Hello @all
I'm develop a DriverKit driver extension and without entitlement checks by OS everything runs fine. But if the entitlements check is enabled in the NVRAM then I get an error due connecting my IOUserClient instance. Which entitlements are really and exactly required for my driver?
My driver contains:
one IOUserClient instance
and multiple IOUserSerial instances
The bundle identifier of the driver ist:
The bundle identifier of the client app
My entire source code is available on GitHub if any one want to dive deep in :)
kernel[0:5107] () [VSPDriver]: NewUserClient called.
kernel[0:5107] () [VSPDriver]: CreateUserClient: create VSP user client from Info.plist.
kernel[0:5107] () [VSPUserClient]: init called.
kernel[0:5107] () [VSPUserClient]: init finished.
kernel[0:5107] () [VSPDriver]: CreateUserClient: check VSPUserClient type.
kernel[0:5107] () [VSPDriver]: CreateUserClient: success.
kernel[0:5107] () [VSPDriver]: NewUserClient finished.
kernel[0:5107] () [VSPUserClient]: Start: called.
kernel[0:5107] () [VSPUserClient]: User client successfully started.
kernel[0:389f] DK: VSPUserClient-0x100001127:UC failed userclient-access check, needed bundle ID org.eof.tools.VSPDriver
kernel[0:389f] DK: VSPUserClient-0x100001127:UC entitlements check failed
kernel[0:5107] () [VSPUserClient]: Stop called.
kernel[0:5107] () [VSPUserClient]: User client successfully removed.
kernel[0:5107] () [VSPUserClient]: free called.
Here my drivers entitlement file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
Here my drivers Info.plist file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Copyright © 2025 by EoF Software Labs</string>
<string>Provide virtual serial port</string>
Here the entitlements of the client app
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
Here the Info.plist of the client app:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
RSS for tagDevelop device drivers that run in user space using DriverKit.
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Trying to use IOLog to print out a message from a dext. When I try to use IOLog, I get , though I did not or thought I did not tag it as private. I have tried to update the info.plist file for the dext according to https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/705810, but that has not helped, or perhaps I am not defining it correctly since it's a dext. Anyone else had this issue, and how did you fix it?
Hello everyone.
After a lot of research and some tests from various sources, I have actually built a small SerialDriverKit IOUserSerial driver. Unfortunately, the documentation on the official sites is tight-lipped and very thin. At least I have a running driver instance. Now my request and question: Can anyone give me a tip on how to get the data from the serial client? I have already called IOUserSerial::ConnectQueues(...) in the IOUserSerial::Start() method and I got the IOMemoryDescriptors for interrupt, RX and TX to my driver instance. I tried to get access to the memory in the method IOUserSerial::TxDataAvailable() with IOMemoryDescriptor::CreateMapping(...).
Unfortunately, no data is coming in. It's always 0x00. Here is the OS log:
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext)
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriver] init called.
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] constructor called.
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriver] start called.
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) IOUserSerial::: 40 0x600000da4058
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] Start called.
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] Connect INT/RX/TX buffer.
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) IOUserSerial::: 59 0x600000da4058
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] prepare TCP socket.
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriver] driver started successfully.
kernel: DK: VSPDriver-0x100000753::start(IOUserResources-0x100000116) ok
... some client serial setup stuff
kernel: (IOUserSerial) IOUserSerial::hwResetFIFO: 1076 ==>0
kernel: (IOUserSerial) IOUserSerial::hwResetFIFO: 1076 <==
kernel: (IOUserSerial) IOUserSerial::hwResetFIFO: 1076 locklevel = 1
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriver] HwResetFIFO called.
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] HwResetFIFO called.
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] HwResetFIFO: tx=0 rx=1
kernel: (IOUserSerial) IOUserSerial::hwResetFIFO: 1076 ==>0
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriver] TxDataAvailable called.
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable called.
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: address=0x104c22000 length=16384
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: debug TX buffer
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX> 0x00
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX> 0x00
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX> 0x00
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX> 0x00
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX> 0x00
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX> 0x00
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX> 0x00
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX> 0x00
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX> 0x00
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX> 0x00
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX> 0x00
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX> 0x00
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX> 0x00
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX> 0x00
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX> 0x00
kernel: (org.eof.tools.VSPDriver.dext) [VSPDriverPrivate] TxDataAvailable: TX> 0x00
I am trying to make a driver release, but failing (I think) because the manually generated distribution profiles are for the MacOS platform only, rather than MacOS and iOS together.
