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Simulate and render 3D content for use in your augmented reality apps using RealityKit.

Posts under RealityKit tag

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Disable reverb effect in immersive spaces
I'm developing an app where a user can bring a video or content from a WKWebView into an immersive space using SwiftUI attachments on a RealityView. This works just fine, but I'm having some trouble configuring how the audio from the web content should sound in an immersive space. When in windowed mode, content playing sounds just fine and very natural. The spatial audio effect with head tracking is pronounced and adds depth to content with multichannel or Dolby Atmos audio. When I move the same web view into an immersive space however, the audio becomes excessively echoey, as if a large amount of reverb has been put onto the audio. The spatial audio effect is also decreased, and while still there, is no where near as immersive. I've tried the following: Setting all entities in my space to use channel audio, including the web view attachment. for entity in content.entities { entity.channelAudio = ChannelAudioComponent() entity.ambientAudio = nil entity.spatialAudio = nil } Changing the AVAudioSessionSpatialExperience: And I've also tried every soundstage size and anchoring strategy, large works the best, but doesn't remove that reverb. let experience = AVAudioSessionSpatialExperience.headTracked( soundStageSize: .large, anchoringStrategy: .automatic ) try? AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setIntendedSpatialExperience(experience) I'm also aware of ReverbComponent in visionOS 2 (which I haven't updated to just yet), but ideally I need a way to configure this for visionOS 1 users too. Am I missing something? Surely there's a way for developers to stop the system messing with the audio and applying these effects? A few of my users have complained that the audio sounds considerably worse in my cinema immersive space compared to in a window.
Jul ’24
Help with Virtual Hands
At the end of the WWDC 2023 sessoion the session talks about implementing Virtual Hands. However the Code shown in the Video is not correct anymore with the latest version of VisionOS and also the example “SpaceGloves“ Entity referenced in the Video is not documented and there is no example project resource to reference either. I have been trying for the last two weeks to implement the same basic example shown in this video, including skinning and rigging my own hand meshes But have had significant issues doing so and found no working code/usdz examples to reference across different internet resource. Is it possible for a working project/code example including USDZ files for the Hand Meshes to be provided in order to test a working example of this as a starting point for building my own virtual hands? Thanks for your help.
Jun ’24
Blender to Reality Composer Pro 2.0 to SwiftUI + RealityKit visionOS Best Practices
Hi, I'm very new to 3D and am currently porting a SwiftUI iOS app to visionOS 2.0. I saw WWDC24 feature Blender in multiple spatial videos, and have begun integrating Blender models and animations into my VisionOS app (I would also like to integrate skeletons and programmatic rigging, more on that later). I'm wondering if there are “Best Practices” for this workflow - from Blender to USD to RCP 2.0 to visionOS 2 in Xcode. I’ve cobbled together the following that has some obvious holes: I’ve been able to find some pre-rigged and pre-animated models online that can serve as a great starting point. As a reference, here is a free model from SketchFab - a simple rigged skeleton with 6 built in animations: When exporting to USD from Blender, I haven’t been able to export more than one animation per USD file. Is there a workflow to export multiple animations in a single USDC file, or is this just not possible? As a temporary workaround, here is a python script I’ve been using to loop through all Blender animations, and export a model for each animation: import bpy import os # Set the directory where you want to save the USD files output_directory = “/path/to/export” # Ensure the directory exists if not os.path.exists(output_directory): os.makedirs(output_directory) # Function to export current scene as USD def export_scene_as_usd(output_path, start_frame, end_frame): bpy.context.scene.frame_start = start_frame bpy.context.scene.frame_end = end_frame # Export the scene as a USD file bpy.ops.wm.usd_export( filepath=output_path, export_animation=True ) # Save the current scene name original_scene = # Iterate through each action and export it as a USD file for action in # Create a new scene for each action bpy.context.window.scene =[original_scene].copy() new_scene = bpy.context.scene # Link the action to all relevant objects for obj in new_scene.objects: if obj.animation_data is not None: obj.animation_data.action = action # Determine the frame range for the action start_frame, end_frame = action.frame_range # Export the scene as a USD file output_path = os.path.join(output_directory, f"{}.usdc") export_scene_as_usd(output_path, int(start_frame), int(end_frame)) # Delete the temporary scene to free memory print("Export completed.") I have also been able to successfully export rigging armatures as a single Skeleton - each “bone” showing getting imported into Reality Composer Pro 2.0 when exporting/importing manually. I would like to have all of these animations available in a single scene to be used in a RealityView in visionOS - so I have placed all animation models in a RCP scene and created named Timeline Action animations for each, showing the correct model and hiding the rest when triggering specific animations. I apply materials/textures to each so they appear the same, using Shader Graph. Then in SwiftUI I use notifications (as shown here - to trigger each RCP Timeline Action animation from code. Two questions: Is there a better way than to have multiple models of the same skeleton - each with a different animation - in a scene to be able to trigger multiple animations? Or would this require recreating Blender animations using skeleton rigging and keyframes from within RCP Timelines? If I want to programmatically create custom animations and move parts of the skeleton/armatures - do I need to do this by defining custom components in RCP, using IKRig and define movement of each of the “bones” in Xcode? I’m looking for any tips/tricks/workflow from experienced engineers or 3D artists that can create a more efficient/optimized workflow using Blender, USD, RCP 2 and visionOS 2 with SwiftUI. Thanks so much, I appreciate any help! I am very excited about all the new tools that keep evolving to make spatial apps really fun to build!
