I'm interested in learning how to add .sks filename extension in my app's main bundle.
I'm interested in learning how to promote a App and curious to find out what App do you plan to develop in present time. I'm learning App advertisement and would like to read some comments about your "App/App's" and or if you know somebody that owns a App and if they would have interest in app promotion on the AppStore ?
Beșleagă Alexandru Marian
I added // for the #include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> to start programming the interface of NSApplication and receive the error specified in the code I just typed here :
// main.m
// Hostile
// Created by Besleaga Alexandru Marian on 10/20/21.
// #include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
@autoreleasepool {
// Setup code that might create autoreleased objects goes here.
return NSApplicationMain(argc, argv);
There error message is the following :
Implicit declaration of function 'NSApplicationMain' is invalid in C99
I want to study how to create my first URL and I would like like to know what app type to select for the run compile command to function correctly after I type my code for the URL Session to result correct and how to test the result or how to verify the session before starting to code ?
Kind Regards,
Besleaga Alexandru Marian
How to display the first geographic shape on the XIB from the main source file ?
Kind Regards,
Beșleagă Alexandru Marian
I started developing a payment App with Apple Pay that I will manage to mobilize before the end of 2022. Do you know how to display the NSObject from View Controller header to the screen ?
Kind Regards
I'm searching to find associates to develop a App in a team and asking if some of you are interested in a Small Business ?
I'm interested only in enrolled developers in the Apple Developer Program.
How to delete SDK from XCode ? I want to program from 0 with no SDK and still receiving a Duplicate Error when starting to program that specifies "Previous definition is here". Do you know how to remove the SDK from XCode ?
Kind Regards
I just managed to enroll as a Apple Developer and proposing a small business for you to form a team ? Is anyone here interested in commenting on these topic ?
Kind Regards
Dose Apple have any official documentation to study HTML/CSS/JavaScript ?
Kind Regards