As far as I can tell, everything is correct in the manual profiles apart from the platform. The necessary entitlements appear to be correct.
In contrast, Xcode generated profiles list both MacOS and iOS as the platform and work fine for development and to generate a release archive. But Archives 'Distribute Content' gives only 'Custom' as a distribution mechanism, and no option for notarization.
So, the question is: is this a problem with my developer account (and if so, what is the appropriate channel to fix it!), or is this something subtle in the project configuration?
I am getting an unexpected crash from IOService::Create() when attempting to create a new user-client. The crash is a nullptr exception in OSCopyInObjects(). The last call from my code was IOService::Create().
As far as I can tell, all the input parameters to Create() are correct, and the Info.plist is has the correct key and class information - indeed, if I corrupt these I get an error status return rather than a crash.
Any suggestions as to what could be causing this?
I suspect that the problem may be related from a change in the underlying application that is creating the user client. This was modified from a standard app to a daemon, following the advice here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/signing-a-daemon-with-a-restricted-entitlement.
However, it is the driver that crashes - not the host opening the user client.
DriverKit CppUserClient Searching for dext service but Failed opening service with error: 0xe00002c7
Hi Everybody,
Follow Communicating between a DriverKit extension and a client app to migrate our kext to dext. The dext might have been loaded successfully by using the command systemextensionsctl list, the dext is loaded and enabled.
% sectl list
1 extension(s)
--- com.apple.system_extension.driver_extension
enabled active teamID bundleID (version) name [state]
* * K3TDMD9Y6B com.accusys.scsidriver (1.0/1) com.accusys.scsidriver [activated enabled]
We try to use the CppUserClient.cpp to communicate with the dext, but can not get the dext service. The debug message as below:
Failed opening service with error: 0xe00002c7.
Here is the part of CppUserClient.cpp
static const char* dextIdentifier = "com.accusys.scsidriver";
kern_return_t ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
io_iterator_t iterator = IO_OBJECT_NULL;
io_service_t service = IO_OBJECT_NULL;
ret = IOServiceGetMatchingServices(kIOMasterPortDefault,
IOServiceMatching("IOUserServer"), &iterator);
printf("dextIdentifier = %s\n", dextIdentifier);
printf("IOServiceNameMatching return = %d\n", ret);
if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess)
printf("Unable to find service for identifier with error: 0x%08x.\n", ret);
printf("Searching for dext service...\n");
while ((service = IOIteratorNext(iterator)) != IO_OBJECT_NULL)
// Open a connection to this user client as a server to that client, and store the instance in "service"
ret = IOServiceOpen(service, mach_task_self_, kIOHIDServerConnectType, &connection);
if (ret == kIOReturnSuccess)
printf("\tOpened service.\n");
printf("\tFailed opening service with error: 0x%08x.\n", ret);
if (service == IO_OBJECT_NULL)
printf("Failed to match to device.\n");
The console output message is
dextIdentifier = com.accusys.scsidriver
IOServiceNameMatching return = 0
Searching for dext service...
Failed opening service with error: 0xe00002c7.
Failed opening service with error: 0xe00002c7.
Failed opening service with error: 0xe00002c7.
Failed opening service with error: 0xe00002c7.
Failed to match to device.
Here is the log show message
fredapp start UserInitializeController
pcitest: fredapp pci vendorID: 14d6 deviceID: 626f
fredapp nnnnnew configuaration read32 0x10 info: 1
fredapp nnnnnew configuaration read32 0x14 info: 80100004
fredapp new 128 before enable busmaster ReqMSGport_info 0x00000040 : fffff
pcitest: fredapp 131 pci ConfigurationRead16 busmaster value 0
pcitest: fredapp 134 Enable BusMaster and IO space done......
locate 139 fredapp MemoryWrite32 function done......
fredapp new 143 after enable busmaster ReqMSGport_info 0x00000040 : 0
fredapp newwww before GetBARInfo memoryIndex1 info is: 5
fredapp GetBARInfo 1 kernel return status is: 0
fredapp GetBARInfo memoryIndex1 info is: 0
fredapp GetBARInfo barSize1 info is: 262144
fredapp GetBARInfo barType1 info is: 0
fredapp GetBARInfo result0 info is: 3758097136
fredapp GetBARInfo memoryIndex0 info is: 0
fredapp GetBARInfo barSize0 info is: 0
fredapp GetBARInfo barType0 info is: 0
pcitest: newwww fredapp againnnn test ReqMSGport info: 8
fredapp Start MPIO_Init_Prepare
fredapp end MPIO_Init_Prepare.
