Seeing ASDErrorDomain Code=603 "Request throttled" for SKReceiptRefreshRequest on iOS 16.1 only

I am using local receipt validation and the SKReceiptRefreshRequest API to restore purchases.

When my iOS 16.1 users tap "restore purchase", the call fails. Notably, it does not ask the users to log into their iTunes account (it normally does) and my app logs the following error:

<SKReceiptRefreshRequest: 0x281b0ad20>: Finished refreshing receipt with error: Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=603 "Request throttled" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Unified receipt is valid and current, NSLocalizedDescription=Request throttled, AMSServerErrorCode=0}

These errors started showing up after the release of 16.1 and appear to be limited to that specific version of iOS. The relevant code has not changed in years and I have iOS 15 and iOS 16.0 users who are currently able to restore purchases without issue. Also, I am not able to reproduce the issue in the sandbox but I am able to do so in production.

I'm a bit at a loss. Why would my request be "throttled" and, further, why only on iOS 16.1 and only in production? Any thoughts on what could be happening here?

Any help is much appreciated. Thank you!

I am having the same issue with many users in production starting a week ago on June 1st 2023.

I believe that this is an issue related to Apple's server. The issue happened two weeks ago but was fixed in about half a day. This afternoon the SKReceiptRefreshRequest issue re-appeared after working fine all morning.

Seeing ASDErrorDomain Code=603 "Request throttled" for SKReceiptRefreshRequest on iOS 16.1 only