Hello, I was wondering how I can initialize an ImageAnchoringSource
When I construct one using a URL, it doesn't seem to be tracked and I see in the following when I debug print the component:
▿ 0 : AnchoringComponent
▿ target : Target
▿ referenceImage : 1 element
▿ from : ImageAnchoringSource
▿ url : Optional<URL>
▿ some : file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/D1126EA0-A1D7-468F-A40C-8578B7F5BDDF/Library/Caches/CodeCache/0E457AA7-2195-48B9-9DD4-58CEB9397F69.png
- _url : file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/D1126EA0-A1D7-468F-A40C-8578B7F5BDDF/Library/Caches/CodeCache/0E457AA7-2195-48B9-9DD4-58CEB9397F69.png
- _parseInfo : nil
- _baseParseInfo : nil
- name : nil
- group : nil
▿ trackingMode : TrackingMode
- trackingMode : 2
Is there a specific format for the parseInfo?
When I use the same image to make an image anchoring source by group and name in AR Resources, it is tracked.
Thank you!