If I were a PhD student enrolled at an accredited academic institution, would I still be eligible to participate in the Swift Student Challenge?
Thank you!
When using a UITextView and setting its textContainer's exclusionPaths to a path which lies at the and of a line, the words at the end of the line are split into characters even though setting lineBreakMode to .byWordWrapping.
This also happens when moving the image to the end of the line in Apple's sample code from the WWDC session "What's new in TextKit and text views from WWDC22":
Hey guys,
I'm currently building my first app, which is not released yet. Inside the app there is one button that should bring the user to the app's App Store page, if the user wants to rate the app.
I have found a way to navigate the user to the App Store page, with the help of the SKStoreProductViewController - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/storekit/skstoreproductviewcontroller.
Although I need the App Store ID of my app aka the SKStoreProductParameterITunesItemIdentifier. - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/storekit/skstoreproductparameteritunesitemidentifier
My question is now: How can I get my App Store ID if my app is not released yet? When looking into App Store Connect - My App - General Information I see a point called "Apple ID" with an 10 digit code. The description when clicking on the question mark is:
"An automatically generated ID assigned to your app".
This code looks like the App Store ID, but is it really it?
Really appreciate any help!
I want to push from VC 1 to VC 3 but when VC 3 pops I want to be on VC 2. Is there a way I can secretly put VC 2 infront of VC 3 before poping VC 3?
I have a variable for storing a username like this:
var username = "Albert"
I have an interpolated String using this variable like this:
let string = "Hey, \(username), how are you doing today?"
This String is inside a codable object, which is persisted with Core Data.
When the codable object is loaded after a while and the username changed, will it display the new username in the interpolated String or will the string hold the initial value when persisted?
The new 'Insert Space' feature should not be activated on my PKCanvasView since it messes up the functonality of my app.
Is there a possibility to deactivate this feature?
Associated with this, is there a possibility to deactivate it's neighbour function 'Select All'?
How can I place a pencil usable button on a PKCanvasView? Before iOS 14 I deactivated drawing with finger and one could interact with a placed button with a tap, but not with the pencil. Now that touching the canvas activates the text selection tool, the button can not be used anymore with a finger tap.