back to the Springboard (Is that still the correct term?) Am I doing something wrong, or should the simulator's Photo's app be providing a better edit experience?
Jan ’24
Xcode 15, Apple Watch and iPhone Simulator, Simultaneously
I am trying to run the watch and iphone simulator at the same time. I have removed all simulators using Xcode Devices & Simulators panel and created a single iPhone with a paired Apple Watch to eliminate as many variables as possible. I have two schemes, my iPhone app scheme and a Watch scheme. The Watch is NOT set to run independently. My problem is that I can not start the iPhone simulator and the watch simulator and debug both at the same time. As soon as I start one or the other the currently running process is killed, making it impossible to debug both at the same time. I feel like I had this working at one point so I'm not sure if this is a regression or not. Using Xcode 15.1.
Jan ’24
Error installing iOS 17.2 Simulator Xcode
Hello and happy new year to all! I've updated Xcode but I'm having a problem installing the iOS 17.2 Simulator. It's the 4th time I'm trying to download it, but it gives me this error: I've also download watchOS which is successfully installed, but I can't understand why only iOS is having some issues. If someone knows how to fix this issue, please help me, I'm unable to use Xcode without the iOS simulator :( Thanks in advance.
Jan ’24
Unable to Remove App Installed from Simulator
In the latest updates, the app I am testing using the simulator cannot be removed. Clicking on the quick menu with the option to 'Remove App' does not yield any result. Another issue pertains to running the app. Two out of three runs are successful, but on the third attempt, I encounter a black screen or have to wait up to 5-10 minutes before the run. Xcode status bar shows message: "Installing ... to iPhone ..." The only solution is to close and restart the simulator, which doubles the time required to work on a single feature.
Dec ’23
iOS 17.2 Simulator Error Xcode
Hello i downloaded Xcode from the AppStore and when i try to run the Simulator, there's a message saying to GET iOS17.2 to run the Simulator, then i click on GET and when the download is ended i get this error always (See image attached) FAILED - REGISTERING SIMULATOR RUNTIME WITH CORESIMULATOR FAILED How can i solve this? Many thanks for your time
Dec ’23
iOS 17 Simulator Issue: Error Message and lag when playing audio via AVAudioPlayer
When I play a m4a file on the new iOS 17 Simulator (17.0 and 17.2), the following error message appears and there is a noticeable lag on the simulator. The error and the lag don't happen on a real device (iOS 17.2) or the 16.4 simulator. This significantly affected my development experience as when there's a sound, I can't tell whether there's a performance issue of my code or not. Error Message: AudioQueueObject.cpp:5933 DetermineMetadataTimestamp unable to obtain valid timestamp, estimate:33506.000000 Code: var player: AVAudioPlayer! let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource:"k-be", withExtension: "m4a")! if player != nil { player?.stop() player = nil } player = try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf: url) guard let player = player else { return } Here's the Feedback ID: FB13473463 (iOS 17 Simulator: Error Message and lag when playing audio via AVAudioPlayer) Thanks!
Feb ’24
On recent versions of Xcode, in iOS simulators the ability to enable the 'Zoom' feature in accessibility is disappearing. Is there any solution to this ?
I develop an application on iOS 13.0+ and we use a proprietary SDK for maps, so our situation is a bit more specific than usual. We have always had problems with the Zoom feature, and always appreciated the ability to simulate it in the Xcode simulators. I understand I cannot do anything against this, but is there any workaround or, at least somebody that knows the reason why they are removing it ? it is disappeared also if you select a simulator with a lower deployment target. Thanks for the attention.
Dec ’23
In the Platforms window, difference between iOS and iOS Simulator
I was just prompted in Xcode to update/download iOS 17.2. I wasn't paying attention but I think it was downloading iOS 17.2 and then iOS 17.2 Simulator. The latter failed during "Verifying iOS 17.2 simruntime". I opened Xcode > Settings > Platforms and I see iOS 17.2, but I don't see iOS 17.2 Simulator. Must I have both iOS 17.2 and iOS 17.2 Simulator? Do I always have to have iOS xyz and iOS xyz Simulator present in the Platforms window? What is the difference between the two? What's the iOS 17.2 for?
Dec ’23
Remove Rosetta support on Xcode simulators
I'm not sure if having once enabled Rosetta on the Xcode simulators for older builds is a performance issue or not, but it seems like installing apps on them is slower than it used to. I'm trying to completely remove Rosetta support on the simulators but can't figure it out. I've installed Xcode on top of the older version, removed Xcode, removed all the simulators and yet it still shows: iPhone 15 Pro (Rosetta) as a target. Can someone help me remove Rosetta support on the simulators please?
Dec ’23
Can't hear CAF Audio in running app
I have an unusual situation. I'm working through some self study training and this particular project is a game similar to fruit ninja where things are flying around the screen and you slice through them by swiping your finger. Anyway the instructor provided a series of "*.caf" files for various sounds while playing the game. For some reason I can't hear any of the sounds on my personal Mac when running the app via Xcode to either an iOS iPad simulator or to a real iPad that I have attached to my mac and setup for developer use in Xcode. Yes sound is working on the mac (hear new email come in etc. and can play videos in the browser). In the iPad simulator I can play youtube videos in mobile safari. While adjusting the sound doesn't seem to raise or lower the volume I can hear the audio in the youtube videos. On the real iPad: yes the sound is on and I can hear audio while playing videos in the browser etc. Lastly, I pushed the code up to GitHub and pulled it to my work Mac. There the sound plays just find in the iOS iPad simulator on that Mac (not allowed to attach my personal iPad to my work mac so can't try the iPad there). So I fell like this confirms the code is correct for playing the sounds in the running app. Oh, and I can select the file in left nav and click the little play button icon to hear it played in Xcode. so, I feel like this is an issue on my personal Mac with Xcode etc., but I'm at a loss as to what the issue is. Can anyone suggest some things to look for on my Mac to get sound working in this app? if you want to see the code it's here and the free training i'm following is at TIA
Dec ’23
Xcode Simulator iOS 17.0 Not Working
Hi dear all, I have just started working with Xcode and I am trying to download the iOS simulator to run my code on. When downloading it shows the size being 7.21GB, but when installing it it says my Disk is too full when my disk has at least 20GB available space. Here is the error message I get: Registering simulator runtime with CoreSimulator failed. Domain: DVTDownloadableErrorDomain Code: 29 User Info: { DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2023-12-05 09:08:19 +0000"; } Cannot copy the image because the disk is almost full Domain: Code: 14 System Information macOS Version 13.6 (Build 22G120) Xcode 15.0.1 (22266) (Build 15A507) Timestamp: 2023-12-05T17:08:19+08:00 Any help or direction is very appreciated. Thank you, Misael
Dec ’23