Faced with a really perplexing issue. Primary problem is that sometimes I get depth and video data as expected, but at other times I don't. And sometimes I'll get both data outputs for a 4-5 frames and then it'll just stop. The source code I implemented is a modified version of the sample code provided by Apple, and interestingly enough I can't re-create this issue with the Apple sample app. So wondering what I could be doing wrong?
Here's the code for setting up the capture input. preferredDepthResolution is 1280 in my case. I'm running this on an iPad Pro (6th gen). iOS version 17.0.3 (21A360). Encounter this issue on iPhone 13 Pro as well. iOS version is 17.0 (21A329)
private func setupLiDARCaptureInput() throws {
// Look up the LiDAR camera.
guard let device = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInLiDARDepthCamera, for: .video, position: .back) else {
throw ConfigurationError.lidarDeviceUnavailable
guard let format = (device.formats.last { format in
format.formatDescription.dimensions.width == preferredWidthResolution &&
format.formatDescription.mediaSubType.rawValue == kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarFullRange &&
format.videoSupportedFrameRateRanges.first(where: {$0.maxFrameRate >= 60}) != nil &&
!format.isVideoBinned &&
}) else {
throw ConfigurationError.requiredFormatUnavailable
guard let depthFormat = (format.supportedDepthDataFormats.last { depthFormat in
depthFormat.formatDescription.mediaSubType.rawValue == kCVPixelFormatType_DepthFloat16
}) else {
throw ConfigurationError.requiredFormatUnavailable
// Begin the device configuration.
try device.lockForConfiguration()
// Configure the device and depth formats.
device.activeFormat = format
device.activeDepthDataFormat = depthFormat
let desc = format.formatDescription
dimensions = CMVideoFormatDescriptionGetDimensions(desc)
let duration = CMTime(value:1, timescale:CMTimeScale(60))
device.activeVideoMinFrameDuration = duration
device.activeVideoMaxFrameDuration = duration
// Finish the device configuration.
self.device = device
print("Selected video format: \(device.activeFormat)")
print("Selected depth format: \(String(describing: device.activeDepthDataFormat))")
// Add a device input to the capture session.
let deviceInput = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: device)
guard let audioDevice = AVCaptureDevice.default(for: .audio) else {
// Configure audio input - always configure audio even if isAudioEnabled is false
audioDeviceInput = try! AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: audioDevice)
deviceSystemPressureStateObservation = device.observe(
options: .new
) { _, change in
guard let systemPressureState = change.newValue else { return }
print("system pressure \(systemPressureState.levelAsString()) due to \(systemPressureState.factors)")
Here's how I'm setting up the output:
private func setupLiDARCaptureOutputs() {
// Create an object to output video sample buffers.
videoDataOutput = AVCaptureVideoDataOutput()
// Create an object to output depth data.
depthDataOutput = AVCaptureDepthDataOutput()
depthDataOutput.isFilteringEnabled = false
audioDeviceOutput = AVCaptureAudioDataOutput()
audioDeviceOutput.setSampleBufferDelegate(self, queue: videoQueue)
// Create an object to synchronize the delivery of depth and video data.
outputVideoSync = AVCaptureDataOutputSynchronizer(dataOutputs: [depthDataOutput, videoDataOutput])
outputVideoSync.setDelegate(self, queue: videoQueue)
// Enable camera intrinsics matrix delivery.
guard let outputConnection = videoDataOutput.connection(with: .video) else { return }
if outputConnection.isCameraIntrinsicMatrixDeliverySupported {
outputConnection.isCameraIntrinsicMatrixDeliveryEnabled = true
The top part of my delegate implementation is as follows:
func dataOutputSynchronizer(
_ synchronizer: AVCaptureDataOutputSynchronizer,
didOutput synchronizedDataCollection: AVCaptureSynchronizedDataCollection
) {
// Retrieve the synchronized depth and sample buffer container objects.
