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Are PWA App Data and Cookies Cleared When iPad Turned Off for Long Periods
Hi, Getting reports from a client that they are being asked to re-login to their PWA (saved to their home screen) whenever they turn off their iPads for periods of 1-2hrs and then turn it back on again. Just noting, this isn't related to the 7 day cap on cookie data in webkit as we've already addressed this. I've tested just turning it off for a few minutes on a standard iPhone with iOS17 but don't experience the same issue. Does anyone know if it is part of iOS's device restart to clear PWA cookies etc. if the device has been off for a long time? The only other avenue I can think of is that the client's devices may have some MDM setting for this. Thanks in advance.
Oct ’23
SwifftUI iPadOS landscape view bug
Hi there, I am currently developing an app for iPhone and iPad. I made a sidebar with various items which are linked to other pages via NavigationLink. The problem is, that as soon as I scroll down, the app crashes. This is only happening in landscape mode on the iPad. What am I doing wrong? Thank you for your help! Here is my code: var body: some View { NavigationView { List { Group { NavigationLink(destination: Acetylsalicylsaeure()){ Image("AcetylsalicylsaeureMediLabel") .resizable() .frame(width:60, height: 30) Text("Acetylsalicylsäure") } NavigationLink(destination: Amiodaron()){ Image("AmiodaronMediLabel") .resizable() .frame(width:60, height: 30) Text("Amiodaron") } NavigationLink(destination: Atropin()){ Image("AtropinMediLabel") .resizable() .frame(width:60, height: 30) Text("Atropin") } NavigationLink(destination: Butylscopolamin()){ Image("ButylscopolaminMediLabel") .resizable() .frame(width:60, height: 30) Text("Butylscopolamin") } NavigationLink(destination: Dimenhydrinat()){ Image("DimenhydrinatMediLabel") .resizable() .frame(width:60, height: 30) Text("Dimenhydrinat") } NavigationLink(destination: Dimentinden()){ Image("DimentindenMediLabel") .resizable() .frame(width:60, height: 30) Text("Dimentinden") } NavigationLink(destination: Epinephrin()){ Image("EpinephrinMediLabel") .resizable() .frame(width:60, height: 30) Text("Epinephrin") } NavigationLink(destination: Esketamin()){ Image("EsketaminMediLabel") .resizable() .frame(width:60, height: 30) Text("Esketamin") } } // More NavigationLinks... Group { NavigationLink(destination: Midazolam()){ Image("MidazolamMediLabel") .resizable() .frame(width:60, height: 30) Text("Midazolam") } NavigationLink(destination: Naloxon()){ Image("NaloxonMediLabel") .resizable() .frame(width:60, height: 30) Text("Naloxon") } NavigationLink(destination: Paracetamol()){ Image("ParacetamolMediLabel") .resizable() .frame(width:60, height: 30) Text("Paracetamol") } NavigationLink(destination: Prednisolon()){ Image("PrednisolonMediLabel") .resizable() .frame(width:60, height: 30) Text("Prednisolon") } NavigationLink(destination: Salbutamol()){ Image("SalbutamolMediLabel") .resizable() .frame(width:60, height: 30) Text("Salbutamol") } NavigationLink(destination: Sauerstoff()){ Image("SauerstoffMediLabel") .resizable() .frame(width:60, height: 30) Text("Sauerstoff") } NavigationLink(destination: Urapidil()){ Image("UrapidilMediLabel") .resizable() .frame(width:60, height: 30) Text("Urapidil") } NavigationLink(destination: Vollelektrolytloesung()){ Image("VollelektrolytloesungMediLabel") .resizable() .frame(width:60, height: 30) Text("Vollelektrolytlösung") } } } .listStyle(SidebarListStyle()) .navigationTitle("Medikamente") BackgroundMedikamente() } } }
Oct ’23
App crashes after updating to iOS 16 and above
I have been solving a mystery for some time now, when after updating to iOS 16+ or 17+ the application crashes at some moments. I can't figure out what is causing this. it didn't happen to me in previous versions of iOS. Can you advise me according to the log from the device what could be causing this? PCI Full-2023-10-09-131124.ips Thank you
Oct ’23
RTSP live video stream by cable doesn't work after update to iPad OS 17.
