In-App Purchase

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Offer extra content, digital goods, and features directly within your app using in-app purchases.

Posts under In-App Purchase tag

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Auto-Renewable Subscription proration
Hello, I studied this and this documents and I find certain contradiction with this discussion. Could you help me out, please? I set up my subscriptions this way: , where Pro (annual or monthly) offers most of the features and Mobile Pro (annual or montly) least of the features. Do I get it right, that: Upgrading: to annual: What happens here? to monthly: [link] The customer’s prorated payment from lower level subscription is refunded to the original payment method. They’re charged for the higher level subscription, which goes into effect immediately. Downgrading: both annual and monthly: [link] They’re charged for the lower level subscription on their next renewal date. They continue using their current subscription until then. Crossgrading: to annual: What happens here? to monthly: [link] ...the crossgrade goes into effect on the customer’s next renewal date. They continue using their current subscription until then. Thanks.
App Review Rejection for Guidelines 3.1.1
Hi all, Our app has been rejected several times without any clear explanation of what we need to do. The latest rejection reason is as follows: Guidelines 3.1.1 - In-App Purchase and 3.1.3(c) - Enterprise Services We noticed in our review that your app offers enterprise services that are sold directly to organizations or groups of employees or students. However, these same services are also available to be sold to single users, consumers, or for family use without using in-app purchase. When an organization or group buys access to your app's enterprise services, you don't need to use in-app purchase. But when providing access to an individual user, consumer, or for family use, you should use in-app purchase. To which we responded with: We would also like to clarify our app and business model: 1) Our app is a free app intended for companies, organizations, and business owners. Individual users can sign up for our app, but with some restrictions. We designed it this way so that users can try our app before registering their company or business. 2) In the previous app version, we enabled users to subscribe and unlock more features within our app using our own mechanism. Hence, the review referred to Guidelines 3.1.1. In this version, we have removed the feature so that users cannot purchase any subscriptions. Since users cannot purchase anything from our app, we believe Guidelines 3.1.1 should no longer apply for the app review. But our app is still not approved. Instead, they replied with: We are not able to provide feedback on app concepts or features, but we recommend evaluating your suggestions against the App Review Guidelines, as well as the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, and the Human Interface Guidelines. Can anyone enlighten us why does the reviewer still referring to Guidelines 3.1.1 when there isn't anything that user can purchase from our app? And what do they actually want us to do?
In-App Purchases / Restores Currently Fail in Sandbox Environment
Attempts to purchase an SKProduct or restore all completed transactions via the usual method calls in StoreKit leads to failure in the beta environment with the following error: Error Domain=SKErrorDomain Code=0 "An unknown error occurred" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=An unknown error occurred, NSUnderlyingError=0x300b10210 {Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=500 "(null)" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x300b10090 {Error Domain=AMSErrorDomain Code=301 "Invalid Status Code" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Invalid Status Code, AMSURL=, AMSStatusCode=500, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The response has an invalid status code}}}}} We've tried with existing sandbox user accounts, and created fresh ones which also fail in a similar way. Our beta testers report the same thing. Nothing has changed in our IAP code, and this started happening about 24-48 hours ago. It seems to be a server-side error - please can someone verify on Apple's side?
How can I revoke one time purchases made via TestFlight?
Before I launched my app, I ran a TestFlight beta program and also included a one time purchase in the TestFlight build to test the functionality. Now that the app is available in the App Store, I had closed the TestFlight program, but am looking to reopen it again to test iOS 18 specific features. The issue is, the beta testers that previously purchased the IAP on TestFlight but didn't actually purchase the IAP on the App Store version would be able to use the paid features of the app for free as long as they have the TestFlight build. Therefore I would like to revoke all the purchases made via the TestFlight build. Is there any way to do that?
Does StoreKit filter product types for old app version?