fredapp call 741 Total_memory_size: 1bb900
fredapp Start MemoryAllocationForAME_Module.
fredapp IOBufferMemoryDescriptor create return status info is kIOReturnSuc
fredapp IOBufferMemoryDescriptor virtualAddressSegment address info: 0x1
fredapp virtualAddressSegment length info: 0x00080000
fredapp end IOBufferMemoryDescriptor Create.
fredapp dmaSpecification maxAddressBits: 0x00000000
fredapp dmaSpecification maxAddressBits: 0x00000027
fredapp IODMACommand create return status info is kIOReturnSuccess
fredapp end IODMACommand Create.
fredapp PrepareForDMA return status info is kIOReturnSuccess
fredapp PrepareForDMA return status info is 0x00000000
fredapp Allocate memory PrepareforDMA return flags info: 0x00000003
fredapp Allocate memory PrepareforDMA return segmentsCount info: 0x00000
fredapp Allocate memory PrepareforDMA return physicalAddressSegment info:
fredapp IOBufferMemoryDescriptor virtualAddressSegment address info-2: 0
fredapp verify data success
init() - Finished.
fredapp start UserGetDMASpecification
fredapp end UserGetDMASpecification
fredapp start UserMapHBAData
fredapp end UserMapHBAData
fredapp start UserStartController
fredapp interruptType info is 0x00010000
fredapp PCI Dext interrupt final value return status info is 0x00000000
Any suggestions?
Best Regards,
I would like to know if macOS DEXT supports the following networking features: Tx/Rx Multiqueue, RSS, RSC, NS/ARP offload, PTP or packet timestamping and TSN.
I couldn't find relevant documentation for these features in the Apple Developer Documentation.
If they are supported, could you let me know which features are supported and how to find the corresponding official Apple documentation?
I'currently working on a Driver (and its App) for iPadOS (USB Device).
I think have the right entitlements, as my driver gets installed with the app properly (after accepting it in the settings).
It also gets loaded once the device is plugged in and so on.
However the Kernel is not using the updated Version after I install a new Version of App and Driver to the iPad (at least most of the times). I'm verifying this by reading out the Logs via Console and the Driver prints its Build number on Start(). Sometimes it works like it should but I found no pattern.
As far as I understand the iPad should automatically install the new Version of the Driver with the new App if its Build is different from the current one. I'm incrementing the Build of App and Driver automatically post-build so each build the iPad gets has its own Build number (This also works).
Steps to reproduce:
Cleaning Xcode Build Folder
Unplugging the USB Device from the iPad.
Building and Installing a new Version of the Driver and the App via Xcode (making sure the build number has changed)
Plugging the USB back into the iPad
Reading Console output of the iPad
However it works (each time if I:
Uninstall the app from the iPad manually or via Devices in Xcode
Build and install the App via Xcode
Open the Settings App and activate the Driver
But uninstalling the App each time is taking a lot of time and manual Steps so I would like to fix this issue.
Do you have any Ideas?
Thanks, Bjarne
I've asked this question in Stackoverflow, but no response, so I ask for help in here.
I follow this guide Debugging and testing system extensions, and try to debug my dext code.
In the Attach the debugger to your system extension, it said After your system extension launches, run the ps command-line tool and note your extension’s process ID.
This is the current output for my dext status
% systemextensionsctl list
1 extension(s)
--- com.apple.system_extension.driver_extension
enabled active teamID bundleID (version) name [state]
* * K3TDMD9Y6B com.accusys.scsidriver (1.0/1) com.accusys.scsidriver [activated enabled]
and I used the ps command but nothing happen, I can not get my extension’s process ID.
ps aux | grep com.accusys.scsidriver
ps -ef | grep com.accusys.scsidriver
How to do that?
Any suggestion is appreciated.
I have a driver project where I'm opening and closing a connection to a custom driver.
If I do what I think I need to be doing to unmap the memory, when I try to open the service again, it fails. If I skip the step where I do that unmapping, the service opens successfully.
If I call unmap() before trying to call openConnection() again, it will fail with a -308 error return code. If I skip that call to unmap(), it works and I'm able to communicate with my device.