guard let syncedDepthData = synchronizedDataCollection.synchronizedData(for: depthDataOutput) as? AVCaptureSynchronizedDepthData,
let syncedVideoData = synchronizedDataCollection.synchronizedData(for: videoDataOutput) as? AVCaptureSynchronizedSampleBufferData else {
if synchronizedDataCollection.synchronizedData(for: depthDataOutput) == nil {
print("no depth data at time \(mach_absolute_time())")
if synchronizedDataCollection.synchronizedData(for: videoDataOutput) == nil {
print("no video data at time \(mach_absolute_time())")
print("received depth data \(mach_absolute_time())")
As you can see, I'm console logging whenever depth data is not received. Note because I'm driving the video frames at 60 fps, its expected that I'll only receive depth data for every alternate video frame.
Console output is posted as a follow up comment (because of the character limit). I edited some lines out for brevity. You'll see it started streaming correctly but after a while it stopped received both video and depth outputs (in some other runs, it works perfectly and in some other runs I receive no depth data whatsoever). One thing to note, I sometimes run quicktime mirroring to see the device screen to see what the app is displaying (so not sure if that's causing any interference - that said I don't see any system pressure changes either).
Any help is most appreciated! Thanks.
My app is using SwiftData, but I deployed it to the app store with no VersionedSchema applied without thinking about migrating the model. Now I need to migrate the data and I need help from someone who has experience moving from non-versioned to versioned.
Assuming I currently have a version1, version2 schema, it works fine for the initial install situation, but when I migrate to version1, version2 in an app that is listed on the app store, I run into problems.
I don't have any logs to show for it. Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=0x16a6578f0) If anyone has had the same experience as above, please respond, thanks!
Let me know what kind of logs you need and I'll add them as a comment.
Hello community,
In our application, we've implemented Apple ID for user authentication. Unfortunately, we forgot to register the associated domains and communication email addresses. This oversight has led to complications in email delivery via the private relay service.
We've taken steps to fix the issue by reconfiguring the domains and communication email addresses. Post-adjustment, new user registrations are functioning properly. However, for users who registered before this fix, the problem persists.
We followed the instructions provided on https://developer.apple.com/documentation/sign_in_with_apple/sign_in_with_apple_js/communicating_using_the_private_email_relay_service, and we also have SPF configured, which has passed validation in our administration.
Has anyone encountered a similar issue, and if so, how did you resolve it? Any insights or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
My iOS app get access to Calendars on iPhone and iPad (iOS 17) bey when running on Mac (designed for iPad) the app gets the ".notDetermined" authorizationStatus after a call to EKEventStore.authorizationStatus(for: .event).
What should I do so that my App gain access to Calendars ?
Hey there, I'm trying to display all user's albums using the MediaPlayer library. I'm getting many albums returning nil, but I know artwork exists because they show up in the default Music app. There doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason for what shows up and what doesn't. All downloaded albums display artwork, but some cloud album artwork displays as well. Here's the code I'm using to debug this.
let query = MPMediaQuery.albums()
if let albumCollections = query.collections {
albums = albumCollections
for album in albums {
let artwork = album.representativeItem?.artwork
print(artwork, artwork?.image(at: CGSize(width: 100, height: 100)))
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I tried building the View from this section, but when there is a List on the second tab, the animation performed by the matchedGeometryEffect does not work as intended.
This video shows how the transition works with Text("Second Tab") as the second tab. Everything looks fine.
But when I replace the Text with a List, the transition flickers and does not look smooth anymore.
List {
Text("The Scarlet Letter")
Text("Little Women")
Text("Adventures of ")
Here is the code for the app.
import SwiftUI
struct MyWatchApp: App {
@Namespace var library
@State var pageNumber = 0
private let bookIcon = "bookIcon"
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
NavigationStack {
TabView(selection: $pageNumber) {
VStack {
Image(systemName: "books.vertical.fill")
id: bookIcon,
in: library,
properties: .frame,
isSource: pageNumber == 0)
Text("Second Tab").tag(1)
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .topBarLeading) {
Image(systemName: "books.vertical.fill")
id: bookIcon,
in: library,
properties: .frame,
isSource: pageNumber != 0)
Few user space applications are available in market for example xnvme, but does not have any interaction with Admin Submission/Completion queues.