Hi, I am new to StoreKit and IAP. I am developing the 1.0 version of my app, and I plan to offer non-consumable items in version 1.0, with plans to offer auto-renewable subscriptions in the future 2.0 version. According to the App Store's review requirements, when I add a new type of item in the app, I need to submit the app version for review as well. What I want to know is, after I add auto-renewable subscription items in App Store Connect for use in version 2.0, will these new items be returned when my 1.0 version queries product information through the StoreKit interface? If they are returned, since version 1.0 does not support auto-renewable subscriptions, do I need to add compatibility code to ignore the unsupported items? Ideally, according to the App Store's requirement to submit a new app version along with the type of products, StoreKit would help filter out product types that are not supported by older app versions, but I wonder if this is the case?
403 Forbidden when validating subscriptions
Hi all. Our application uses server-side validation of user subscriptions. After purchasing a subscription, the server keeps track of the subscription renewal statuses. But for the second week already, when requesting information on subscriptions, the server receives 403 Forbidden error. At first we decided that our ip was blocked somewhere and tried to change the ip to a new one. But changing the ip address did not give any results. We keep getting 403 Forbidden error on all requests to check subscriptions from our server. The request goes to the following address /verifyReceipt This method is deprecated and it is necessary to change the method of verification to a new one, but it can't be done quickly. At the moment, there is no information when verifyReceipt will be disabled. And we need to verify subscriptions. Maybe someone has encountered a similar problem? Thanks for the help!
External Purchase Disclosure Sheet cannot be dismissed
Hello! If one of our users has previously installed a version of the app that doesn't have the External Purchase entitlement, they'll be presented with this automated disclosure sheet on app launch. This automated sheet cannot be dismissed, if you press "LearnMore", the app closes, if you try to swipe it away, the app closes. This completely blocks the user from using the app since they can't get past this disclosure sheet. I'm not allowed to link video recordings here, let me know if there's any way for me to share a recording with steps to reproduce. Thank you!
in app purchases
I have a service that can be accessed via browser extensions on Chrome and Firefox. I've had a request for Safari. Setting up an account is done via a regular browser app, the browser extensions are free but an account with API keys to use it are by subscription. My question is I assume Apple wants it share, is this correct? The Safari browser extension requires and API key that is managed via our site. There is a subscription to use the service across different browsers and this is handled by our site NOT the extension. There would be a link to the admin site in the extension
Selling digital goods
Hello, I want to develop iOS app to sell digital goods, which includes source codes of apps, website templates and 3d designs. But the official in-app purchase is risky because some people can refund after they take a copy of the purchased content. and I cannot disable refund. Will this app be approved if I use different method to accept payments such as paypal or stripe? Thank you in advance, /Firas
Create Test Account - Something Went Wrong. Try again later.
Hi! I'm trying to set up a test account in the App Connect Sandbox for testing payments and I'm getting this error: "Something Went Wrong. Try again later." Steps to repro: Login to App Store Connect Go to Users and Access Go to Sandbox Go to Test Accounts - Note: I see the same error here before even starting to add an account Click Add Test Account button Fill out form Click Create button Result: I receive the "Something Went Wrong. Try again later." error with no test account created. Expected result: A test account created that I can use to test payment flows in the sandbox before submitting app for review. Any help here would be awesome so we can test before we submit this app! 🙏
Who calculates refund for iOS In-app purchase upgrade
In my application I have 3 types of monthly auto-renewing subscriptions. Pro 3.99$ Premium 2.99$ Standard 1.99$ A user who is already having a standard subscription plan, plans to upgrade to Premium after 15days of usage. In this case who is responsible for refunding the remaining amount on usage charge. If its developers responsibility what is the API to use and how to calculate refund.
Jun ’24
React-Native + IAP
Greetings, for the past 2+ weeks I have been going back and forth with the Apple Review team regarding the App Completeness rule. We are using React-Native-IAP package for our in-app purchases and have an issue where in the development environment using sandbox user the purchases show up without issues however when the project goes to review the review team is unable to see these purchases. We have tried explaining that you need to use a physical device as react-native IAP purchases do not work on simulators but have not reached a resolution. For example if we make a production build and run it on a physical IOS devices with sandbox users the purchases show up without issues. Can anyone advise what should be done, so it goes through the review? Even if you do not use react-native any help is welcome! Because this is devastating.
