Hello Apple Developer Community,
I’m working on integrating Siri into my React Native app using native iOS code and bridging to React Native. I’ve followed the necessary steps to set up Siri support, including:
Adding the Siri capability.
Adding Siri usage descriptions in Info.plist.
Using AppIntent and AppShortcutsProvider to define shortcuts.
However, I’m facing the following issues:
Siri Prompts for Confirmation
When a user says a phrase, Siri asks, "Turn on 'MyApp' shortcuts with Siri?" instead of directly recognizing the phrase. Is this expected behavior? If so, how can I reduce friction for users and make the experience more seamless?
Inconsistent Behavior for Existing Users
For users updating to a version with Siri support:
When the app is closed, Siri says, "MyApp hasn't added support for that with Siri."
When the app is open, Siri prompts, "Turn on shortcut for MyApp?" and rest all working fine
Why does Siri not recognize the shortcut when the app is closed, even though the shortcut is defined in AppShortcutsProvider? How can I ensure that Siri recognizes the shortcut regardless of whether the app is open or closed? Other than using AppIntent and AppShortcutsProvider should i try Donating shortcuts(will that helps for updated user case). Please help me on this
Siri and Voice
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I’m experiencing an issue where Siri incorrectly announces currency values in notifications. Instead of reading the local currency correctly, it always reads amounts as US dollars.
Issue details:
My iPhone is set to Region: Chile and Language: Spanish (Chile).
In Chile, the currency symbol $ represents Chilean Pesos (CLP), not US dollars.
A notification with the text:
let content = UNMutableNotificationContent()
content.body = "¡Has recibido un pago por $5.000!"
is read aloud by Siri as:
”¡Has recibido un pago por 5.000 dólares!”
(English: “You have received a payment of five thousand dollars!”)
instead of the correct:
”¡Has recibido un pago por 5.000 pesos!”
(English: “You have received a payment of five thousand pesos!”)
Another developer already reported the same issue back in 2023, and it remains unresolved: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/723177
This incorrect behavior is not limited to iOS notifications; it also occurs in other Apple services:
watchOS, iPadOS, and macOS (Siri misreads currency values in various system interactions).
Siri’s currency conversion feature misinterprets $ as USD even when the device is set to a region where $ represents a different currency.
Announce Notifications on AirPods also exhibits this issue, making it confusing when Siri announces transaction amounts incorrectly.
Apple Intelligence interactions are also affected—for example, asking Siri to “read my latest emails” when one of them contains a monetary value results in Siri misreading the currency.
I have submitted a bug report via Feedback Assistant, and the Feedback ID is FB16561348.
This issue significantly impacts accessibility and localization for users in regions where the currency symbol $ is not associated with US dollars.
Has anyone found a workaround, or is there any update from Apple on this?
I’m trying to get an array of strings from the user using AppIntents, but I’m encountering an issue. The shortcut ends without prompting the user for input or saving the value, though it doesn’t crash. I need to get the user to input multiple tasks in an array, but the current approach isn’t working as expected.
Here’s the current method I’m using:
// Short code snippet showing the current method
private func collectTasks() async throws -> [String] {
var collectedTasks: [String] = tasks ?? []
while true {
if !collectedTasks.isEmpty {
let addMore = try await $input.requestConfirmation("Would you like to add another task?")
if !addMore {
let newTask = try await $input.requestValue("Please enter a task:")
return collectedTasks
The Call
func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult {
let finalTasks = try await collectTasks()
// Some more Code
Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
(Public dupe of FB16477656)
The Shortcuts app allows you to parameterise the input for an action using variables or allowing "Ask every time". This option DOES NOT show when conforming my AppEntity.defaultQuery Struct to EntityStringQuery:
But it DOES shows when confirming to EntityQuery:
As discussed on this forum post (or FB13253161) my AppEntity.defaultQuery HAS TO confirm to EntityStringQuery to allow for searching by String from Siri Voice input.
To summarise:
With EntityQuery:
My Intent looks like it supports variables via the Shortcuts app. But will end up in an endless loop because there is no entities(matching string: String) function.
