




NSSound causing crashes on Sonoma
We've been doing the following in our app for years without issues: [[NSSound soundSystem:@"Basso"] play] Suddenly we're seeing hundreds of crashes from macOS 14.0 users and we're not sure what's causing this. There are no memory leaks within the app and all the stack traces are around NSSound: 0 AudioToolbox 0x1f558 MEDeviceStreamClient::RemoveRunningClient(AQIONodeClient&, bool, bool) + 3096 1 AudioToolbox 0x1e8fc AQMEDevice::RemoveRunningClient(AQIONodeClient&, bool) + 108 2 AudioToolbox 0x1e854 AQMixEngine_Base::RemoveRunningClient(AQIONodeClient&, bool) + 76 3 AudioToolbox 0xcdd78 AudioQueueObject::StopRunning(AQIONode*, bool) + 244 4 AudioToolbox 0xcbdd0 AudioQueueObject::Stop(bool, bool, int*) + 736 5 AudioToolbox 0xf1840 AudioQueueXPC_Server::Stop(unsigned int, bool) + 172 6 AudioToolbox 0x1418b4 ___ZN20AudioQueueXPC_Bridge4StopEjb_block_invoke + 72 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x3910 _dispatch_client_callout + 20 8 libdispatch.dylib 0x130f8 _dispatch_sync_invoke_and_complete_recurse + 64 9 AudioToolbox 0x141844 AudioQueueXPC_Bridge::Stop(unsigned int, bool) + 184 10 AudioToolbox 0xa09b0 AQ::API::V2Impl::AudioQueueStop(OpaqueAudioQueue*, unsigned char) + 492 11 AVFAudio 0xbe12c AVAudioPlayerCpp::disposeQueue(bool) + 188 12 AVFAudio 0x341dc -[AudioPlayerImpl dealloc] + 72 13 AVFAudio 0x358a0 -[AVAudioPlayer dealloc] + 36 14 AppKit 0x1b13b4 -[NSAVAudioPlayerSoundEngine dealloc] + 44 15 AppKit 0x1b132c -[NSSound dealloc] + 164 16 libobjc.A.dylib 0xf418 AutoreleasePoolPage::releaseUntil(objc_object**) + 196 17 libobjc.A.dylib 0xbaf0 objc_autoreleasePoolPop + 260 18 CoreFoundation 0x3c57c _CFAutoreleasePoolPop + 32 19 Foundation 0x30e88 -[NSAutoreleasePool drain] + 140 20 Foundation 0x31f94 _NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler + 92 21 AE 0xbd8c _AppleEventsCheckInAppWithBlock + 13808 22 AE 0xb6b4 _AppleEventsCheckInAppWithBlock + 12056 23 AE 0x4cc4 aeProcessAppleEvent + 488 24 HIToolbox 0x402d4 AEProcessAppleEvent + 68 25 AppKit 0x3a29c _DPSNextEvent + 1440 26 AppKit 0x80db94 -[NSApplication(NSEventRouting) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 716 27 AppKit 0x2d43c -[NSApplication run] + 476 28 AppKit 0x4708 NSApplicationMain + 880 29 ??? 0x180739058 (Missing)
Oct ’23
Rate Limit Exceeded for CardDAV connections
We've been supporting iCloud CardDAV contacting syncing for over 8 years. Never once had a problem before, but past week or so we've had numerous reports from users where they're seeing "Rate Limit Exceeded" errors coming from iCloud. What are these limits? How can developers request for an increase (where users genuinely import hundreds of new contacts daily)? Google contacts, for instance, allows developers to apply for an increase. There seems to be nothing in relation to this in the documentation. We have no clue what these limits even are.
Dec ’22
ENABLE_BITCODE missing for Swift Packages on Xcode 14
None of my iOS projects build any more on Xcode 14 as it complains about missing bit-code for local swift packages. The solution is to create .lproj project files for the swift packages and create xcframeworks with ENABLE_BITCODE enabled but that's no solution at all. Project builds fine on Xcode 13 / 12./ XXXXXXX.framework/XXXXXXX' does not contain bitcode. You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE), obtain an updated library from the vendor, or disable bitcode for this target.
Jun ’22
VPP and recurring subscription
We've got a mac app that a VPP (Apple Volume Purchase Programme) customer wishes to purchase multiple licenses of. Currently the app is offered for free with a recurring subscription (along with a 14 day trial). They don't see an option to make a purchase in their dashboard. I am unaware of what we need to do to make this work for them. How do VPP customers buy bulk copies of an app via an iAPP recurring subscription?
Aug ’21
CFNetwork Crash macOS 10.11.6
We haven't had our app updated on macOS 10.11 for 2/3 years but suddenly our users are seeing a crash when the app attempts to sync. The crashlogs indicate: libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x7fff9bca2000 + 93958 libsystem_c.dylib 0x7fff8c157000 + 386783 libsystem_c.dylib 0x7fff8c157000 + 155096 CFNetwork 0x7fff8bcf0000 + 932124 libdispatch.dylib 0x7fff9b6a4000 + 55613 libdispatch.dylib 0x7fff9b6a4000 + 9227 Any idea what I need to do? Reported as bug: FB9097483
May ’21
Instruments not showing any symbols
I'm only seeing a bunch of memory addresses in Instruments for an app I'm trying to profile. This was working fine before but suddenly stopped working after I updated to 11.2.1. Instruments > File > Symbols tells me: Permission to profile this process was denied. Applications you wish to profile must be signed with a developer code.. I have no idea what I need to do to make this work. I've tried a few things, clean builds folder, switch to Debug from Release for profile but nothing works. Nothing within the project settings have changed recently. It runs fine and is codesigned with our development profile.
