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Starting on Sun Nov 20, I have not been able to install apps via Testflight. Seeing "The requested app is not available or doesn't exist" on my iPhone. There is a yellow issue under App Store Connect-Performance: Anyone else having issues with Testflight?
by hunterp.
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I have been testing my flutter app using store kit. However now I want to test in sandbox. I have deployed the app using Xcode and flutter's way. Yet my app does not see the consumables I have created in App Store Connect. Some questions: I have not submitted my app for review, would this prevent me from testing my consumables? The status of consumable is "Ready to Submit" What precisely does "development signed app" mean? Using
by hunterp.
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Is there a mechanism to submit my app for approval to make sure Apple approves it, but then release it to the market at a time of my choosing?
by hunterp.
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I do see there is an "Availability Date" option. Which could work, but I need confirmation on the way I intend to use it: Set availability date far in the future (12 months) and submit my release ALPHA1 to app store Once I see my app is approved, then I will continue with normal development and make a release BETA2 5 days later I would want the BETA2 release to go live immediately and for the ALPHA1 release in the future to never occur.
by hunterp.
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I am developing an app that uses NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. I am seeing lots of inconsistency. But....after a long time observing...I strongly believe the simulator implementation of cloudkit is broken. Log in via your icloud Open the built in Apple reminder app in both simulator and on your physical device. You will notice that changes made in simulator propagate reasonably well to the device....but any changes made on device don't propagate to the simulator reminders need to force quit app on simulator for changes to reflect. The ultimate example app is apple notes. It handles sync better than any other app out there. I still am in the process of understanding why my app does not sync as well as notes, eg playing around with things like:  container.viewContext.mergePolicy = NSMergeByPropertyStoreTrumpMergePolicy     container.viewContext.automaticallyMergesChangesFromParent = true   NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self,     selector: #selector(storeRemoteChangeNotification),     name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "NSPersistentStoreRemoteChangeNotification"),     object: CoreDataHub.getContainer().persistentStoreCoordinator) But, for sure, this simulator bug threw me off. After this....I compiled my app as a mac app, and I have another, more reliable way to test cloudkit sync. I wish the Apple Notes app was open seems to things very well and we could all learn a lot from it. Any tips/advice would be appreciated. Thank you Most pressing, is what api calls is the Notes app using to get an activity indicator that icloud is syncing?
by hunterp.
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