Hard/Software: iPad 7, Ipad OS 17.0.3, MobileVLCKit, SDP/RTSP stream, USB/Ethernet cable. Description: I have an iPad application for live video streaming. From a security point of view, it should work via cable (USB/Ethernet). This application uses MobileVLCKit player to play videos. Videos are available via a URLs with an IP address and use the SDP/RTSP format (url example: Code example: let camUri="" let options = ["--network-caching=100"] var players: [VLCMediaPlayer] = [] players.append(VLCMediaPlayer(options: options)) let media = VLCMedia(url: camUri) players[0].media = media players[0].drawable = centerView players[0].play() Problem: The application worked on various iPads with iPad OS 16 and lower (using cable or Wi-Fi). After updating to iPad OS 17, the application no longer works via cable. What could be the problem and how to fix it?
Oct ’23
Background beacon detection is delayed only on recent iPads
I am developing an app that detects iBeacons and takes action. The problem is that some iPads do not launch the app even though the iBeacon is detected when the iPad is locked. This app works as follows. Start monitoring the iBeacon using startMonitoring(). When the iPad detects the iBeacon, the didEnterRegion delegate is called. The didDetermineState delegate is then called. Inside the didDetermineState delegate my app does the required behavior. The app works on iPhones and some iPads as soon as it detects an iBeacon, whether the app is in the foreground, in the background, or when the device is locked (this is expected behavior). However, some other iPads delay calling the didEnterRegion delegate only when the device is locked. When the device is locked, the didEnterRegion delegate is called with a delay at an unspecified time, anywhere from a few seconds to 20 minutes. The didEnterRegion delegate is called immediately if foreground or background. Also, when the didEnterRegion delegate call is delayed, if you press the iPad's home button to unlock it and the home screen is displayed, the didEnterRegion delegate will be called immediately. Also, the didEnterRegion delegate is called immediately if the iPad is connected to power, even in the locked state. This issue only occurs when the iPad is on battery power and locked. I've tried it on several devices, and the difference seems to be due to the iPad generation, not the OS version. Is there a possibility that the new generation iPad's energy saving feature may delay the background startup of apps when the iPad is locked? A model that operates immediately upon detecting an iBeacon ・iPhone 13mini (iOS 17.0.3) ・iPhone 8 (iOS 17.0.3) ・iPad 6th generation (iPadOS 16.7) Models where didEnterRegion is delayed even if iBeacon is detected ・iPad 8th generation (iPadOS 16.2) ・iPad 8th generation (iPadOS 16.7) ・iPad 9th generation (iPadOS 16.2) Have such cases been reported? Also, how can such phenomena be avoided? Thank you.
Oct ’23
Music app on my iPad not working as intended
Hi! I have a 4th gen iPad Air with 17.1 beta 1 version loaded on it. When trying to edit a playlist, every time I remove a song, it always goes back to the top of my playlist, causing me to have to scroll back down. But that’s not the only problem; once I do get back to where I was in my list, and before I can do anything else it will just go back to the top of my list without me doing anything! it doesn’t happen every time but enough times to make it hard for me to continue what I’m trying to do. I have closed the app several times, and even restarted my iPad a few times but still the issues persist! Help? 😅
Oct ’23
xcode project (for ios) - ipa file generated on jenkins machine is working fine ,but crashing if created using fastlane on a different machine
Hello , We have an ios application project that is developed on xcode. While generating the ipa file from jenkins job , the app is working well. We tried using fastlane on a different machine , the app works well on IPAD which is created from one of the macbook machine . But same fastlane steps , when we following from gitlab pipeline on same machine, the ipa file gets generated successfully and also gets deployed to testflight successfully . But app is crashing on ipad. We tested development IPA as well on following machines with specified configuration. Macmini ( local and gitlab - both build fails ) xcode version : 14.3.1 macos version : 13.4.1 swift-driver version: 1.75.2 Apple Swift version 5.8.1 (swiftlang- clang-1403. Target: x86_64-apple-macosx13.0 code signing certificate : apple development cert fastlane version : 2.214.0 Mabook ( local build works, gitlab build fails ) xcode version : 14.3.1 macos version : 13.4.1 swift-driver version: 1.75.2 Apple Swift version 5.8.1 (swiftlang- clang-1403. Target: x86_64-apple-macosx13.0 code signing certificate : apple development cert fastlane version : 2.214.0 Jenkins (works well) xcode version : 14.3.1 macos version : 13.2.1 swift-driver version: swift-driver version: 1.75.2 Apple Swift version 5.8.1 (swiftlang- clang-1403. Target: x86_64-apple-macosx13.0 code signing certificate : apple development cert From above configuration, we can see versions used for xcode and macos are all same . And steps followed are also same . We are trying to figure out why app built on one machine crashes ,while other is working well. Please help us understand the cause . I will be appreciative for response on this issue. Thanks and Regards, Anjali Tandel
Oct ’23
iPhone iPad and HomePod ios17 ipados17 Siri not working
I have updated all devices (iPhone 14 Pro Max, iPad Pro 12” 3th gen, HomePod 1st gen) to the latest version. Since I have updated to 17, when I say “Hey Siri“ all of them turns on to listen but immediately all of them stops thinking the other devices listens. with the previous versions when I say “hey siri” all the devices listen but when they detect a HomePod was active listening the iPhone and the iPad stops listening letting the HomePod take the control. sorry for my English, but I think it’s understandable 🤔😊 im just the only one who happens this?