Also IOCTLs are not very prominent . Is there any ways to get access to the native NVMe Mac driver source code?
Thanks, hopefully we will get some positive response here.
Xcode 15.2 will not assign a UDID Identifier to my watch Apple 8 (ver. 10.2), therefore I do not see that Watch on my Dev account list of devises.
When I build my App it will work fine on my iPhone 14 and it will show on the Available Watch App list on the phone and even (although shaded) on the Watch's Apps list itself, but it will not install and when I try to install I get this message: "This App could not be installed at this time".
I know of many others that have the same problem.
We have tried many ways to solve this problem, but without any success.
It seems like Xcode 15 does not see the Watch.
In fact when I click on the "Window-Devises" of Xcode I can see the iPhone and its identifier UDID, but it doesn't show the Watch although it is properly paired.
Also, please note that the App will Install and Works perfectly fine in my old Watch 4 ( 10.2). However this particular Watch is present on the list of my DEV Account Devises as it was entered there by an earlier version of Xcode some two years ago.
So it would appear that two versions of Xcode 15.x are a culprit in creating this problem.
Any feedback or a solution to this problem would be greatly appreciated by many.
Thank you
I'm trying to set up Sign In With Apple on my .NET 7 Web App (Not sure how many people here use this). I followed the guide by Scott Brady here: https://www.scottbrady91.com/openid-connect/implementing-sign-in-with-apple-in-aspnet-core
It reaches Apple Sign In OK, authenticates, and passes back to my server, but the callback responds with this error.
OpenIdConnectProtocolException: Message contains error: 'invalid_client', error_description: 'error_description is null', error_uri: 'error_uri is null'.
Googling hasn't helped much, other than I saw a post saying to wait 48 hours, which I have now done (not that that makes sense anyway).
Any idea whats been done wrong? Code below, replacing sensitive data.
.AddOpenIdConnect("apple", async options =>
options.Authority = "https://appleid.apple.com"; // disco doc: https://appleid.apple.com/.well-known/openid-configuration
options.ClientId = "com.rackemapp.applelogin"; // Service ID
options.CallbackPath = "/signin-apple"; // corresponding to your redirect URI
options.ResponseType = "code id_token"; // hybrid flow due to lack of PKCE support
options.ResponseMode = "form_post"; // form post due to prevent PII in the URL
options.UsePkce = false; // apple does not currently support PKCE (April 2021)
options.DisableTelemetry = true;
options.Scope.Clear(); // apple does not support the profile scope
options.Events.OnAuthorizationCodeReceived = context =>
context.TokenEndpointRequest.ClientSecret = AppleTokenGenerator.CreateNewToken();
return Task.CompletedTask;
Apple Token Generator
public static class AppleTokenGenerator
public static string CreateNewToken()
const string iss = "[MyTeamId]"; // your account's team ID found in the dev portal
const string aud = "https://appleid.apple.com";
const string sub = "com.rackemapp.applelogin"; // same as client_id
var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
// contents of your .p8 file
const string privateKey = "[MyKey]";
var ecdsa = ECDsa.Create();
ecdsa?.ImportPkcs8PrivateKey(Convert.FromBase64String(privateKey), out _);
var handler = new JsonWebTokenHandler();
return handler.CreateToken(new SecurityTokenDescriptor
Issuer = iss,
Audience = aud,
Claims = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "sub", sub } },
Expires = now.AddMinutes(5), // expiry can be a maximum of 6 months - generate one per request or re-use until expiration
IssuedAt = now,
NotBefore = now,
SigningCredentials = new SigningCredentials(new ECDsaSecurityKey(ecdsa), SecurityAlgorithms.EcdsaSha256)
Also attached, images of my keys and setp in developer portal
[posted January 30, 2024]
Earlier this month, Apple Classical appeared as an app in CarPlay. Hallelujah!!! Three days later it disappeared after another update, apparently because all it did when activated via CarPlay was crash. OK, it was an oopsie (I get it. I spent 30 years in IT, and, well, it happens. They’re called “undocumented features”). Thing is: Apple hasn’t breathed a word about this event at all. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zippo. Zilch. There’s a huge pent-up audience for this app in CarPlay. Is it coming? Please? Oh please oh please oh please?
