




Ability to add numbers
I want to make something that adds numbers over and over again. If you add 50 at the beginning, it is saved in the core data, and if you add 80 again later, I want 130 to be saved in the core data right away. How do I store the stored value directly in Core Data and add another number to that data?
Apr ’22
Designing a custom keyboard
I am trying to make a keyboard themed app. I created a custom keyboard file through the target, but the file I created does not have keyboard keys. How can I create a keyboardView and put the image I made into the keyboardView? There are too few related materials, so I need the help of experts.
May ’22
Building a custom keyboard
I'm trying to make a keyboard that conforms to Apple's guidelines. I need to change the key layout like an app in the App Store, but I can't find any documentation or information about it. Everyone leaves the keyboard instruction link and runs away. Can you help me?
May ’22
Custom keyboard and xib coding
We are making custom keyboards. 1.I have created a keyboard project. 2.I created a custom keyboard file through the target. 3.I can add my keyboard to the system keyboard settings through the simulator. 4.When I open my keyboard in the simulator, nothing happens. 5.I have created a xib file. 6.I added a key image created by adding a media file to the custom keyboard folder and made it into a button. 7.I added it to xib, but the key doesn't show up in the simulator. 8.I'm trying to code by connecting my new button to the view, but the drag doesn't work at all. 9.I have no idea what files to create afterwards and how to code them. 10.I have created an image of a button A and I want it to show on my custum keyboard, and I want it to type A when I press that button.
May ’22
How to use UIImage instead of UIColor
Currently, I am making custom keyboard as an extension. As I was making it, I was able to specify the background color of the keyboard button. But what I want is to insert a UIImage instead of a UIColor, but it doesn't work. Can anyone tell me? People like Claude 31 who can give me a rough idea, please do not comment and I will report you.
Jul ’22
Problems encountered when copying extension files from other projects
Hello. I found another completed project A during the app development test. I pasted only the extension file added from project A to project B in finder. However, there was a problem with info, so it was impossible to build. I deleted it and tried to build it, and it worked very well. However, when I rebooted my development system mac and re-run the project, there is only the extension and the app product is not selected for build. The first problem that occurred here is I don't understand why the build works if I delete info when another extension is copied to finder. And for the second problem, I don't know why only the extension appears and it is impossible to build the app when I run xcode again. I would be grateful if you could leave a guess, even if it is not an exact answer.
Jul ’22
'shared' is unavailable in application extensions for iOS: Use view controller based solutions where appropriate instead.
import UIKit import CoreHaptics import AVFoundation enum ShiftStatus{   case capitalized   case normal } @available(iOSApplicationExtension 13.0, *) class KeyboardViewController: UIInputViewController {       var engine: CHHapticEngine?       lazy var supportsHaptics: Bool = {     let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate     return appDelegate.supportsHaptics   }() Currently working here 'shared' is unavailable in application extensions for iOS: Use view controller based solutions where appropriate instead. A warning message pops up. I have to use it in an extension. Does anyone know a solution?
Jul ’22
What not to do when naming the app
Hello. We will be releasing an application soon. One free app is already on sale in the store. However, the next application to be released is planned to be released as a series. I know there are restrictions on the name of the app store. It doesn't remind me of drugs, or it can't be duplicated... I would like to release a paid application by attaching NO.1 and NO.2 to the name of the application. Each application is planned to be updated and repaired, and only functions and designs are different. The reason for having different NO. is design and function Because there is a difference. It's a light topic, so I'd appreciate it if you could share what you know, even if you're not sure.
Jul ’22
How to index image from xcode storyboard to collectionview
Added imageview to cell. We have already indexed the label and implemented openurl. But, I don't know how to index the image the way I wrote it. Currently, no error code is entered, but the picture is not visible in the simulator. import UIKit private let reuseIdentifier = "Cell" class CollectionViewController: UICollectionViewController {   var modelData = ["A","B","B","D","E"]       let urls = ["h","h","h","h","h",]       let imagedata = [UIImage(named: "image1"), UIImage(named: "image2"), UIImage(named: "image3"), UIImage(named: "image4"), UIImage(named: "image5")]                   @IBAction func URLbutton(_ sender: UIButton) {         }           override func viewDidLoad() {     super.viewDidLoad()                     }   // MARK: UICollectionViewDataSource   override func numberOfSections(in collectionView: UICollectionView) -> Int {     return 1   }   override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {     return modelData.count   }       override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {     let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath)           // Configure the cell     if let label = cell.viewWithTag(100) as? UILabel {       label.text = modelData[indexPath.row]     }     if let imageview = cell.viewWithTag(200) as? UIImageView {       imageview.image = imagedata[indexPath.row]     }                                                   return cell   }   override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) {     ??     }
Aug ’22
How to make return key for extension keyboard
I made a custom keyboard. However, I'm not sure how to actively create buttons according to the input type like the iPhone's default keyboard. This is the information I found. typedef enum { case 'default' case asciiCapble case numberAndPunctuation case URL case numberPad case phonePad case namePhonePad case eamilAddress case decimalPad case twitter case webSearch case asciiCapbleNumberPad }UIKeyboardType; static var alphabey: UIKeyboardType Specifies a keybovard optimized for alphabetic entry
Dec ’22