Jun ’24
Constant HTTP 502 Errors in Sandbox
When I navigate via either Safari or Chrome (from my MacBook) to: I get the red error message at the top of the page: "Something went wrong. Try again later". Using the browser debugger, I see that the error is a 502 Bad Gateway error. Sometimes, I can view my Test Accounts, but over the last couple of days, I get the "Something went wrong..." error just about every time I attempt to access the Test Users. If I am lucky enough to load my list of test users and then attempt to modify one of them, the Save operation fails with (you guessed it) 502 Bad Gateway. I'm relatively new here, so if I've missed something and there is a crucial step that I need to do to get some work done, please enlighten me. This has worked in the past but is failing pretty consistently now. Super frustrating.
In-App Purchase option missing in App Store version only
I just released an app to the App Store, and one of the in-app purchase options is missing. If I reinstall the TestFlight version, the option is available. If I then reinstall the App Store version, it's missing. All the other options are available and working just fine. This is how I surface them, and I've checked that all the product ids match (if they didn't they wouldn't show up in the TestFlight build). StoreView(ids: myProductIds) .productViewStyle(.compact) .storeButton(.visible, for: .restorePurchases) Any idea why one of the options wouldn't show up?
May ’24
In-App Purchase Product ID Not Retrieved by Apple Review Team
Hi everyone, I’m encountering an issue with the in-app purchase functionality in my app during the Apple app review process, and I could use some assistance. Problem Description: I’ve implemented an in-app purchase feature for the first time in my app, offering lifetime access for 300 euros. The product is created as a non-consumable type in the Apple App Store. The purchase flow works perfectly in various environments: simulator, real device, TestFlight, and sandbox accounts. However, when the Apple app review team tests the app, they encounter an error retrieving the product ID for the in-app purchase. This issue specifically occurred on an iPhone 13 Mini running iOS 17.5. Steps to Reproduce: Implemented the in-app purchase feature. Created a non-consumable product in App Store Connect. Tested the purchase flow on: Simulator Real device TestFlight Sandbox accounts Submitted the app for review. Environment: Xcode version: 14.0 iOS version: 17.5 macOS version: Ventura 13.3 Device: iPhone 13 Mini (used by review team) What I've Tried: Verified product ID and its status in App Store Connect. I'd like to assure you that the in-app purchase feature is correctly configured in the app and App Store Connect. Tested on different devices and environments: Sandbox account TestFlight account Real devices Checked all provisioning profiles and certificates. Additional Information: Despite successfully testing in all other environments, the issue persists during the Apple app review. I've submitted the binary 3 to 4 times, but the problem remains unresolved. Apple’s provided steps for configuring in-app purchases have been followed meticulously. Has anyone else faced a similar issue, or does anyone have insights on what might be causing this discrepancy during the review process? Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance for your help!
Restrict In-app purchase offering based on location
I'm developing an application where user can access contents based on In-app purchase subscription.As per the app requirement I want to restrict user from accessing the content when they try to access from a different country. Example: Being a user I brought subscription while I was in India by paying lets say 10$ instead of actual 20$ (50% discount for India users). Lets say I am travelling to other country and in order to use the content user now has to pay the remaining 10$. As per apple's policy is this allowed? , if yes, then how to achieve this.
Would my app be required to use IAP
I've been asked by my company to build an app. The core business is bookkeeping for individuals and small businesses. We charge hourly as well as offer a monthly membership. The majority of the bookkeeping would happen offline directly between the accountant and the customer. However we would want to use the app to show dashboards, some comms, etc. The concern is, would Apple consider the service being consumed within the app? We want to very much avoid IAP, and use our own checkout flow, I think we'd be okay, but I don't know. . I think we would fall under 3.1.3(e). "Per section 3.1.3(e) Goods and Services Outside of the App: If your app enables people to purchase physical goods or services that will be consumed outside of the app, you must use purchase methods other than in-app purchase to collect those payments, such as Apple Pay or traditional credit card entry." Any insight or advice would be appreciated, thank you
May ’24
Apply increased price to existing subscribers
Hi, We previously scheduled a price change (which did NOT affect existing subscribers) however months later, we have now made a decision to apply the increase to all subscribers. As the price has not increased, I only see the option to preserve and isn't obvious if this has any effect on those grandfathered in the lower price. Can anyone confirm or must I increase the price again?
May ’24