Jun ’24
The app “SGKJ_3DRealisticModel” has been killed by the operating system because it is using too much memory.
Hello! I encountered a problem when developing a project using VisionOS. I placed a file with a model size of 294.8MB in the project and tried to load the file model using the "FileManager. default. contentsOfDirectory (atPath: resourcesPath). filter {$0. hasSuffix (". usdz ")}" code. However, when the program was loaded, it was directly shut down by the system, prompting me to exceed memory. I would like to ask how to solve this problem?
Jun ’24
Xbox controller and visionOS 2
I am having problems getting button input from an Xbox game controller. I have the visionOS 2 beta on my Apple Vision Pro, and I am trying to use an Xbox game controller with a RealityView following the instructions from the WWDC session Explore game input in visionOS. The notification about a game controller is picking up the game controller, finds GCInputButtonA, and I am setting closures for touchedChangedHandler, pressedChangedHandler, and valueChangedHandler that just print an os_log statement. buttonA.valueChangedHandler = { button, value, pressed in os_log("Got valueChangedHandler") } At the end of RealityView, I have the modifier RealityView { content in // stuff } .handlesGameControllerEvents(matching: .gamepad) But I am never seeing the log message appear in the console when I press the 'A' button (or any other button). Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? The Xbox controller is pretty old. Settings is reporting it as version 9.0.3
Jun ’24
Add a modifier to a single model in the Reality Composer Pro scene
We can add many models in the Reality Composer Pro scene, but when I use RealityView to display and add modifiers in SwiftUI, the modifiers will have Effect, and I don't want to do this. I hope this modifier will be valid for a single model in the Reality Composer Pro scenario. May I ask how to add modifiers to a single model in the Reality Composer Pro scene?
Jul ’24
RealityKit's ARView raycast returns nothing
Hello, I have rendered an usdz File using sceneKit's .write() method on the displayed scene. Once I load it on another RealityKit's ARView using the .nonAR mode of the camera, I am trying to use the view's raycast(from:,allowing:,alignment:) method, to get the coordinates on the model. I have applied the collisionComponents when loading the model using the .generateCollisionShapes() function to be able to interact with the modelEntity. However, the raycast result returns nothing. Is there something I am missing for it to work? Thanks!
Jun ’24
Object Tracking with RealtyView
When I wanted to call the Reality Composer Pro scene containing Object Tracking, I tried the following code: RealityView { content in if let model = try? await Entity(named: "Scene", in: realityKitContentBundle) { content.add(model) } } Obviously, this is wrong. We need to add some configurations that can enable Object Tracking to Reality View. What do we need to add? Note:I have seen, but I don't know much about it.
Elapsed scene time used in custom shader uniform
If you create a custom shader you get access to a collection of uniform values, one is the uniforms::time() parameter which is defined as "the number of seconds that have elapsed since RealityKit began rendering the current scene" in this doc: Is there some way to get this value from Swift code? I want to animate a value in my shader based on the time so I need to get the starting time value so I can interpolate the animation offset from that point. If I create a System in the update() function I get a SceneUpdateContext instance and that has a deltaTime property but not an elapsedTime property which I would assume would map to the shader time() value.
Aug ’24
Capturing Perspective Camera View in RealityKit and Integrating SceneKit with RealityKit
Hello, I am currently developing an application using RealityKit and I've encountered a couple of challenges that I need assistance with: Capturing Perspective Camera View: I am trying to render or capture the view from a PerspectiveCamera in RealityKit/RealityView. My goal is to save this view of a 3D model as an image or video using a virtual camera. However, I'm unsure how to access or redirect the rendered output from a PerspectiveCamera within RealityKit. Is there an existing API or a recommended approach to achieve this? Integrating SceneKit with RealityKit: I've also experimented with using SCNNode and SCNCamera to capture the camera's view, but I'm wondering if SceneKit is directly compatible within a RealityKit scene, specifically within a RealityView. I would like to leverage the advanced features of RealityKit for managing 3D models. Is saving the virtual view of a camera supported, and if so, what are the best practices? Any guidance, sample code, or references to documentation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!