This will allow me to choose an item via the Shorcuts.app UI
With EntityStringQuery:
My Intent does not support variables via the Shortcuts app.
I am not allows to choose an item via the Shorcuts.app UI.
Even weirder, if i set up the shortcut with using a build with EntityQuery and then do another build with EntityStringQuery it works as expected.
Works with Siri to find a match, doesn't show "Ask every time"
public struct WidgetStationQuery: EntityStringQuery {
public init() { }
public func entities(matching string: String) async throws -> [Station] {
let stations = [Station(id: "car", name: "car"), Station(id: "bike", name: "bike")]
return stations.filter { $0.id.lowercased() == string.lowercased() }
public func entities(for identifiers: [Station.ID]) async throws -> [Station] {
let stations = [Station(id: "car", name: "car"), Station(id: "bike", name: "bike")]
return stations.filter { identifiers.contains($0.id.lowercased()) }
public func suggestedEntities() async throws -> [Station] {
return [Station(id: "car", name: "car"), Station(id: "bike", name: "bike")]
public func defaultResult() async -> Station? {
try? await suggestedEntities().first
DOES NOT work with Siri to find a match, but Shortcuts shows "Ask every time"
public struct WidgetBrokenStationQuery: EntityQuery {
public init() { }
public func entities(matching string: String) async throws -> [Station] {
let stations = [Station(id: "car", name: "car"), Station(id: "bike", name: "bike")]
return stations.filter { $0.id.lowercased() == string.lowercased() }
public func entities(for identifiers: [Station.ID]) async throws -> [Station] {
let stations = [Station(id: "car", name: "car"), Station(id: "bike", name: "bike")]
return stations.filter { identifiers.contains($0.id.lowercased()) }
public func suggestedEntities() async throws -> [Station] {
return [Station(id: "car", name: "car"), Station(id: "bike", name: "bike")]
public func defaultResult() async -> Station? {
try? await suggestedEntities().first
I've been stuck for days trying to figure out how to extract the full text of a Siri prompt that launches my app. We need to be able to get the text of the full command, such as "Hey siri, buy dogfood...." so I can get "dogfood" or anything else following 'buy' . The examples I am finding are a) out of date or b) incomplelete. Right now we're using AppIntents with Shortcuts, but have to use dedicated shortcuts for each specific purchase, which are obviously very limiting.
How to uninstall/delete Voice Control on macOS so that I can test my app for the case when the initial use of Voice Control causes it to be downloaded from Apple? Is there a folder in the macOS System or Library to delete to force a re-download of Voice Control?
My macOS app uses the older NSSpeechRecognizer to handle speech commands, but to use NSSpeechRecognizer required authorization via [SFSpeechRecognizer requestAuthorization...]. I do this and on a macOS system it can trigger a download of Voice Control, the macOS feature. An alert appears with:
"A 390 MB download is required to use speech recognition features in MyApp. You may need to quit and open MyApp again after download completes."
I like to suggest a different microphone dot icon for Voice Control. I had customized Voice Control to turn on a Flashlight. This caused confusion with the orange dot being switched on constantly.
I made an error in sending a security vulnerability to Apple Security about the orange dot microphone in always ON mode when iPhone is unlocked.
IOS 18.3 Beta
This started at BETA 18.2
Only when plugged in to an external power bank.
Ideas or workaround?
Or just wait till the next BETA version?
Please include the line below in follow-up emails for this request.
Case-ID: 11089799
When using AVSpeechUtterance and setting it to play in Mandarin, if Siri is set to Cantonese on iOS 18, it will be played in Cantonese. There is no such issue on iOS 17 and 16.
