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Create, view, and edit calendar and reminder events using EventKit and EventKitUI. Request read-only, write-only, or full-access to Calendar data.

Posts under EventKit tag

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EKCalendarChooser and Siri Suggestions
When using EKCalendarChooser it shows a list of calendars that the user can select, however it shows the Siri Suggestions calendar but theres no way to access it. Are supposed to be able to access the Siri Suggestions calendar as a regular EKCalendar? If yes is there a way to persist the selection (currently you can select the Siri Suggestions calendar [as shown in the image] but it doesn't have an actual id so it doesn't persist)? Also when getting EventStore.calendars(for: .event) it doesnt return an EKCalendar for Siri Suggestions, only for all the other calendars. This leads me to believe we can't access it, which in that case why is it shown on the EKCalendarChooser and there doesn't seem to be a way to hide it. Also is there a way to hide the AddCalendar Button in the bottom left?
Jan ’25
EKEventStore on Apple Watch not showing all calendars
I have released a watchOS-specific application that retrieves data from the iPhone calendar app and displays it on the Apple Watch. It uses the calendars function in EKEventStore to retrieve the list of calendars, but it seems that it sometimes fails to retrieve iCloud calendars. Trouble is, this problem only occurs in a very few users‘ environments, the majority of other users’ environments are able to retrieve them without any problems, and I cannot reproduce it at all in my environment. Local calendars and Google calendars seem to be retrieved without any problems. Minimal example code: import SwiftUI import EventKit struct ContentView: View { let eventStore = EKEventStore() @State var success: Bool = false @State var calendarNames: [String] = [String]() func request() async { success = (try? await eventStore.requestFullAccessToEvents()) ?? false } func list() { calendarNames = eventStore.calendars(for: .event).map { $0.title } } var body: some View { VStack { Image(systemName: "globe") .imageScale(.large) .foregroundStyle(.tint) Text("Access: \(success.description)") ScrollView { ForEach(calendarNames, id: \.self) { name in Text(name) } } } .onAppear { Task { await request() list() } } .padding() } } I asked the user experiencing the problem to try restarting the iPhone and Apple Watch, reinstalling the app and re-pairing them, but there was no change. I would appreciate any information you can provide. Best regards.
Dec ’24
How to add a reoccurring Hebrew Event to a calendar.
Currently Apple has their own calendar called Birthdays which takes the birthdays from contacts and makes it as a regular calendar event along with the birthday number, they even do this for Hebrew Birthdays. I have tried (unsuccessfully thus far) to take the same concept and create a calendar for reoccurring events on a specific date in the Hebrew Calendar. An example of this would be Yahrtzeits, which is observed on the Hebrew date each year after a person dies. I want to add it to the system calendars like how Apple does it this way it can be used with any app not just my own. Currently there isn't a way to specify the calendar (like Calendar(identifier: .hebrew) or even make a custom EKRecurrenceRule, also from some of the debugging of the Birthdays calendar, it seems that the date saved is the Gregorian date and that theres some internal calculations happening. Is there a way to add reoccurring Hebrew Events or do I need to reinvent the wheel?
Nov ’24
EventKit refreshSourcesIfNecessary() not triggering real-time sync with Google Calendar events
I'm working on an app that uses EventKit to access calendar events. For users with external calendars like Google Calendar, they can sync these by adding the account through iOS Calendar settings. Once added, the events appear in my app as expected. However, if a user adds a new event in Google Calendar, there’s often a delay before it appears in my app, since the iOS Calendar doesn't sync with external sources like Google in real time. Currently, users can manually trigger a sync by opening the Apple Calendar app and using the pull-to-refresh feature under the "Calendars" tab. This works reliably but isn’t an ideal solution. I tried using the EventKit method refreshSourcesIfNecessary() to minimize the delay, as it claims to "[Pull] new data from remote sources, if necessary" (link to docs). I trigger this method when the app returns to the foreground. But, I'm not seeing the expected results. Here’s a typical sequence: Open my app and send it to the background. Add an event in Google Calendar. Return to my app. Despite invoking refreshSourcesIfNecessary(), the new event doesn’t appear in Apple Calendar (or accordingly in my app), until some random delay (30 seconds to several minutes). In contrast, the Apple Calendar app’s pull-to-refresh fetches the event immediately, every time. Am I misinterpreting how refreshSourcesIfNecessary() is intended to work? Or is there another way to achieve a faster sync with external calendars?
