I know this is an old thread, but I just now tackled this issue myself. Reading this thread several times. But I was finally able to see the virtual controller on the second VC. If presenting the second VC, it covers the virtual controller. You can see it briefly when dismissed. But using the navigation controller and self.navigationController?.pushViewController(secondVCName, animated: true). it is no longer hidden. I'm not exactly sure why I can't get it to display above a modal presentation of a VC but it does work when using UINavigationController.
That all sounds reasonable to me. I don't work for Apple so you can dismiss everything I say and probably should. I'm just guessing and putting myself in the reviewers shoes. Plus I played them on Poki which may be different than the mobile apps. Trying them again, I see 4 is more different than 3 than I initially gave credit for. But there is a key difference to a mobile app and most Mario games. They can't add a level editor to Super Mario 3 on NES. Most of their games are on cartridges and formats that can't be updated readily. And even if they could, they have no IAP method for getting paid for their new content. Versus an app on the app store where you can keep it fresh and easily add new features.
I don't know. But I did notice when trying to find a little game I made, there was a bunch of games that looked like clones of each other with subtle asset variations and title changes all above mine. They may be legit. I didn't play them. Plus they had been there for a while. I suspect the store may have heard some flak about that kind of thing from other devs. They may now be sensitive to any hint of that kind of possible manipulation. You don't want your app buried under fifteen different versions of someone else's app after you spent a year or more on it. I just played your game. It looks legit to me. It's fun. Reminds me of Robot Unicorn Attack despite a different mechanic. But 4 does look like 3 and 2 to me. Same assets, mechanic, and everything game wise. I wouldn't expect review to deep dive into the differences. I'd probably merge some of these if they were mine. I think of "Improvements" as more for version numbers of the same title. Not different games entirely. Have "G-Switch" as the app and then just add features to it. And for different maps and storylines, add those as IAP as you develop them. Like V2, V3, V4, etc. All in one. Then for something different enough that it can't even use the same code or assets, that is when it needs to be a new app. That probably touches on what the reviewers are thinking to. If new features obsolete the old games then why host the old games? It's got to have something really different to keep people wanting to play the old game as well as drawing people to the new. If it's too subtle for that, it should be an update to an existing app. IMO.
I think of mesh generation as Model I/O territory. But I always use it with SceneKit. They probably are thrown in together. Although Heckj's mention of "LowLevelMesh" makes me want to look at RealityKit again.
See if this does anything. I had some issues that required it but it's been long commented out. Maybe when I was on my old MacBook and Apple was moving to Metal. I honestly don't remember.
#if targetEnvironment(simulator)
sceneView = SCNView(frame: .zero, options: [SCNView.Option.preferredRenderingAPI.rawValue : NSNumber(value: SCNRenderingAPI.openGLES2.rawValue)])//SCNView()//ARSCNView()
//sceneView.renderingAPI = SCNRenderingAPI.openGLES2
You can use attributes in NSAttributedString to stroke the text and help it pop out from an image. If you resize the text and overlay it, it won't line up with each character Which can be used to some effect. But you can also stack labels of the same font size with different attributes to help create more contrast as well.
I saw a similar post so I went ahead and smacked the button and all is well. But it's not my favorite button.
It will take a day to see anything. Its not something you can check hourly unless they changed something in the last year.
I would take that to mean nothing observable occurred after purchase. It should popup with a notice that the purchase was successful. I always add either an additional “Thank You” or change something in the UI to indicate the purchase.
I haven’t implemented this, but I think you can detect if a user has refunded IAP. You can check for refund abuse and should be able to prevent them from purchasing another IAP. I don’t know the rules for implementing such a function and haven’t tried this myself. I just remember checking for it on a subscription app.
Good testers are hard to find. Would be nice if there was some way devs could reward anonymous public testers or put some kind of bounty on finding issues. Like apple app store credit that could deal with international users.
It has been a little annoying to me how the technologies fork and then you have parallel paths to the same thing but with different obstacles in the paths. I haven't even had a chance to touch SwiftData. It's tough to try to master something before the replacement is introduced. The nature of tech, I guess. But CoreData has NSPersistantCloudKitContainer where the databaseScope can be set to public. I followed this video and it works great for my use case and scale. Although I would think a typical social media app would be more server side intensive and require server side logic.
In sceneKit, you can just build your physics shapes from other shapes when all else fails. So the couch collision shape could be explained with a few boxes using SCNPhysicsShape(shapes:. I don't think RealityKit has that yet. But I could be wrong.
You can require certain hardware for your app. UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities. You can also check supportsSceneReconstruction. RoomPlan has a test as well I think. RoomPlan features won't work without lidar. But no, its inclusion alone would not prevent the app from opening. So you can have an app that has that as a feature but may have a broader set of features important to those who don't need to use the LiDAR portion.
I haven't had a chance to dive into Metal. I've only played with it. It's for low level GPU stuff. You won't need to use it to write a game unless maybe writing the whole engine. SceneKit has all the tools to create a 3D game. It doesn't get many flashy updates if any. It is not cross platform, doesn't have the community of a dedicated game engine, and so you'll need to hack through more things yourself. But you can program in Swift, easily incorporate all of Apple's API's, and there is no additional fee to use it. Do a search for Fox or Fox 2 and you'll see Apple's example as well as what others have done with that example. That should get you started. You might also want to look at Godot, Unity, and Unreal.