Here's the code where I open the service:
public func openConnection() throws {
guard !isOpen else { return }
// Open device
var connection: io_connect_t = IO_OBJECT_NULL
var result = IOServiceOpen(device, mach_task_self_, 0, &connection)
if result != kIOReturnSuccess {
NSLog("Failed opening device with error: 0x%08x.\n", result);
throw NSError.cdc_kernelReturnErrorWithError(result)
defer { IOConnectRelease(connection) }
if device == IO_OBJECT_NULL || connection == IO_OBJECT_NULL {
throw NSError.cdc_kernelReturnErrorWithError(result)
let receiveDataMappedMemory = ClientDriverMappedMemory(connection: connection, memoryType: MappedMemoryType_ReceiveDataBuffer)
try receiveDataMappedMemory.map()
let transmitDataMappedMemory = ClientDriverMappedMemory(connection: connection, memoryType: MappedMemoryType_TransmitDataBuffer)
try transmitDataMappedMemory.map()
// Setup async notification
IONotificationPortSetDispatchQueue(dataReceivedPort, dataReceivedQueue)
let callbackPort = IONotificationPortGetMachPort(dataReceivedPort)
let input = DataStruct(foo: 0, bar: 0)
var output = DataStruct(foo: 0, bar: 0)
var outputSize = MemoryLayout<DataStruct>.size
// Trampoline to C function because I don't quite know how to make this work in Swift
result = setupCallback(self, connection, callbackPort, input, &output, &outputSize)
if result != kIOReturnSuccess {
NSLog("Error registering async callback with driver: \(result)");
throw NSError.cdc_kernelReturnErrorWithError(result)
self.connection = connection
self.receivedDataMappedMemory = receiveDataMappedMemory
self.transmitDataMappedMemory = transmitDataMappedMemory
map() and unmap() functions:
- (BOOL)mapWithError:(NSError **)error
error = error ?: &(NSError * __autoreleasing){ nil };
kern_return_t result = IOConnectMapMemory64(self.connection,
if (result != kIOReturnSuccess) {
*error = [NSError cdc_kernelReturnErrorWithError:result];
return NO;
self.mapped = YES;
return YES;
- (BOOL)unmapWithError:(NSError **)error
error = error ?: &(NSError * __autoreleasing){ nil };
kern_return_t result = IOConnectUnmapMemory64(self.connection,
if (result != kIOReturnSuccess) {
*error = [NSError cdc_kernelReturnErrorWithError:result];
return NO;
self.mapped = NO;
return YES;
Any insights? What all should I be doing to close the service? Why would the unmapping create this issue or what else could the -308 error be indicated has gone wrong?
Development environment: Xcode 15.4, macOS Sonoma 14.5
Run-time configuration: macOS Sonoma 14.5
Hi, I'm on DriverKit 21.0. I'm looking for a system call (that isn't deprecated) in my driver to set the Ethernet link speed manually. Normally a user would set it by System Settings... -> Network -> -> Details -> Hardware -> Configure (Manually), and then Speed (choose the link speed). With my driver, when I configure for manual, no link speeds show up. I want to know how to populate the speeds (1000BaseT, etc.) so a user can select one. What system APIs are used for this? I can't find much detail in the documentation. I do see Instance Methods for some related things like getSupportedMediaArray, but most of these newer methods don't have details in the documentation to guide me on what they actually do. Thanks in advance...
I am attempting to build a package for distribution. It is not clear how to fix the profile. Can someone point me some documentation that may help me resolve this?
Xcode 14 and later requires a DriverKit development profile enabled for iOS and macOS. Visit the developer website to create or download a DriverKit profile.
Are Administrators able to request a system extension via https://developer.apple.com/contact/request/system-extension/ or are Account Holders the only ones who can?
I have been working on a multi-platform multi-touch HID-standard digitizer clickpad device.
The device uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) as its connectivity transport and advertises HID over GATT. To date, I have the device working successfully on Windows 11 as a multi-touch, gesture-capable click pad with no custom driver or app on Windows.
However, I have been having difficulty getting macOS to recognize and react to it as a HID-standard multi-touch click pad digitizer with either the standard Apple HID driver (AppleUserHIDEventDriver) or with a custom-coded driver extension (DEXT) modeled, based on the DTS stylus example and looking at the IOHIDFamily open source driver(s).