Nov ’24
EKEventStore unable to save events
I have a feature where I need to write some events to the calendar. It's not working saying Calendar is read only. So I tried the sample app from Apple - Repeating lessions and drop in lessions from link below https://developer.apple.com/documentation/eventkit/accessing_calendar_using_eventkit_and_eventkitui Drop in sessions which uses EKEventEditViewController works fine. But when I run Repeating lessions which requires calendar permissions it keeps saying Calendar is read only. I have hit allow on the access permissions alert and also check settings which shows app has required permissions. can someone help why this is the case? if its a Calendar issue where do you set the modifiable permissions for it? How is EKEventEditViewController able to save events if the Calendar is readonly.
Oct ’24
Array<NSNumber> not working for EKRecurringRule in EventKit
I am having an issue here with the NSNumber Type using with SwiftUI and I am not sure what I am doing wrong here? @State private var recurringMonthsTest: NSNumber = 1` let rule = EKRecurrenceRule( recurrenceWith: recurringOn, interval: recurringInterval, daysOfTheWeek: [EKRecurrenceDayOfWeek.init(EKWeekday.monday)], daysOfTheMonth: [], monthsOfTheYear: [recurringMonthsTest], weeksOfTheYear: [], daysOfTheYear: [], setPositions: nil, end: EKRecurrenceEnd.init(occurrenceCount: 8)) } Here is some basic Code to explain the issue, if you look at the above code it works well, I can also put 2 or more NSNumber single values inside the rule. But if I start to use the Array as below let recurringMonthsTest2: Array<NSNumber> = [recurringMonthsTest, recurringMonthsTest1] let rule = EKRecurrenceRule( recurrenceWith: recurringOn, interval: recurringInterval, daysOfTheWeek: [EKRecurrenceDayOfWeek.init(EKWeekday.monday)], daysOfTheMonth: [], monthsOfTheYear: [recurringMonthsTest2], weeksOfTheYear: [], daysOfTheYear: [], setPositions: nil, end: EKRecurrenceEnd.init(occurrenceCount: 8)) } It doesn't compile and I get the below error which I don't understand. `Cannot convert value of type 'Array' to expected element type 'Array.ArrayLiteralElement' (aka 'NSNumber') As I understand both are of the same value but why they don't compile? I tried already several versions like [NSNumber] = [] but everything is failing... What am I doing wrong here, can anyone help?
Aug ’24
How to open Calendar app event's detail by its ID
Hey there, I'd like to ask for guidance on how to open the Apple Calendar app's event programmatically. I can already list events, but I'm struggling to open the calendar detail view (upon user interaction). I've tried many variants, such as using the x-apple-calevent URL scheme or calshow:\, etc., but none of them worked. Here's the code I'm using: if let eventIdentifier = event.eventIdentifier as String?, let calendarId = event.calendarId as String? { if let url = URL(string: "x-apple-calevent://\(calendarId)/\(eventIdentifier)") { NSWorkspace.shared.open(url) } } Once the action is triggered, it tells me that: There is no application set to open the URL x-apple-calevent://909114A0-6352-47DB-B70E-2770H7D5B6D3:7q50iih7fvbio3qipk5m7osjig@google.com Thanks a bunch! Tom
Jul ’24
Event Message Error Undocumented.
I am getting a lot of messages of the nature that follows; "RoomPlanExampleApp[606:114689] [ClientDonation] (+[PPSClientDonation sendEventWithIdentifier:payload:]) Invalid inputs: payload={ aneModelPath = "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ObjectUnderstanding.framework/PrecompiledModels/od_af_online.bundle/H14G.bundle/main/main_ane/model.hwx"; bundleIdentfier = "com.example.apple-samplecode.RoomPlanExampleApp9QSS565686"; }" WHAT is the component origin of the message? What can be done to remedy it? This is another example of an error message that does not have enough information for the developer to take remedial action.
Jun ’24