




How to get Apple In-App Purchase Icon Programatically or otherwise?
Does apply provide In-App Purchase icon? I've been trying to find but couldn't get it anywhere. In my app I want to show customers various payment options such as PayPal, Apple Pay, In-App Purchase etc. Can't find any icon for In-App Purchase. I've seen some apps using an icon which is like Apple Pay icon but InApp written on it, not sure where to get it? Is there a way to get it programatically? If yes how?
Apr ’22
Keyboard dictation error - AFAggregator logDictationFailedWithError:] Error Domain=kAFAssistantErrorDomain Code=221
In my text view I'm getting following error when I tap on mic button on keyboard to start dictation. What is this error and how to fix it? [Utility] +[AFAggregator logDictationFailedWithError:] Error Domain=kAFAssistantErrorDomain Code=221 "(null)" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x2832cf8a0 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=561017449 "(null)"}} !!! _NSLayoutTreeGetBaselineOffsetForGlyphAtIndex invalid glyph index 0
Jun ’20
xCode - Can't enter values in Add New Constraints boxes
Add To Constraints shows Standard and entering any value inside them isn't accepted. I can change these values from Size inspector. This weird problem happens when I try to pin the subviews to superview. If I position subview well off sides then this issue doesn't happen. Again if I change the values to 0 in Size Inspector problem appears.This problem happens on all storyboard and for all views so something globally has been disturbed. Does anyone know solution to fix this issue?I'm using xCode 11.2.1Here is screenshot
Dec ’19
How to identify users who have requested refund from App Store Connect report
My question is regarding Consumable In-App Purchases & Identifying refunds.It's getting out of hand. Apple doesn't offer any API to find out users who have been refunded we are getting hit massively. Users use our service, get refund from Apple without our notice and continue to use servies. I'm pretty sure that such users keep repeating this.We are loosing $1000s every month. Ours is a marketplace app we pay to service providers so our losses almost double. Since there is no API and no other ways of identifying such users, I was wondering of we can get some help from App Store Connect - Sales & Trend Report?I can filter refunds, check the IAP amounts and compare with reports in my backend to narrow down users but it doesn't help much. Refund IAP amounts isn't exactly matching up so I can't pin point exact users.I was wondering if anyone knows any other ways which can help us to find out such users who have been issued refunds?
Nov ’19