Sep ’23
iPad parent child refreshing issue - onAppear is NOT getting called every single time.
This code works well in iPhone but not on iPad. In iPad, although the "Selected topic" text in TopicDetailView changes with every list selection, **onAppear is NOT getting called every single time. ** I need to do some backend operation on onAppear here. What am I doing wrong here? At first it looks like working fine, but go backward tapping in list, random tapping, every time, "selected topic " changes, but NOT every time onAppear gets called. I must have the onAppear called every time to run backend operations. I have latest devices, simulators, Xcode as of today. I cannot use NavigationStack as I need to support ios15.0 onwards import SwiftUI struct TopicsView: View { var topics = ["Topic1","Topic2","Topic3"] var body: some View { NavigationView { List(topics, id:\.self ) { topic in NavigationLink( destination: TopicDetailView(topic: topic).id(UUID()) ) { Text(topic) } } } } } struct TopicDetailView: View { var topic: String var body: some View //body{ { VStack{ Text("Selected topic \(topic)") } .onAppear(){ print("on appear on topic \(topic)") } .onChange(of: topic){ v in print("on change to topic \(v)") } } } struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { TopicsView() } }
Oct ’23
How to Upscale Depth Image from SceneDepth to Match CapturedFrame Resolution
I'm working on a project that involves depth sensing using Apple's ARKit, and I've run into a bit of a challenge. I hope someone can provide some guidance. I'm currently capturing depth information using ARKit's SceneDepth feature, and I also have the color image captured with CapturedFrame. However, the resolutions of these two sources are different. The SceneDepth image has a lower resolution compared to the CapturedFrame image. Now, I need to align these two images and upscale the SceneDepth image to match the resolution of the CapturedFrame image. Essentially, I want to ensure that the depth information corresponds precisely to the color image. Could someone please walk me through the steps or provide some code snippets on how to achieve this upscaling and alignment?
Sep ’23
Unable to use photo picker in app on only one iPad Pro device
We are in the midst of testing camera and photo/video access using iPadPro 17 Beta (21A5326a) from within our application, and we are encountering an error message on only one device (iPad Pro 12.9-inch, A2229). Full access to the camera roll has been explicitly granted to the application when prompted. On only the above device, attempting to select an existing photo results in this error popup: "Photo or Video Unavailable: This app is using the Photos picker in an unsupported configuration." (We are able to take and save new photos from within our application on this device with no issues.) I have a second device on hand (iPadPro 10.5-inch, A1701) that presently also has the same iPadOS version installed and is running the same application, and we are able to select existing photos and take new photos with no errors. I have compared the Photos settings on both devices, and they appear to be identical. On a third iPad device running with the same iPadOS version, application, and Photos settings (that device is not in my possession), it has been reported that no errors are encountered when either taking new photos or selecting existing photos via the Photo Picker from within our app. We are trying to figure out what might be causing this error to appear when selecting existing photos on only the A2229 device, and/or what aspect of the configuration or settings would need to be modified in order to use the photo picker on that one iPad Pro. This issue had not been encountered on the A229 device while running with iPadOS 16. Searching the text of this error message online has not returned anything significantly meaningful thus far.
Apr ’24