1.let utterance = AVSpeechUtterance(string: textView.text)
let voice = AVSpeechSynthesisVoice(language: "zh-CN")
utterance.voice = voice
2.In the phone settings, Siri is set to Cantonese
In this thread, I asked about adding parameters to App Shortcuts. The conclusion that I've drawn so far is that for App Shortcuts, there cannot be any parameters in the prompt, otherwise the system cannot find the AppShortcutsProvider. While this is fine for Shortcuts and non-voice interaction, I'd like to find a way to add parameters to the prompt. Here is the scenario:
My app controls a device that displays some content on "pages." The pages are defined in an AppEnum, which I use for Shortcuts integration via App Intents. The App Intent functions as expected, and is able to change the page based on the user selection within Shortcuts (or prompted if using the App Shortcut). What I'd like to do is allow the user to be able to say "Siri, open with ."
So far, The closest I've come to understanding how this works is through the .intentsdefinition file you can create (and SiriKit in general), however the part that really confused me there is a button in the File Editor that says "Convert to App Intent." To me, this means that I should be able to use the app intent I've already authored and hook that into Siri, rather than making an entirely new function/code-block that does exactly the same thing. Ideally, that's what I want to do.
What's the right way to define this behavior?
p.s. If I had to pick an intent schema in the context of AssistantSchemas, I'd say it's closest to the "Open File" one, if that helps. I'd ultimately like to make the "pages" user-customizable so in the long run, that would be what I'd do.
I have an image based app with albums, except in my app, albums are known as galleries.
When I tried to conform my existing OpenGalleryIntent with @AssistantIntent(schema: .photos.openAlbum), I had to change my existing gallery parameter to be called target in order to fit the predefined shape of this domain.
Previously, my intent was configured to display as “Open Gallery” with the description “Opens the selected Gallery” in the Shortcuts app. After conforming to the photos domain, it displays as “Open Album” with a description “Opens the Provided Album”.
Shortcuts is ignoring my configured title and description now. My code builds, but with the following build warnings:
Parameter argument title of a required Assistant schema intent parameter target should not be overridden
Implementation of the property title of an AppIntent conforming to AssistantSchemaIntent should not be overridden
Implementation of the property description of an AppIntent conforming to AssistantSchemaIntent should not be overridden
Is my only option to change the concept of a Gallery inside of my app into an Album? I don't want to do this... Conceptually, my app aligns well with this domain does, but I didn't consider that conforming to the shape of an AI schema intent would also dictate exactly how it's presented to the user.
Given that iOS 18.2 is out and following documentation and WWDC example (limited to iOS 18.2+), I am attempting to use @AssistantIntent(schema: .system.search) along an AppIntent.
Has anyone made this to work on a real device?!
In my case (code below): when I run the intent from Shortcuts or Siri, it does NOT open the App but only calls the perform method (and the App is not foregrounded) -- changing openAppWhenRun has no effect! Strangely: If my App was backgrounded before invocation and I foreground it after, it has navigated to Search but just not foregrounded the App!
Am I doing anything wrong? (adding @Parameter etc doesn't change anything).
Where is the intelligence here? The criteria parameter can NOT be used in the Siri phrase -- build error if you try that since only AppEntity/AppEnum is permitted as variable in Siri phrase but not a StringSearchCriteria.
Said otherwise: What's the gain in using @AssistantIntent(schema: .system.search) vs a regular AppIntent in this case?!
Some code:
@available(iOS 18.2, *)
@AssistantIntent(schema: .system.search)
struct MySearchIntent: ShowInAppSearchResultsIntent {
static let searchScopes: [StringSearchScope] = [.general]
static let openAppWhenRun = true
var criteria: StringSearchCriteria
func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult {
NavigationHandler().to(.search(.init(query: criteria.term)), from: .siri)
return .result()
Along with this ShortCut in AppShortcutsProvider:
intent: MySearchIntent(),
phrases: [
"Search \(.applicationName)"
shortTitle: "Search",
systemImageName: "magnifyingglass"
We want to do below addition to iOS Mobile App.
Airpod announces Push notification = which is workking
now we want to use voice command that "Reply to this" and sending Reply to that notification but it is saying it is not supported in your app.
So basically we need to use feature - Listen and respond to messages with AirPods
Do we need to add any integration inside app for this or it will directly worked with Siri settings ?
Is it possible to do in non messaging App?
Is it possible to do without syncing contacts ?
