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Use TestFlight in App Store Connect to invite and manage beta testers for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps. Discuss questions here and share app builds publicly via TestFlight under the Community topic.

TestFlight Documentation






Could not install <appname> error in TestFlight
Hello, I have encountered this error in all the applications I have listened to so far on my individual developer account and I cannot test it. I heard that different developer friends of mine are experiencing this problem, especially on individual accounts. All test users I added to my account also have this problem. They all have different phones and operating system versions. I tried a lot of solutions on different computers, Xcode versions, etc. But I couldn't find a solution. Could you please help with this?
May ’24
Reject: 2.1.0 Performance: App Completeness Bug description: Specifically, no action occurred after completing in-app purchase.
Hello. I received a rejection on a new application in the first release for some unknown reason: 2.1.0 Performance: App Completeness Bug description: Specifically, no action occurred after completing in-app purchase. and a screenshot of the paywall with products (prices). My products load from RevenueCat, and when tested in TestFlight, there are no issues. Please tell me what could be the problem?
May ’24
Transporter reports Asset validation failed
Our release engineer encounters Asset validation failed error with various reasons (90240, 90270, 90242, 90259) on Transporter. If I upload same ipa file by Transporter on my dev machine, I can successfully upload. Both machine installs same version of Xcode and Transporter. My system is M1 macbook and his system is Intel macbook. Other than that, I don't see any differences. I have no idea why his machine does not work. Any thoughts? Thanks
May ’24
Finding TestFlight testers for my app
Hi, I am on version 2.2.11 of my app and I need some specific things tested. Honestly, I haven't had much luck with friends downloading and testing my app. I want people who will push the limits of the first flow of my app to hopefully produce edge cases which I can then fix. I don't mind paying. Any there any good services I can use to buy a batch of testers? Is this approach above-board as far as Apple is concerned? Thanks, Ryan
May ’24
Invitation to the team - can't proceed with request
Hi, I'd received an invitation for test flight, but first, i need to join their development team. I'd received the email invitation for joining the team. Click "Accept Invitation", and prompt to log in. Success. But, I'd received "Cannot proceed with the request" message. Although, I'd try 2 different account tester. When, I click, "Contact Us". This page appeared. And I realize that, sometime, I didn't receive the invitation link although my teammate had sent it multiple times...
May ’24
TestFlight: Expired & removed public testers still occupying the tester slot
3 months before I uploaded a build 1.0(1) and had 10000(not sure why it's showing 10001) public testers via public link. Now this build has expired and I've remove all these public testers, but seems these testers are still occupying the tester slots so that new testers are not able to join test for my new uploaded build 1.0(2), showing "beta is full" to them. I've been waiting for 2 days but those removed testers are still showing in the tester list as "deleted" status and not removed. I've tried upload new builds but it didn't work, what shall I do now?
May ’24
Some users can't be add to my appstore connect account
I'm adding many users to internal testing purpose. A few users did't received and welcome to apple developer program after signing in from invitation email. I've checked and didn't they on the user lists, so I can't added to internal tester group. We've tried so many times. I noticed that every users that had the same problem didn't see the trust this device page during the signing process. How should I fix this problem.
May ’24
Can't test the release build in TestFlight
Hi everyone, Our app has been removed from App Store (the status is "Removed from App Store"). So I have prepared new build and tested it in a debug mode. Works fine. I have uploaded the release build to the App Store Connect and submitted it for Review. After couple of hours I received the message that the release build doesn't work for the apple reviewers. When I want to install the app through TestFlight it says that the app doesn't exist (I an see it after I press "Install" button in TestFlight, I guess the reason is because the app has been removed from App Store). IPA file doesn't work as well. IS there any way I can test the release build (through TestFlight or installing IPA)? Thank you in advance
May ’24
New Team Member: Create Your Apple ID is Failing
Hi All, Our "Account Holder" has invited a new user to our corporate dev account in order for them to participate in our new round of TestFlight testing. When they follow the link in the invitation and attempt to "Create Your Apple ID" and enter the special code displayed on the screen correctly they receive a dialog: Your request could not be completed at this time. Your account cannot be created at this time. They've been trying over the last few days so it seems unlikely this is a backend issue (but who knows). I also (in desperation) tried resending them an invite and they had the exact same result. Hopefully someone here has seen (or is seeing) this issue and perhaps has an idea of how to resolve this. Thanks very much in advance, Eric
Apr ’24
TestFlight: The requested app is not available or doesn't exist.
I'm getting error when I'm trying to install TestFlight I'm getting the requested app does not exist or not available error, TestFlight delivery was successful and also setup is correct, our app is still in development and we have release any version on app store yet, we are testing via TestFlight, please help to resolve this issue. I have raised many support requests as well but not getting any response
Apr ’24
Is it acceptable to create a custom TestFlight badge for an app and utilize it?
I've published my app on TestFlight and enabled the public beta link, allowing users to try out the app and provide feedback. I'm considering creating a custom TestFlight badge (Like this - https://askyourself.app/assets/testflight.png) for my app, linking it to the public beta link, and embedding it on my website. Is this an acceptable practice?
Apr ’24
what is BLSBacklightSceneUpdateAction?
My WatchOS sometimes just freeze and then I got this error message: "<BLSBacklightSceneUpdateAction: 0x18e539c0; info: <BSSettings: 0x18e70f40> {\n (1) = No;\n (2) = No;\n (3) = Yes;\n}; responder: <_BSActionResponder: 0xc0084f00; active: YES; waiting: YES> clientInvalidated = NO;\nclientEncoded = NO;\nclientResponded = NO;\nreply = <BSMachPortSendOnceRight: 0xc008ca60; usable: NO; (496:aa9f:send-once xpcCode) from (34:59d07:send-once take)>;\nannulled = NO;>" Does anyone have this issue? What is the reason and any solution for this? Thanks!
Apr ’24