The trackpad works with full-gesture support on Windows 11 and the descriptors seem to be compliant with the R23 Accessory Guidelines document, §15.
With the standard, matching Apple AppleUserHIDEventDriver HID driver, when enumerating using stock-standard HID mouse descriptors, the device works fine on macOS 14.7 "Sonoma" as a relative pointer device with scroll wheel capability (two finger swipe generates a HID scroll report) and a single button.
With the standard, matching Apple AppleUserHIDEventDriver HID driver, when enumerating using stock-standard HID digitizer click/touch pad descriptors (those same descriptors used successfully on Windows 11), the device does nothing. No button, no cursor, no gestures, nothing. Looking at ioreg -filtb, all of the key/value pairs for the driver match look correct.
Because, even with the Apple open source IOHIDFamily drivers noted above, we could get little visibility into what might be going wrong, I wrote a custom DriverKit/HIDDriverKit driver extension (DEXT) (as noted above, based on the DTS HID stylus example and the open source IOHIDEventDriver.
With that custom driver, I can get a single button click from the click pad to work by dispatching button events to dispatchRelativePointerEvent; however, when parsing, processing, and dispatching HID digitizer touch finger (that is, transducer) events via IOUserHIDEventService::dispatchDigitizerTouchEvent, nothing happens.
If I log with:
% sudo log stream --info --debug --predicate '(subsystem == "com.apple.iohid")'
either using the standard AppleUserHIDEventDriver driver or our custom driver, we can see that our input events are tickling the IOHIDNXEventTranslatorSessionFilter HID event filter, so we know HID events are getting from the device into the macOS HID stack. This was further confirmed with the DTS Bluetooth PacketLogger app. Based on these events flowing in and hitting IOHIDNXEventTranslatorSessionFilter, using the standard AppleUserHIDEventDriver driver or our custom driver, clicks or click pad activity will either wake the display or system from sleep and activity will keep the display or system from going to sleep.
In short, whether with the stock driver or our custom driver, HID input reports come in over Bluetooth and get processed successfully; however, nothing happens—no pointer movement or gesture recognition.
For the standard AppleUserHIDEventDriver:
Pair the device with macOS 14.7 "Sonoma" using the Bluetooth menu.
Confirm that it is paired / bonded / connected in the Bluetooth menu.
Attempt to click or move one or more fingers on the touchpad surface.
Nothing happens.
For the our custom driver:
Pair the device with macOS 14.7 "Sonoma" using the Bluetooth menu.
Confirm that it is paired / bonded / connected in the Bluetooth menu.
Attempt to click or move one or more fingers on the touchpad surface.
Clicks are correctly registered. With transducer movement, regardless of the number of fingers, nothing happens.
I am trying to add a few properties to an IOUSBHostDevice but the SetProperties is returning kIOReturnUnsupported. The reason I am trying to modify the IOUSBHostDevice's properties is so we can support a MacBook Air SuperDrive when it is attached to our docking station devices. The MacBook Air SuperDrive needs a high powered port to run and this driver will help the OS realize that our dock can support it.
I see that the documentation for SetProperties says:
The default implementation of this method returns kIOReturnUnsupported. You can override this method and use it to modify the set of properties and values as needed. The changes you make apply only to the current service.
Do I need to override IOUSBHostDevice? This is my current Start implementation (you can also see if in the Xcode project):
IMPL(MyUserUSBHostDriver, Start)
kern_return_t ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
OSDictionary * prop = NULL;
OSDictionary * mergeProperties = NULL;
bool success = true;
os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "> %s", __FUNCTION__);
os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s:%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
ret = Start(provider, SUPERDISPATCH);
__Require(kIOReturnSuccess == ret, Exit);
os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s:%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
ivars->host = OSDynamicCast(IOUSBHostDevice, provider);
__Require_Action(NULL != ivars->host, Exit, ret = kIOReturnNoDevice);
os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s:%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
ret = ivars->host->Open(this, 0, 0);
__Require(kIOReturnSuccess == ret, Exit);
os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s:%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
ret = CopyProperties(&prop);
__Require(kIOReturnSuccess == ret, Exit);
__Require_Action(NULL != prop, Exit, ret = kIOReturnError);
os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s:%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
mergeProperties = OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, prop->getObject("IOProviderMergeProperties"));
__Require_Action(NULL != mergeProperties, Exit, ret = kIOReturnError);
os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s:%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
ret = ivars->host->CopyProperties(&prop);
__Require(kIOReturnSuccess == ret, Exit);
__Require_Action(NULL != prop, Exit, ret = kIOReturnError);
os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s:%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s : %s", "USB Product Name", ((OSString *) prop->getObject("USB Product Name"))->getCStringNoCopy());
os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s : %s", "USB Vendor Name", ((OSString *) prop->getObject("USB Vendor Name"))->getCStringNoCopy());
os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s:%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
success = prop->merge(mergeProperties);
__Require_Action(success, Exit, ret = kIOReturnError);
os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s:%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
ret = ivars->host->SetProperties(prop); // this is no working
__Require(kIOReturnSuccess == ret, Exit);
os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "err ref %d", kIOReturnUnsupported);
os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "< %s %d", __FUNCTION__, ret);
return ret;
I would like to write a driver that supports our custom USB-C connected device, which provides a serial port interface. USBSerialDriverKit looks like the solution I need. Unfortunately, without a decent sample, I'm not sure how to accomplish this. The DriverKit documentation does a good job of telling me what APIs exist but it is very light on semantic information and details about how to use all of these API elements. A function call with five unexplained parameters just is that useful to me.
