In the Platforms window, difference between iOS and iOS Simulator

I was just prompted in Xcode to update/download iOS 17.2. I wasn't paying attention but I think it was downloading iOS 17.2 and then iOS 17.2 Simulator. The latter failed during "Verifying iOS 17.2 simruntime". I opened Xcode > Settings > Platforms and I see iOS 17.2, but I don't see iOS 17.2 Simulator.

  • Must I have both iOS 17.2 and iOS 17.2 Simulator?
  • Do I always have to have iOS xyz and iOS xyz Simulator present in the Platforms window?
  • What is the difference between the two? What's the iOS 17.2 for?

I'm not certain, but I think they are equivalent. The previous use of the word ¨simulator¨ gave the impression that it was, well, just the simulator, and that it was not what was needed to compile for actual hardware. (I had to ask here for clarification.) Now maybe they´ve removed that word to remove potential confusion. The fact that both downloads are about the same size suggests that they contain similar content.

That's correct. The format of the displayed platform name has changed across Xcode versions. In general, if you can run your target on a device from Xcode, you have the correct download installed.

If you right-click on a row in that platforms list, you can copy some more detailed text that should show you exactly which version it corresponds to. That's probably the easiest way to confirm you have the right download, if you're concerned about it.

I'm not certain, but I think they are equivalent

I think I was wrong, at least for 17.0.

If you right-click on a row in that platforms list, you can copy some more detailed text that should show you exactly which version it corresponds to.

Doing that, my "iOS 17.0" entry describes itself as "SDK + Simulator", while my "iOS 17.0 Simulator" entry is just "Simulator".

Maybe 17.2 is different.

See my other thread:

In the Platforms window, difference between iOS and iOS Simulator