User configurable WidgetKit backgrounds ?

My App users love Widgets. I do too, it's my favourite thing that came out of iOS 14. Well done Apple!

However I'm getting feedback, and less favourable app store reviews, from users frustrated with the colors I gave my widget (2 colors, light and dark mode) clashing with their background home screen.

Also user requests for opaque widget background because, obviously, they see this in iOS's own widgets like the battery widget - yes, I know we app devs can't implement this.

This is a bit frustrating as users are putting lack of opaque widget availability down to developer and not Apple where the decision was made.

My question is, has anyone come up with a good way of offering configurable background color(s) for their widgets? I had thought of putting something in the main App settings menu to allow color selection but it's tricky to judge without actually doing it on the home screen to compare.

I also wanted to flag this to Apple as something they need to address. Either by allowing app devs opaque widgets or communicating to users some how that it isn't the developers fault or decision.


yeah the thing with the battery widget and the forbidden background blur... Well at least for the configurable colors there is a solution. I have seen a few apps implement this feature. The easiest way I think is to use the widget configuration to give the user a list of options, and then storing the picked color. You could then get the color when building the widget, maybe UserDefaults or something like that, and set the background accordingly. The user could use the main app to edit and add colors to their list which is then displayed in the configuration...

Even though it is a hacky solution it should work.
Take care,