Exploring AppIntents and Shortcuts. No matter what I try Siri won't understand parameters in an initial spoken phrase.
For example, if I ask: "Start my planning for School in TestApp", Siri responds: "What's plan?", I say: "School" and Siri responds "Ok, starting Shool plan"
What am I missing so it won't pick up parameters right away?
Logs inside func entities(matching string: String) are only called after "What's plan?" question and me answering "School". No logs after the initial phrase
Tried to use Apple's Trails example as a reference but with no luck
I'm following along with this sample:
I've got everything up and building. I can confirm that the userActivity modifier is associating my App Intent via EntityIdentifier but my custom Transferable representation (text) is never being called and when Siri is doing the ChatGPT handoff, it's just offering to send a screenshot which is what it does when it has no custom representation.
What could I doing wrong? Where should I be looking?
I have noticed an issue in iOS 18 where UIApplication.willResignActiveNotification and UIApplication.didBecomeActiveNotification are no longer triggered when the Siri setup screen is presented or dismissed. This behavior was working as expected in iOS 17 and earlier.
This change impacts the logic in our app that relies on detecting app activation and deactivation to perform critical tasks. I would like to confirm whether this change in behavior is an intentional modification in iOS 18 or an unintended bug.
Thank you for your assistance. Any additional information or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Test Environment:
iOS 17: Notifications triggered as expected
iOS 18: willResignActiveNotification and didBecomeActiveNotification not triggered
Conditions: Occurs when presenting or dismissing the Siri setup screen
If I call AudioDeviceStart on an AudioDevice in my application then "Hey Siri!" will not wake Siri up. Our users have complained that Siri does not get activated with my application is running. We found that calling AudioDeviceStart is causing the issue.
How should we handle this?
How to determine whether the shortcut command is triggered by Siri or the user clicks?
We are experiencing an infrequent issue with the handoff between our Siri intent, our iOS app, and our CarPlay extension. Siri correctly understands the request, and the
handler(for intent: INIntent)
method is called. In the final step, we respond using:
INStartCallIntentResponse(code: .continueInApp, userActivity: userActivity)
with an instance of NSUserActivity initialized as:
NSUserActivity(activityType: "our.unique.StartCallIntent")
This "our.unique.StartCallIntent" type is included in the app’s NSUserActivityTypes attribute within the Info.plist.
The callback is handled in the main view of the app through:
view.onContinueUserActivity("our.unique.StartCallIntent", perform: handleSiriIntent)
Additionally, we handle the callback in the CarPlay extension using:
func scene(_: UIScene, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity)
This is necessary because when Siri is invoked while CarPlay is active, the CarPlay extension should receive the callback.
Most of the time, both callbacks are triggered as expected. However, on rare occasions, the handoff fails, and neither onContinueUserActivity nor scene(_: UIScene, continue userActivity:) receives a callback from the Siri intent.
Is this a known issue? If so, are there any guidelines or best practices for ensuring that our Siri intent handoff consistently triggers the callbacks?
Imagine we have an Xcode workspace containing two projects:
MyLibrary.xcodeproj holding a framework target
MyShortcutsApp.xcodeproj holding an app target which consumes MyLibrary framework
Both targets define App Intents and the ones from MyLibrary are exposed via AppIntentsPackage accordingly.
When trying to wrap the App Intent from framework as App Shortcut and passing localized AppShortcutPhrases I do see the following compile error:
".../Resources/de.lproj/AppShortcuts.strings:11:1: error: This AppShortcut does not map to a known action (MyLibraryIntent specified). (in target 'MyShortcutsApp' from project 'MyShortcutsApp')"
If I use the same localized App Shortcut phrases for an App Intent which is locally defined in the app target, everything works fine and also if I use the framework-provided App Intent in and App Shortcut without passing any localized phrases.
This is happening with Xcode 16.0 (16A242d), with 16.1 (16B40) and with 16.2 beta 2 (16C5013f).
I already raised this issue via FB15701779 which contains a sample project to reproduce and to further analyze the issue.
Thanks for any hint on how to solve that.