App Store Receipts

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Validate app and in-app purchase receipts with the App Store using App Store Receipts.

Posts under App Store Receipts tag

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Do in-app purchase promo codes not work in testflight?
In Testflight app on iphone, on entering promo code for in-app purchase, we are getting a success message from the app store on redeeming but the purchase success event in the react native code that works for in-app purchases is not being triggered. I found some discussions from a few years back that mentioned that promo codes only work in production environment. So do promo codes still only work in production environment or is there a way to test promo codes in testflight?
Jun ’23
How is receipt validation supposed to work for a new Mac version of an old iOS app?
Background: I've had an app in the iOS app store for many years. Quite recently I published a Mac version of the app. The Mac version uses the same bundle id and the app is setup in App Store Connect to be the same app. It's my understanding that with this setup, if a user purchases the iOS version, they don't need to pay for the macOS version (or vice versa). The iOS app started out as a paid app and was later transitioned to a free app with in-app purchases. The new macOS version also supports the same IAPs. If it makes a difference, the macOS version is built from the iOS code base using Mac Catalyst. The app uses old StoreKit1 on-device receipt validation. Issue: I have a longtime user of the iOS app that has recently installed the macOS version. Their attempt to restore purchases in the macOS version is not resulting in anything being restored. The user originally purchased the old iOS version before it had any in-app purchases. I log diagnostic info in the app and the user sent me those logs. One of the things I show in the log is information from the receipt. The on-device receipt validation my app does is indicating it is a valid receipt. The problem is that the receipt states the original version of the app corresponds to the new macOS build. i would expect the receipt to show the version originally purchased years ago on iOS. Question: What is supposed to happen in a case like this? When the macOS version of the app requests (and gets) an updated receipt, is the receipt supposed to show the original version as the first macOS version of the app or is it supposed to show the first downloaded version, regardless of OS? What is the correct logic for restoring purchases if the macOS receipt has no indication of the user ever having used the iOS version for years?
Jun ’23
Seeing ASDErrorDomain Code=603 "Request throttled" for SKReceiptRefreshRequest on iOS 16.1 only
I am using local receipt validation and the SKReceiptRefreshRequest API to restore purchases. When my iOS 16.1 users tap "restore purchase", the call fails. Notably, it does not ask the users to log into their iTunes account (it normally does) and my app logs the following error: <SKReceiptRefreshRequest: 0x281b0ad20>: Finished refreshing receipt with error: Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=603 "Request throttled" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Unified receipt is valid and current, NSLocalizedDescription=Request throttled, AMSServerErrorCode=0} These errors started showing up after the release of 16.1 and appear to be limited to that specific version of iOS. The relevant code has not changed in years and I have iOS 15 and iOS 16.0 users who are currently able to restore purchases without issue. Also, I am not able to reproduce the issue in the sandbox but I am able to do so in production. I'm a bit at a loss. Why would my request be "throttled" and, further, why only on iOS 16.1 and only in production? Any thoughts on what could be happening here? Any help is much appreciated. Thank you!
Sep ’23
verifyReceipt in storekit v2
Hi, Currently we are using store kit api and we get the receipt which then backend validate from apple using /verifyReceipt. Now we are planning to move to store kit v2 api. But in this case, we are getting signedPayload instead of receipt. Now this signedPayload cannot be used in the /verifyReceipt. So what is the other way to validate the signedToken from apple and get the data that we get from the /verifyReceipt response. Thanks for the help!
Oct ’23
Where can I get used Offer Codes from?
I would like to programmatically keep track of offer codes that have been used. I just configured a Test Offer Code (Reference name), which contains 500 codes (Offer Codes) to buy a 1-month subscription for 0,49€. I was able to redeem the code and everything works, but I was expecting to receive the used code. Instead I received the Reference name in the payload from the App Store Server Notification in the field offer_code_ref_name="Test Offer Code". (expected was sth like offer_code_ref_name="JFFDS61SBJDBJ5BXJS4BX") I would be able to identify the Reference name by the code, if it was provided, because I have the following table in my app's backend: reference_name | code | url | expires_at | used | reserved Test Offer Code | xadz | zzz | 31-07-2022 | t | f Test Offer Code | asdf | *** | 31-07-2022 | f | f The used code doesn't seem to be included in the latest receipt. How can I obtain it? Can I somehow call App Store Connect API? Thanks
Apr ’24
Converting paid app to freemium with IAP
Hello, I have an existing app which is beeing sold in the app store since 2010. Now I want to convert this app into a free app with optional in-app purchases. A part of the functionality which paid users currently have should then be accessible only by IAP. Therefore, I must identify my existing customers, to not make them pay again for functionality they have paid already. Googling around reveals that this is not easy to do, if it was possible at all. However, I found this post: Quote: "There is now an Apple-approved way to do this on both iOS and macOS. The originally downloaded version of the app can be obtained from the receipt using the info key Original Purchased Version. You can then decide whether to unlock features if that version predates the switch to IAP." Now I have played around with this a bit, or more precisely: NSURL *receiptURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] appStoreReceiptURL]; NSData *receipt = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:receiptURL]; However, in my tests, receipt will always be nil. The URL also points to some local location with sandbox in the name. Am I doing something wrong in general, or is this just not supposed to work how I thought it would? Note that I have installed my app from the app store on my device, then launched the above code on my device (so I'm NOT testing this in the simulator). I also read about SKReceiptRefreshRequest, however I cant figure out how to use it. So the question is, how would I figure out if a user has already purchased the orignal paid version? My app does not have a server-component, and by checking some NSUserDefaults key would result in charging users which reinstall the app on a new device. So what should I do?
Sep ’23