Jun ’24
Error Loading USDZ File in Vision Pro Application
Hi everyone, I'm working on a Vision Pro application and encountering an issue while trying to load a USDZ file. Here are the details: File Path: /Users/siddharthpatel/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/31F10013-50B6-4CEF-9388-9094087FAEBF/data/Containers/Data/Application/EB260F0A-A84F-4E95-876D-08199D2A4998/Documents/hive1.usdz Code: do { try await modelEntityForCollider = ModelEntity(contentsOf: fileURL!) } catch { print("Error loading model: (error)") } Error: Thread 1: Fatal error: Failed to import entity from "/Users/siddharthpatel/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/31F10013-50B6-4CEF-9388-9094087FAEBF/data/Containers/Data/ ... ve1.usdz" I've verified that the file path is correct and the USDZ file exists at the specified location. What could be causing this error and how can I resolve it? Thanks in advance for your help! Siddharth
Jun ’24
How to reduce draw call count in RealityKit
I'm trying to render a large number of entities, it looks like each ModelEntity causes a draw call, even if you share the ModelComponent so each Entity shares the mesh and materials. I tried to use the MeshInstanceCollection inside MeshResource to generate a large number of objects in the scene, the code works and draws many objects but the draw count is still one call per instance, this seems strange I would assume it should only be one draw call for the single entity since I have specified to use instancing in the resource. Has anybody else successfully used instancing in RealityKit to draw a large number go Entities (maybe around 10,000) or drawn this amount of items successfully with 60fps any other way? Here is some sample code that draws 100 cubes using instancing but still causes 100 draw calls. func instanceTest(scene: RealityKit.Scene) { var resource = MeshResource.generateBox(size: 0.2) var contents = MeshResource.Contents() contents.models = resource.contents.models var arr: [MeshResource.Instance] = [] var matrix = matrix_identity_float4x4 matrix[3, 0] = 0.5 for i in 0..<100 { let inst = MeshResource.Instance(id: "\(i)", model: "MeshModel", at: matrix) arr.append(inst) } contents.instances = MeshInstanceCollection(arr) let updatedResource = try? MeshResource.generate(from: contents) let unlitMaterial = UnlitMaterial(color: .red) let modelEntity = ModelEntity( mesh: updatedResource!, materials: [unlitMaterial] ) let anchor = AnchorEntity() anchor.addChild(modelEntity) scene.addAnchor(anchor) }
Jun ’24
RealityKit for macOS example
I would like to code some RealityViews to run on my Mac first (and then incorporate them in a visionOS project) so that my code/test loop is faster, but I have not been able to find a simple example that supports Mac. Is it possible to have volumes on a Mac? Is there support for using a game controller to move around the RealityView, like in the visionOS simulator?
Jun ’24
SceneKit or RealityKit for Non-AR Game Development
Hi everyone, I'm choosing a framework for developing a game that doesn't involve augmented reality (AR) and I'm unsure whether to use SceneKit or RealityKit. I would like to hear from Apple engineers on this matter. Which of these frameworks is better suited for creating non-AR games? Additionally, I'd like to know if it's possible to disable AR in RealityKit using the updated RealityView? Thanks in advance for your insights and recommendations!
Jun ’24
SharePlay Button
I followed the WWDC video to learn Sharplay. I understood the first creation of seats, but I couldn't learn some of the following content very well, so I hope you can give me a list code. The contents are as follows: I have already taken a seat. struct TeamSelectionTemplate: SpatialTemplate { let elements: [any SpatialTemplateElement] = [ .seat(position: .app.offsetBy(x: 0, z: 4)), .seat(position: .app.offsetBy(x: 1, z: 4)), .seat(position: .app.offsetBy(x: -1, z: 4)), .seat(position: .app.offsetBy(x: 2, z: 4)), .seat(position: .app.offsetBy(x: -2, z: 4)), ] } I hope you can give me a SharePlay Button. After pressing it, it will assign all users in Facetime to a seat with elements quantified in TeamSelectionTemplate. Thank you very much.
Jun ’24
Object Tracking with RealtyView
When I wanted to call the Reality Composer Pro scene containing Object Tracking, I tried the following code: RealityView { content in if let model = try? await Entity(named: "Scene", in: realityKitContentBundle) { content.add(model) } } Obviously, this is wrong. We need to add some configurations that can enable Object Tracking to Reality View. What do we need to add?
Jul ’24
How to Detect Gaze & Gesture on Entity
It's a common system interaction to look at an item in SwiftUI and tap to select it. I'm confused how to do the same with ModelEntities. How do I use gaze to select a ModelEntity for context based actions? e.g. look at the green sphere and tap to pull up a menu. Or look in a direction and clap to **** away virtual objects etc. etc. If this is not possible is there a workaround?
Jun ’24