Does anyone have or know of a resource that can help me figure out how to get started?
I have a DriverKit system extension (dext) that uses PCIDriverKit. I would like to get the build environment straightened out to successfully distribute the dext and associated software to end users.
There are three types of software involved:
The Dext-hosting application - this is the application that must be installed to /Applications/, and will perform the registration of the dext. The dext is deployed "within" this application, and can be found in the /Contents/Library/SystemExtensions folder of the app bundle.
The dext itself - this is the actual binary system extension, which will be registered by its owning application, and will operate in its own application space independent of the hosting application.
Additional applications that communicate with the dext - these are applications which will connect to the dext through user clients, but these applications do not contain the dext themselves.
There are multiple locations where settings need to be exactly correct for each type of software to be signed, provisioned, and notarized properly in order to be distributed to users:
developer.apple.com - where "identifiers" and "provisioning profiles" are managed. Note that there are differences in access between "Team Agent", "Admin", and "Developer" at this site.
Xcode project's Target "Signing & Capabilities" tab - this is where "automatically manage signing" can be selected, as well as team selection, provisioning profile selection, and capabilities can be modified.
Xcode project's Target "Build Settings" tab - this is where code signing identity, code signing development team, code signing entitlements file selection, Info.plist options and file selection, and provisioning profile selection.
Xcode's Organizer window, which is where you manage archives and select for distribution. In this case, I am interested in "Developer ID" Direct Distribution - I want the software signed with our company's credentials (Team Developer ID) so that users know they can trust the software.
Choosing "automatically manage signing" does not work for deployment. The debug versions of software include DriverKit (development) capability (under App ID configuration at developer.apple.com), and this apparently must not be present in distributable provisioning. I believe this means that different provisioning needs to occur between debug and release builds?
I have tried many iterations of selections at all the locations, for all three types of binaries, and rather than post everything that does not work, I am asking, "what is supposed to work?"
I have two different USB devices with different vendor IDs I would like to connect to. I submitted two separate requests for the com.apple.developer.driverkit.transport.usb entitlement for each vendor ID. However I am noticing the provisioning profile only has one of the vendor IDs.
How do I submit a request for the USB Transport entitlement to support more than one vendor ID? I'm new to writing a DriverKit driver, so is this even possible?
I want to install a driver package without internet access and the installation fail. This I think it is due to it need internet to check for signature with Apple Server.
The workaround is to disable System Integrity Protection, but I do not have the administrator password to disable it.
How to install a driver and allow a driver to run without internet access and administrator account? This driver is develop by ourself but how to by pass the code signing and security check for others to use this driver on their Mac PC?
Currently I am following
to activate the system extension
If the extension is inactive, the system may need to prompt the user for approval. Which others API can I use which do not need prompt user for approval?
Beside in order to validate the code signing, it need to communicate with Apple server which required internet access. Any method to by pass this validation?
I'm developing a custom AU plugin that needs to connect to a DriverKit driver. Using the DriverKit sample (https://github.com/DanBurkhardt/DriverKitUserClientSample.git), I was able to get a standalone app to connect to the driver successfully. However, the AU plugin, running in a sandboxed host, isn't establishing the connection. I’ve already added the app sandbox entitlement, but it hasn’t helped. Any advice on what might be missing?