




Instagram Profile URL from their browser to App Store does not load
I have posted my App Store URL as a link inside our Instagram profile ( When I press the link, the in-app-browser loads the link which tries to open the App Store link, but it just stalls. Visible issue on all devices I am told. If I re-open the link in the external browser from Instagram it loads fine. Edit to add, this happens on Facebook too, from the profile page What can I do so I can have my app store link open correctly? Here is a video of what is happening: link to video
Dec ’23
Subscription Apps with login/ registration, how to secure backend api?
after subscribing, I want to have users log in for a few reasons core to the functionality of the app. However, Apple has requirements about this, stating it needs to be optional. however, I want to have my backend layer secure so that we check a user session each time a request is made, without a check its basically open to the public which I don’t like. Without a login, there is no session To provide. we use RevenueCat for managing subscriptions But I don’t want to rely on their servers for checking subscription status…is that the only option? do I have an option to secure my api layer another way, without login session?
Nov ’23
ios17: simulator screenshots for iPhone 6/7/8+ wrong dimension for app store submission
I ran into issues submitting to the appstore related to the AppStore requirement to have screenshots for 5.5" screen size. As stated, the dimensions required are: 1242 x 2208 pixels (portrait): I tried the iPhone 8+ simulator on my machine, with iOS 17. The output dimensions taking a screenshot are: 1125 × 2436. Therefore the appstore does not accept it. And they are the incorrect aspect ratio to edit also. I had some testing done and it seems that iOS16 is fine and meets the requirement. Also did try choosing one of the other phone models, 7+, 6s+, but I cannot even create a simulator, as they do not accept iOS17. See video: Please advise
Oct ’23
What to set inside is Pricing and Availability when using subscription?
I have setup Subscription price group which includes Annual subscription and monthly subscription How do I handle the Pricing and Availability section in the App considering I am relying on with subscription purchases? I currently have it set to $0. I cannot delete the $0 Price if it is incorrect. I cannot add more than 1 price to this section.
Oct ’23
iOS Simulator just hangs on spinner &/or apple logo
Recently, I think since I updated XCode, my iOS Simulator no longer opens "as expected". It can take 5 minutes or more. It just sits on the loading spinner &/or apple logo for a very long time....sometimes over 15 minutes. I have tried deleting & reinstalling, but no change. I have tried restarting. Typically, I use Expo to develop in React Native and they have a built in CLI which starts their dev server & opens your simulator of choice. I can't rely on this. I also try opening manually via Spotlight &/or open -a Simulator prior to running my Expo app. But this also does not solve my issue. I also tried to "reset" the simulator with sudo killall -9 command Is there anything wrong with my version? Are there other updates I can make? Simulator details: Version 13.3.1 (977.2) SimulatorKit 618 CoreSimulator 802.6 Macbook details: iOS 12.3.1 (21E258) MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019) 2.4 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9 64 GB 2667 MHz DDR4 Attached is a crash report . Crash log report
Apr ’22