we implemented Apple Sign-In in our website long ago, and it worked well.
Recently we have found a strange behaviour.
The first time we make the request to the /auth/token endpoint we get an invalid_client error.
Our client id is com.spicysparks.service.id
If we make a request another time with exactly the same data it works fine.
We noticed we get this error only when we try a newly generated client secret for the first time.
We have a game that provides a mechanism to log into the game with Sign in with Apple in a direct integration between the game and Apple (first mechanism). We also provide a mechanism to log into the game using OpenID connect with authorization from Apple but using a server in the middle that drives the process (second mechanism). It is important to mention that both mechanisms use the same oauth client.
We have been able to switch from the first mechanism to the second successfully, but there is a problem with id_token.
In the second mechanism we request the scopes "email", "openid" and "name", but in the retrieved id_token there is no information about the email. It happens for all users who previously signed in with Apple using the first mechanism (therefore there is a current link between the game and the user in AppleId). It does not happen with users who had no link between the game and the user and use the second mechanism, in this case we can retrieve the user information in the callback of the first call and the email in the id_token, as stated in the documentation.
However, if users who had a link between the game and the AppleId delete the app and then log back in using the second mechanism, then we can get the email information with the exact same request.
The request we use to obtain the authorized endpoint information (https://appleid.apple.com/auth/authorize) has these parameters:
response_mode: query
scope: email openid profile
nonce: ...
state: ...
response_type: code
Then we get the authentication code and get an id_token like this:
Is there a way to retrieve the email for users who had the link and don't want to delete it or log back into the app? In the official Apple documentation it is stated that the id_token should have the email but this is not the case.
Is it even possible or part of VisionOS?
Apple documentation is specific about the possible types of email_verified property
A string or Boolean value that indicates whether the service verifies the email. The value can either be a string ("true" or "false") or a Boolean (true or false). The system may not verify email addresses for Sign in with Apple at Work & School users, and this claim is "false" or false for those users.
Actually we made a mistake by supporting only String type and today had the very bad surprise to notice that we started receiving Bool types for the first time.
Do you have any info about changes on the API ?
I want to open a view in my App that contains a Model3D view and I want that object to rotate continuously around the Y axis while it is visible. Is it possible to animate the rotation of a Model3D view?
I've tried this code, but the object just sits there and doesn't rotate.
import RealityKit
import RealityKitContent
import SwiftUI
struct QuantumComputerArea: View {
@State var degreesRotating = 0.0
var body: some View {
VStack {
Model3D(named: "quantumComputer") { phase in
switch phase {
case .empty:
case let .failure(error):
case let .success(model):
.offset(x: -75, y: 0)
.rotation3DEffect(.degrees(degreesRotating), axis: (x: 0, y: 1, z: 0))
@unknown default:
} //phase
} //Model3D
.onAppear {
withAnimation(Animation.linear(duration: 10).repeatForever(autoreverses: false)) {
degreesRotating = 360
} //VStack
} //View
} //View
I'm probably missing something simple but if anyone has any suggestions (including use a RealityView) I'd be grateful for the advice.
I'm using Xcode 15.2 and have migrated my (macOS) project to use an xcstrings file a while back. Now when I check the xcstrings file, all items are marked as "stale". When I add new localized strings in code, they don't show up in the xcstrings file. The xcstrings file is built correctly (into .lproj/Localizable.strings) when building.
