App Store Connect Operation Error

Since updating to Xcode 11.0 yesterday, I've been unable to upload my app. The only error message I get is "App Store Connect Operation Error". Nothing else shows in the log.

Previously (i.e. using Xcode 10) I uploaded several archives of this same app without any trouble. The current archive was created with Xcode 11, and validates without any complaints.

Is anyone else having this problem at the moment? When I google about it, I see that it has occurred periodically in the past when Xcode has been updated.

P.S. The error occurs consistently during the upload process, when Xcode is waiting for a response after sending API usage data.

Answered by Albinus in 384417022

Apple Help suggested I downgrade to Xcode 10.4. It wasn't available for download, so I got Xcode 10.3 instead.

I have now uploaded the archive successfully, using Xcode 10.3.

Another day, another Xcode, yet anotherwait for the backend to catch up...

It's been three days now, and I'm still unable to upload an archive that I've uploaded many times before. The only error I get is "App Store Connect Operation Error".

How would I report this to Apple? Has anyone found a work-around? Has Apple itself said anything about this?

Feel free to use the 'contact us' link below to ask them to call you to confirm the issue is on the backend and out of your control.

Accepted Answer

Apple Help suggested I downgrade to Xcode 10.4. It wasn't available for download, so I got Xcode 10.3 instead.

I have now uploaded the archive successfully, using Xcode 10.3.

Now here's something that may be of interest. In my app, I set a UIButton's colour to UIColor.systemRed. I believe I added this code after I started using Xcode 11.0, though I can't remember for sure. When I tried to compile my code using Xcode 10.3, the compiler rejected that line (and only that line.) So I changed it to It then compiled without complaint, and I was able to upload the archive with no trouble.

Since the upload error consistently occurred when when Xcode was waiting for a response after sending API usage data, I wonder if that could have something to do with it? Even though my deployment target was set to iOS 12.4 when I was using Xcode 11.0, perhaps it was missing that line.

I see that .systemRed has been around since iOS 7.0. So could it have been removed in later versions, and the Xcode 11 compiler failed to catch it?

P.S. This is the code accepted by Xcode 11, but rejected by Xcode 10.3:

navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem?.tintColor = .systemRed

The 10.3 compiler says Type 'UIColor?' has no member 'systemRed'.

>Is UIColor.systemRed something new

Been around since iOS 7...

Same problem here FYI

Same here too. Failing on CI (fresh VM each time, Xcode 10.3) and also failing on my local Xcode 10.3.

I've tried the stand alone Application Loader but same error.

Same problem...

I had the same problem with Xcode 11. I contacted Apple and after several days of going back and forth with 3 different people, the solution was this:

Please verify whether or not you have an older version of Transporter installed. To verify this, please check the following path, or use find / -name iTMSTransporter.cmd, to confirm whether or not you have an older version of Transporter installed:


If the you find that you have an older version of Transporter installed, please kindly remove it. Once the older version of Transporter has been removed, the issue should be resolved the next time you launch Xcode.

I deleted the /usr/local/itms directory and it fixed the problem

Getting this "App Store Connect Operation Failed" after upgrading to Big Sur 11.3.1 and XCode 12.4. How can I fix?
App Store Connect Operation Error