I completed an App transfer 3 days ago. Receiving account accepted and got an email acknowledging it had accepted the transfer saying:
It can take up to three hours for the app to transfer.
It's been 3 days and the app is still in the original account.
At what point should we be concerned and raise a support ticket?
We're assuming it is just a large back log of transfer requests that is holding up the final part?
My App users love Widgets. I do too, it's my favourite thing that came out of iOS 14. Well done Apple!
However I'm getting feedback, and less favourable app store reviews, from users frustrated with the colors I gave my widget (2 colors, light and dark mode) clashing with their background home screen.
Also user requests for opaque widget background because, obviously, they see this in iOS's own widgets like the battery widget - yes, I know we app devs can't implement this.
This is a bit frustrating as users are putting lack of opaque widget availability down to developer and not Apple where the decision was made.
My question is, has anyone come up with a good way of offering configurable background color(s) for their widgets? I had thought of putting something in the main App settings menu to allow color selection but it's tricky to judge without actually doing it on the home screen to compare.
I also wanted to flag this to Apple as something they need to address. Either by allowing app devs opaque widgets or communicating to users some how that it isn't the developers fault or decision.
I'm trying to find a similar solution to the one provided by the new CoreML Model encryption announced in iOS 14.
I want to be able to download encrypted packages to an app that are then decrypted in memory for usage and are secure against jail breaking and theft. (See my previous question - https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/653445 for more details on what I'm working on)
The crux of this problem is how to securely transmit the private key to the app in a way that it can't be spoofed.
I'm assuming that once the app has the key it is safe (even from the user) to store it in the KeyChain?
My question is - is there a way to use CloudKit, or existing iOS frameworks, to achieve this?
I'm enhancing a commercial App which until now has used cloud AI models to analyse data and make predictions.
The enhancement is moving the models onto the app for applications with no or limited network access.
The models that it uses represent significant IP to our clients and it is imperative that we secure any models download to a device from theft.
I was intrigued by WWDC2020's CoreML update including support for encrypting models.
This would be ideal but we can't use CoreML as they are for now since CoreML's tools are more visual/sound/language/text focused.
Nice to know that this is a recognised issue with in-app ML model usage.
What are the best available options in iOS right now that don't run foul of encryption export laws or even Apple's app store rules etc?
Or models are Javascript which we run in a JavaScriptCore VM with additional data files loaded from json string files.
I don't think NSFileProtection is enough as it leaves things open to the user. Obviously we want to user to use models but not extract them.
I'm in a team developing an iOS App which, until now, has used cloud based MS Azure machine learning AI to make predictions.
We're trying to bring the prediction models in-app using the JSVirtualMachine. The AI used in our modelling can't make use of iOS Core ML as it currently stands.
Everything was working fine until we hit a memory limit with a model that weighs in at a whopping 350Mb in size.
This Java file is mostly data objects (arrays, some nested).
That huge file works on a 2020 iPad Pro (which has 6G of memory) but crashes all the other devices we have (iPod Touch 7th Gen, iPad Mini2, iPhone X, iPhone8Plus).
Is there any documented limitations that we can reference for memory limitations using the JSVirtualMachine?
We're looking at splitting up larger files and running the predictor not as a single file but as a sequence of multiple files with the results passed down the line.
Any other suggestions welcome!