




How do we author a "reality file" like the ones on Apple's Gallery?
How do we author a Reality File like the ones under Examples with animations at ?? For example, "The Hab" : Tapping on various buttons in this experience triggers various complex animations. I don't see any way to accomplish this in Reality Composer. And I don't see any way to export/compile to a "reality file" from within Xcode. How can I use multiple animations within a single GLTF file? How can I set up multiple "tap target" on a single object, where each one triggers a different action? How do we author something similar? What tools do we use? Thanks
Nov ’23
How do we delete our apps "Data & Documents" when developing on Unreal Engine for iOS?
We published an app for iOS which accidentally stores a ton of photos in "Data & Documents". The app is live on the App Store, but currently the only way for a user to delete this bloat is to uninstall and re-install the app. Updating does not delete it. We fixed the bug, and put in a notice on the App Store page, but we'd rather take care of this on our end. The app was developed using Unreal Engine 5.1.1. The bloat is caused by Apple ARKit having had the should_write_camera_image_per_frame turned on (see The images are saved to Container/Documents/CameraImages. How can we make it so the next version we push to App Store will delete the contents of this folder upon launch?
Oct ’23
Is there any way to install an Unreal Engine project in Xcode iOS Simulator?
Is there any way to package/install/run our game in an Xcode iPhone/iPad Simulator? I’m working on a Silicon (arm64) Mac, so you would think it’s possible. Using Ventura, UE 5.1.1, and Xcode 14. Trying to drag either ipa or app onto simulator does not work. And not seeing any Simulators in the UE Platforms menu. This is mainly for generating screenshots in various sizes for App Store submission… Thanks!
Oct ’23
Why is Xcode 15 giving me deprecated code errors?
My build (of an Unreal Engine project) worked fine in Xcode 14, but in 15 I get errors like these: /Users/zeev/dev/UnrealEngine3/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Templates/IsTriviallyCopyConstructible.h:13:17: builtin __has_trivial_copy is deprecated; use __is_trivially_copyable instead [-Werror,-Wdeprecated-builtins] /Users/zeev/dev/UnrealEngine3/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Templates/IsTriviallyDestructible.h:18:18: builtin __has_trivial_destructor is deprecated; use __is_trivially_destructible instead [-Werror,-Wdeprecated-builtins] /Users/zeev/dev/UnrealEngine3/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Templates/IsTriviallyCopyAssignable.h:13:17: builtin __has_trivial_assign is deprecated; use __is_trivially_assignable instead [-Werror,-Wdeprecated-builtins] Do I have to edit these hundreds of lines of code, or can I use an older compiler, or is there some other solution?
Sep ’23