Does the app will be revised on a iPad or a MacOS?

I am developing my app for the Swift Student Challenge 2024. I have made significant progress on it and have been building it on a M1 Mac, where it works perfectly. However, when testing it on some iPads (specifically, the iPad Pro 2018 and iPad Air 5 M1), it did not perform well on these devices.

I am wondering if I can specify whether the app should be reviewed on a Mac (M1 or later) or if it will be reviewed on an iPad.

Last year, you had to pick from one of these options:

  • Swift Playgrounds on iPad
  • Swift Playgrounds on Mac
  • Xcode on Mac

I guess it will probably be similar this year, if not the same. While it didn't specify if Apple Silicon Macs will be used, I suppose that will be the case, though I believe your project may work fine on Intel-based ones too.

I'm curious why your app doesn't work well on iPad, including M1 ones. Sounds like your app uses quite a lot of processing power, but I guess it should work on M1 iPads as well. Maybe you need to make some additional changes to fully support them. But, in any case, I think you will be able to select one of the options above. What I'm curious about is what run destination will be chosen in Xcode (iPhone / iPad Simulator, Mac Catalyst app etc.) - but since I made my app fully support all platforms last year, it did not really matter for me.

If you have other any specific instructions to run your playground, last year I received this response, and it might also apply this year.

Do not rely solely on this information and be sure to check the updated terms and conditions on February 5th! A link to the terms should appear here when the challenge opens.

Does the app will be revised on a iPad or a MacOS?