




App marked "removed from sale"
I removed my app from sale when Apple informed me it had to be updated. A few days ago I updated the app and submitted it for approval. It was approved shortly thereafter. On the App Store Connect page for the app, I clicked the Availability button for "All regions" and set the price to "Free". But 24 hours later, I'm still seeing "Removed from sale" displayed on that page. How can I get the app back on sale?
Sep ’22
Entering regular expression in TextField
I'm using a TextField in SwiftUI to enter regular expressions in an iOS app. But when I enter three dots (...) into the field, they are automatically converted to a single Unicode character. This does not create the regular expression I want to use. I've added .disableAutocorrection(true) to the text field, but the auto substitution still occurs. Is there some way I can prevent this from happening?
Oct ’21
Swift print() error
I'm developing a macOS document-based app in Swift, using Xcode 11.6 and the template it provides. I often use Swift print() statements during development to see what's going on as the app runs. But when I try to put one of these in the Document.swift template file, I get errors: Cannot convert value of type 'String' to expected argument type '[NSPrintInfo.AttributeKey : Any]' Missing argument label 'withSettings:' in call Missing arguments for parameters 'showPrintPanel', 'delegate', 'didPrint', 'contextInfo' in call I don't get these errors when I put a print() statement in the AppDelegate.swift or ViewController.swift files. Can someone tell me what the problem is here?
Aug ’20
Distribution certificates
I have just received an email stating that my iOS Distribution Certificate will expire in 30 days. I looked at my account's certificate page, and I see this certificate there. But I also see two plain Distribution Certificates marked "ALL" for platforms, with identical expiration dates in 2021. (1) Do I need to renew the iOS Distribution Certificate in order to upload new iOS apps to the App Store? (2) Why do I have two identical copies of that generic certificate? The answer to (2) may well be that I screwed up the certificate process, since I'm not entirely sure how it's all supposed to work.
Jul ’20
App Store Connect Operation Error
Since updating to Xcode 11.0 yesterday, I've been unable to upload my app. The only error message I get is "App Store Connect Operation Error". Nothing else shows in the log.Previously (i.e. using Xcode 10) I uploaded several archives of this same app without any trouble. The current archive was created with Xcode 11, and validates without any complaints.Is anyone else having this problem at the moment? When I google about it, I see that it has occurred periodically in the past when Xcode has been updated.P.S. The error occurs consistently during the upload process, when Xcode is waiting for a response after sending API usage data.
Sep ’19
Saving file to desktop from macOS app
I've been trying to save the output of a macOS app to my desktop. This is the code I'm using to do so:let homePath = FileManager.default.homeDirectoryForCurrentUser let desktopPath = homePath.appendingPathComponent("Desktop") print(desktopPath) let filePath = desktopPath.appendingPathComponent("TestFile.txt") do { try unicodeString.write(to: filePath, atomically: false, encoding: .utf8) } catch { errorMessage = error.localizedDescription + "\n" + unicodeString }And this is the error I get: You don’t have permission to save the file “TestFile.txt” in the folder “Desktop”.The path that's printed looks like this: file:///Users/DKJ/Library/Containers/com.hatzicware.FileCreator/Data/Desktopwhich of course is not on my desktop. How do I construct a path that will let me save the file?I get the same error running the app both in Xcode, and on its own in Finder.
Aug ’19
Playgrounds and frameworks
Has anyone found a reliable way to use a custom framework they're building within a playground? I've found two or three different methods via Google (adding playground to framework project, adding both framework project and playground to a workspace, etc.) but I haven't got any of them to work so far: I always get a "can't find module" error when I try to import the framework into the playground.For the time being, I'll try building a test project, and drag my framework in there every time I make a change.
Oct ’16
Changing a character in String
This is what I've been doing to change a single letter at a specific location in a word:let word = "abc" var letters = Array(word.characters) letters[1] = "x" let newWord = String(letters)Surely there's a more elegant way in Swift 3. But is this really it?let index = word.index(word.startIndex, offsetBy: 1) let range = index ..< word.index(after: index) word.replacingCharacters(in: range, with: "x")It works; but it looks hideous.
Oct ’16