Feb ’21
Signed installer package failing on some machines
We have a signed, Apple notarized installer package (using our Developer ID Installer certificate) that works fine for all our users except every now and then we get complaints that the installer fails to install and shows an error: The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance After inspecting the affected users' Console logs, we find the following just before it fails: I have no idea what we need to do to fix this. Looks like the intermediate / root certificate on their machine is either invalid or does not exist. What should we do? default 21:16:26.843274 -0700 trustd cert[2]: AnchorTrusted =(leaf)[force]> 0\ default 21:16:26.851127 -0700 trustd cert[0]: ExtendedKeyUsage =(leaf)[]> 0\ default 21:16:26.854118 -0700 trustd OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).\ default 21:16:26.855599 -0700 trustd asynchronously fetching CRL ( for client (Installer[56617]/0#-1 LF=0)\ default 21:16:26.855677 -0700 trustd cert[1]: IntermediateEKU =(path)[]> 0\ default 21:16:26.856932 -0700 Installer Trust evaluate failure: [leaf ExtendedKeyUsage] [ca1 IntermediateEKU]\ default 21:16:26.858617 -0700 trustd OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).\ default 21:16:26.862765 -0700 trustd OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).\ default 21:16:26.866303 -0700 trustd OCSPResponse: single response has extension(s).\ default 21:16:26.873600 -0700 diskarbitrationd <private>\ default 21:16:26.873655 -0700 diskarbitrationd <private>\ default 21:16:26.873697 -0700 diskarbitrationd <private>\ default 21:16:26.874035 -0700 diskarbitrationd <private>\ default 21:16:26.874062 -0700 diskarbitrationd <private>\ default 21:16:26.874115 -0700 diskarbitrationd <private>\ default 21:16:26.952296 -0700 kernel obj_checksum_verify:4349: failed: cksum 0xa7da628a7a3b79d3, oid 0xd6fe574d92b7eb96, o_xid 0x7f14df7fdd07fa7f, o_type 0x3fdbf6a, o_subtype 0x8aefbfee, size 4096\ default 21:16:26.952309 -0700 kernel nx_corruption_detected_int:60: Corruption detected by obj_checksum_verify:4357 in container C43C9696-C544-4AA8-94FD-0E8841362A66!\ default 21:16:26.952313 -0700 kernel obj_read:4043: oid 0x4000000ebab9a flags 0x40000003 0x0 type 0x40000003/0xb paddr 0x4000000ebab9a error verifying checksum\ default 21:16:26.952324 -0700 kernel apfs_vnop_write:7501: fs_map_file_offset failed on ino 2449570 (MicrosoftRegistrationDB.reg) 2756608:1 ret 92\ default 21:16:26.981230 -0700 Dock 27366555: RECEIVED OUT-OF-SEQUENCE NOTIFICATION: 0 vs 555, 563, <private>\ default 21:16:26.984018 -0700 distnoted register name: object: kCFNotificationAnyObject token: f4394 pid: 56617\ default 21:16:26.985710 -0700 Installer The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.\
Aug ’20
Catalyst or SwiftUI Multiplatform?
I'm considering developing a new multi-platform app and feel SwiftUI this year has become more a lot more potent. However I'm confused between the two sets of technologies being promoted. Should I use SwiftUI's multiplatform option to develop for three different platforms (iOS / iPadOS / macOS) so that I can use the same views more or less but give each their own personality or should I develop for iOS and iPadOS and later "Catalyst" over to macOS? I feel Catalyst is for older UIKit based apps while SwiftUI is a complete replacement for UIKit+Catalyst. Am I correct to assume that I'll have more control over a SwiftUI multiplatform app and greater flexibility? I would still like to bundle these apps separately on the stores though, not sell them under a single price. What should I choose?
Jun ’20
Cannot log into Big Sur after update
I've got a VMWare installation of 10.15. I've successfully updated my copy to macOS 11.0, however I'm now stuck on the login screen. I enter the password, I see the spinner for 30 seconds and the screen flashes and I'm back on the password screen again. The lock screen / password screen seems to be working fine but cannot login any more into my VM. Anyone else with this issue? Any idea what I need to now do? Completely stuck at the lock screen.
Jun ’20
Public API to detect DND in Big Sur?
It's never been possible to detect DND in earlier versions of macOS cleanly however now that the option has become front and center and more accessible, I can't find any reference to detecting DND in the SDK changes. Am I missing something? Users expect our apps to delay / prevent alerts (in-app custom alerts, not managed by the notification center) from disturbing them when DND is on. There should be a way to detect this using a public API so that we can keep our custom alerts in sync with the DND setting.
Jun ’20