Where can I check which source files are checked to update xcstrings status? "xcstringstool" appears to have a "sync" feature which reads "stringsdata" files, but there is no information in the xcstringstool help on where the stringsdata files come from.
If I create a new project I can see a "stringsdata" file being generated for each source file in the intermediate build products folder.
Our app has a share extension. And we recently noticed something with iOS 17.3.1.
From Safari, when we receive the plist and try to load it, we are seeing exceptions for classes not allowed to be unarchived.
[itemProvider loadItemForTypeIdentifier:[UTTypePropertyList identifier] options:nil completionHandler:^(NSDictionary *jsDict, NSError *error) {
We see these exceptions:
value for key 'NS.keys' was of unexpected class 'NSString' (0x1ee7d2970) [/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework].
Allowed classes are:
"'NSDictionary' (0x1ee7cad38) [/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework]"
Our preprocessing javascript file is basic, and only passes a title and URL as part of the payload.
"URL": document.URL
"title": document.title,
I am using #canImport(JournalingSuggestions), but something is going wrong and my app is attempting to import the framework on iPad, and crashing on launch. How can I ensure that it's properly filtered out from everything except iPhone?
import SwiftUI
#if canImport(JournalingSuggestions)
import JournalingSuggestions
struct JournalingSuggestionsView: View {
var body: some View {
#if canImport(JournalingSuggestions)
JournalingSuggestionsPicker {
Text("Open Journaling Suggestions")
} onCompletion: { suggestion in
Text("Journaling suggestions not available on this platform.")
dyld[8689]: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/JournalingSuggestions.framework/JournalingSuggestions
Referenced from: <A656E6BC-4883-3245-BE71-3F84C2F41119> /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/C6C11F57-AFAA-442A-B726-7AADDDB50D79/Catalog.app/Catalog
Reason: tried: '/System/Library/Frameworks/JournalingSuggestions.framework/JournalingSuggestions' (no such file), '/private/preboot/Cryptexes/OS/System/Library/Frameworks/JournalingSuggestions.framework/JournalingSuggestions' (no such file), '/System/Library/Frameworks/JournalingSuggestions.framework/JournalingSuggestions' (no such file, not in dyld cache)
System info:
Xcode 15.2
iPadOS 17.3.1
Problem Situation
User membership withdrawal request → revoke API call
It always returns status code 200, but once out of 5~10, it remains an app linked to the user's Apple ID.
Re-request user Apple login → Email is returned as null
Currently, the only solution is for users to manually delete apps linked to their Apple ID. Email sent when re-requesting Apple login
When the above problem occurs, even if the Revoke API is called multiple times, the app linked to the user's Apple ID is not deleted, and when requesting Refresh Token validation, it has already expired.
Releated Issues
I have a view, and in this view I bind Axis class values — lowerBound which is a regular property and at – computed one which comes from protocol HasPositionProtocol associated with Axis.
struct AxisPropertiesView<Axis>: View
where Axis: StyledAxisProtocol,
Axis: HasPositionProtocol,
Axis: Observable
@Bindable var axis: Axis
var body: some View {
HStack {
TextField("", text: $axis.shortName)
.frame(width: 40)
value: $axis.lowerBound,
format: .number)
.frame(width: 45)
//Problem is here:
Slider(value: $axis.at,
in: axis.bounds)
Unfortunately I got en error Failed to produce diagnostic for expression; ... for whole View.
But if I remove Slider from View, error disappeared.
What could cause this strange behaviour?
Value of .at comes from:
public extension HasPositionProtocol {
///Absolut position on Axis
var at: Double {
get {
switch position {
case .max:
return bounds.upperBound
case .min:
return bounds.lowerBound
case .number(let number):
return number
set {
switch newValue {
case bounds.lowerBound:
position = .min
case bounds.upperBound:
position = .max
position = .number(newValue)